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Posts posted by jad1

  1. I can't believe some of you guys.  How can you deny that, if your QB throws 3 picks on the road against a highly-ranked offense, you're more often than not screwed?  I know DB made a lot of good passes, but he also made some horrible plays that could have cost us the game.  On one of his picks he didn't even account for the free safety on a middle post pattern.  That's inexcusable for a veteran QB!  I guarantee that, had the Seahawks scored TDs after those picks and we'd have lost, you'd all be piling on Bledsoe for another woeful road game.  I also guarantee you that, despite yesterday's victory, 3 picks on the road in the playoffs is a recipe for a Loss.



    He made up for those ints on 3rd downs. If the Bills weren't converting 3rd downs, AND Bledsoe threw 3 picks, the Seattle game wouldn't look much different from the previous season of road games the Bills have played.


    But, outside of those turnovers, the Bills moved the ball. And Bledsoe was a big part of that. Moorman only had a couple of punts in the game.

  2. I know that's what you were saying! I figured you'd enjoy an article agreeing with you. Trent Dilfer will always be known as the worst QB to ever win the SB.


    Unfortunatly, guys like him are an exception, not the rule.



    Brad Johnson is another average QB who won the SB.


    Do we really believe that the only way the Bills are going to win the SB is with another Jim Kelly type QB?


    Because if that's the case, we'd all better get a hobby, becasue Jim Kelly was pretty damned hard to get in the first place, and finding Jim Kelly clones is near impossible.


    Instead of investing all the Bills resources into finding and developing the next Kelly, Donahoe and Mularkey are building a team that can be successful with the players they have.


    So instead of throwing 300 yards and 5 TDs a game, the QB just needs to control the clock and move the sticks.


    The special teams, running game, and defense will do the rest. This is why Bledsoe IS successful this year. Not rocket science, but it was beyond Williams and Gilbride.


    So if Losman, by some misfortune, doesn't turn into Kelly Jr., the Bills still have a chance to field a winning team, while they look for the next Jimbo.


    It's a good plan and it's starting to deliver results.

  3. well, since I seem to always miss getting the memo on stuff like this... are you going to share with me the consistency the Bills have shown.  What I'd like to actually chew on is DATA... or are you just blowing smoke out of your arse?  They lose 4 straight, win 1, lose 1, win 2, lose 1, win 2... where is that consistency... if it's w's and l's you're talking about... then I see they are more consistent at losing than they are at winning.  So WTF are you talking about? Can you present your evidence to us?


    Put up or shut up!



    The last six quarters against the Rams and the Hawks the Bills have played dominating football on offense, defense, and special teams.


    They also dominated the Cards in the same manner. And they dominated the 2nd halves of the 'Phins and Jets (home) games.


    If you watch these games and need ME to look up the stats for you, you are the equivalent of an assisted-living football fan.


    My original point, which you missed by a mile, is that the team is coming around and is playing better football over the last 7 games than they have in 5 years.


    Aside from the assinine crusades, there is little to B word about the way the team has played over the last 2 months.


    And that crusade is nothing but farts in a wind storm.

  4. Let's pause after 11 games and see what the other first-year head coaches are doing:


    Norv Turner (Oakland): 4-7

    Tom Coughlin (Giants): 5-6 (after starting 4-1, he's gone 1-5)

    Lovie Smith (Chicago): 4-7

    Dennis Green (Arizona): 4-7

    Joe Gibbs (Washington): 3-8 (he sort of counts)

    Jim Mora Jr. (Atlanta): 9-2


    Mike Mularkey (Buffalo): 5-6 (after starting 0-4, he's gone 5-2)


    Right now, Mularkey is doing as well as any other first-year head coach and probably better.  Mora is the only one with a record above .500 but (1) he's in the crappy NFC and (2) the Falcons hired him before the Bills had even fired Gregg Williams, I think.  And other than Mora, Mularkey is the only first-year head coach who has his team coming together and playing well in the second half of the season.


    I think some of the people who were criticizing this hire would do well to publicly reassess their positions.  :huh:



    Not bad when you realize that Turner, Coughlin, and Green also are not rookie head coaches.

  5. The title and the 1st post of this thread proves one thing:

    If you want attention, just say something off the wall or moronic...and you will get your responses!!!

    LOOK AT ME!!!!!!!    :huh:  :lol:



    I believe that was the original posters intent.


    You could wear a big red nose and floppy shoes, stand on a street corner while honking a bicycle horn, and you'll draw a crowd. But is it art? Probably not, even if the assclown keeps telling you that it is.

  6. Hey, the Bills are playing good football.  Buffalo played the Pats well up in RWS, and there's no shame in losing at Foxboro.  Your special teams are dynamite.


    The one thing I would fear, if I was a Bills fan, would be how much of yesterday's result was of the Bills dominating or the Seahags imploding?



    That's a fair question, I guess, but aside from Pittsburgh, the 'Hawks were probably the best team left on the Bills schedule.


    Even if the game comes down to Seattle imploding, while the Bills stayed in control, which they did, that's not a bad thing.


    Winning games in November and December shows that the team has character that other teams lack. That bodes well for them building themselves into a contender.

  7. Right... usually completing 3 passes to the opposition and one TD pass to one of your own doesn't garner consideration for this award.... but, I tend to forget that the "fools gold" crowd er, uh aka, the "Bledsoe Koolaid Gang" get very excited when he has a somewhat decent game against a poor defense.  I'm surprised you and the rest of the gang haven't ordered up his HOF bust... or maybe you already have and I just didn't get the memo. 


    Well, there are 5 games left... and begining this week in Miami, will the Bills be able to string two straight road games together despite Drew?


    BTW... I was in a KMART over the W/E.... they have several Bledsoe jerseys available.  I passed, but have you put yours on lay-away yet?  It's a good opportunity to get a backup jersey just in case you stain your good one with koolaid.



    Bledsoe was 9 of 11 on 3rd downs yesterday. He helped move the sticks and MaGahee slammed the door.


    I don't know if that will motivate anyone to buy a Bledsoe jersey, but this OFFENSE is working.


    The Bills could fall all over themselves trying to develop the next Kelly, or they could develop the players they have into a good team.


    I like the approach they're taking now. For the first time in years the Bills are consistently controlling the play in games. It's nice to have that back.


    And if you believe Miami has half a chance this Sunday, you haven't been watching this team play this season.

  8. Look, I've already said that I think McGahee is playing well for you guys and that he has a bright future.  I just think he's being overrated by many and that Donahoe was stupid to use a pick on a player who had to wait a year.  And now that Henry's value has dropped ike a rock, he won't be able to regain the pick.


    Again, good player, but I'm still dubious about him and the circumstances that brought him to Buffalo.  I'm sure the pivture will be clearer next year when the Bills have a real QB and are contending for a playoff spot from week one.



    MaGahee has started 6 games, rushed for over 100 yards in 5 of them. The Bills won all 5 of those games.


    Yeah, Donahoe is a freakin' moron for drafting guys who help the Bills win games.


    To paraphrase your sig, there's a reason for 0-5 and 5-1.

  9. I said 'If we put it in bledsoes hands we lose, if we don't and put it in McGahee and the D's hands we win' Seems I was right. Folks...we won this game in spite of Drew Bledsoe. 3 more ill advised and crappy picks. AGAIN Great pocket. AGAIN all the time in the world. Over, under, behind throws.


    Good thing that's not the fuggin gameplan then, right sparky?


    99.9% of this board realizes that the team is not being put on Bledsoe's shoulders. The Bills aren't about Bledsoe. He's just another cog in the machine, that's it. The .1% who haven't gotten this yet continue with their retarded crusades.

  10. What about that Cinci-Cleveland game today? It was a track meet out there. Rudi Johnson is a decent RB and that will be a test for the Bills in three weeks.


    The Bills shut down a pretty good RB today. The Bills D will be up for the remaining games on the schedule.


    I'm beginning to wonder how many of the defenses left on the schedule will be able to stop the Bills offense. :doh:

  11. Ok so we can't start our first round rookie QB, but fans want us to replace a veteran LT with an undrafted rookie TE at the end of this season?





    The original comments says nothing about replacing Jennings at the end of this season. It says that after spending next offseason with McNally, Peters is a candidate to replace Jennings.


    I guess reading comprehension is secondary to a crusade.

  12. If you are trying to make a point I'd like to know what it is.



    White kids and black kids have the same role models, and the majority of them come from entertainment and sports. Do you really believe white kids don't listen to rap?


    Black kids and white kids are swimming in the same entertainment pool. So black kids aren't the only ones who have hard core thugs as role models.


    So what was your point?

  13. But do you think the Marvin Lewis made the right decision in Cincinnati?  Seems to me that he took a team that made strides last year and was hoping to take the next step, and basically told them he didn't think they could win this year.  10 games into the season, Lewis is now he's saying he won't accept mediocrity?  You can't set up a team to fail and then B word and moan when they fail.  I'm soooo glad Lewis isn't coaching the Bills.


    Depending on how the rest of the season goes for the Bills, I think it is quite possible Drew is the starter at training camp.  JP needs to step up and earn the job and not count on the coaching staff handing it to him - exactly the way our RB position sorted itself out this year.


    I want JP playing because he's better than Drew, not because he's a first round pick or "the future".



    That's a good question. On the other hand, if the Bills would have handed the starting RB position to McGahee from the start of the season, would the Bills have been better off? Probably.


    It's tough to say. It would be great if Bledsoe started to light things up and made this argument moot, but right now, he's just playing well enough to not lose.


    With an entire offseason and preseason (and some starts this year), I believe the coaches can get Losman to that level at least. At that point, it comes down to who has the most upside, and Losman's mobiity gives him the edge.

  14. The mob has two very strong parts.  One part is Italian.  They take the heat. 


    I'm talking about role models here.  Young blacks take their role models from entertainment.  However the role models are not The Temptations, the Ohio Players or Earth, Wind and Fire any longer.  The role models are hard core thugs.


    As far as Ozzy goes, I do not agree his music makes kids commit suicide.  But being married to his wife would make me want to.


    Thank you for the bait, but I just had lunch ~



    Young blacks take their role models from entertainment? Where do young whites take their role models from, the Bible?

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