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Posts posted by jad1

  1. Im with you on hating the NHL, but Im not sure its because of the small marktet issue.  Tampa Bay and Calgary proved this past year you can win with a low payroll, heck, both of their payrolls were lower then the Sabres.


    And Im a Sabres fan BTW



    The problem comes when you try to retain those players. That's when they go to arbitration and say 'The Rangers are paying Jimmy Focktard $6 million a year, and my stats are way better than his."


    So the Lightning let him go and the Rangers sign him, and the Rangers still miss the playoffs. Meanwhile, fan interest in small markets decline, because the perception is that the team is not interested in signing star players.


    The system is now based on what the stupidist teams in the league are willing to overpay players. It needs to change.


    This whole issue is simple to solve. If the owners and NHLPA had half a brain between them, they'd copy the NFL's revenue sharing/salary cap structure.


    They'd adopt the NFL idea that offense sells and modify the rules to preserve scoring.


    They'd become partners, rather than adversaries, and work together to grow the game.


    But as they have proven time and time again, they're nohwere near that smart. They're still stuck in the big market/small market/player union feuds that almost destroyed baseball.


    The NFL is the light and the way in sports buisness management. They've shown that if the sides are willing to curb their greed a little, amazing growth is possible. Emulating their model on a smaller scale would satisfy the majority of owners and players in the NHL, and give the fans a much improved product.

  2. Uhhh... yeah.


    Ted Marchibroda and Wade were both head coaches before coming to Buffalo.  Ted Cottrell is a DC.  That does not qualify as a coaching tree in anyone's book.




    Coaching trees are pretty rare in the NFL. Paul Brown and Walsh had them, but guys like Lombardi, Noll, and Gibbs didn't.


    A coach needs to pioneer a system to have a coaching tree. Levy, and the guys mentioned above, relied more on the abilites of their coaches and players to be successful.


    Johnson wasn't an innovator, he did help the transition to speedier players, but that's not really on par with the invention of the west coast offense. He did a good job evaluating talent in Dallas, mostly because he was evaluating alot of those guys a second time after coaching the Hurricanes.


    So it's not suprising that his tree is withering. These guys weren't coaching a 'Jimmy Johnson' system. They were left to their own abilities, which turned out to be mediocre by NFL standards.

  3. Again some on this board are saying sit JP NEXT YEAR AS WELL!  Read man, read...



    I did read. I'll sum it up for you, since you're too slow to understand the stats that you, yourself post.


    --Fat said that there are good QBs who sat their first year, citing Pennington and Brady.


    --YOU ignored Brady and used Pennington as the whipping boy to make your argument (i.e. How many playoff games did Pennington win? How many SBs did Pennington win).


    --I pointed out your distortion of Fatty's point, ignoring Brady, who sat his first year and won the SB MVP his second.


    --I asked the question, why can't Losman do the same, proving that I was not advocating sitting Losman his second year.


    --You claimed that Brady did start his rookie year, even though the stats you posted proved otherwise, for which I called you a dumbass.


    --You then claimed the argument isn't about sitting one year, it's sitting two, claiming I should read the messages I responded too.


    You're pulling stuff out of your ass so fast, even you can't keep track of it.

  4. So a couple wins over crappy teams and now MM is genious? Oh christ it has really went south in here.


    Again read the post, We now have assclowns saying JP sits ANOTHER YEAR.  sorry no. You drafted him in the first round, you made this guy your franchise QB by doing so. He has to play to develop.


    Again Brady STARTED 14 out of the last 15 for the Pats.




    Hey dumbass, get your facts straight. Brady was a rookie in 2000, not 2001. From your own stats, he threw THREE PASSES his rookie year.


    So by this account, Losman is ahead of Brady's ROOKIE pace.

  5. The guy has DEVELOPED into the player he is today.  Again write and write and write over and over and over, it will change NOTHING. PLAYING and doing it as a STARTER is the ONLY Way you develop as a player.



    Yeah, after he SAT on the BENCH for a year, he DEVELOPED into a SB MVP.


    And SITTING on the BENCH did play a role in his development. No matter how much you write and crusade, you can't dispute that fact, unless you are really stupid enough to believe Brady spent a year retaining nothing.




    And just to clarify before you attack me, I believe there are several ways to become a good QB in the league. There are successful QBs in the league who started right away, and some who sat for a year a two, and some jumped from team to team before breaking through.


    What it comes down to is if the coaches who are charge of developing the QB know what they're doing. I've seen enough from Mularkey to trust he's doing the right thing.

  6. Fatty write a 10 billion word post, it doesnt' change anything. STARTING is the only way. just handing a ball of isn't going to get it done. As for your stupid assed 'start him when he is ready' Bull stevestojan....NO QB WOULD EVER START with that type of thinking.  NONE.  As for Pennington...how many playoff games have they won? How many superbowls?




    He also mentioned Brady as a guy who sat his first year. How many playoff games has he won? How many Super Bowls?

  7. Cincy's D isn't that good against the run and I like the Bills D against Palmer in a December pressure game.


    Buffalos' run defense will be key in each of these games. If it holds up, Feeley, Stouffer, Palmer, Rattay, and Roethlisberger will have to beat the Bills. I like those odds.


    Bills match up well against 4 of the 5 remaining teams they play. And if they win their next 4, I like the matchup against Pittsburgh at home.

  8. I've always wondered this.


    I picture a guy with 2 big birthday cakes on his feet instead of shoes and he's kind of lumbering around like Frankenstein's monster.


    Or, maybe a crazy person puts a great big cake (wedding style this time) in a wagon and parades it around the town square because he thinks it's a pet or something.



    I think it's a game played at county fairs similar to musical chairs. People donate cakes, put them on a table. Other people pay to enter the walk, and then the music starts and they walk around the table. When the music stops, you get the cake you're standing in front of.


    However, most of my knowlege about this comes from an episode of That 70's Show, so I could be wrong.

  9. What seems to be the problem?  Green's got a team that ain't gonna challenge for a playoff spot.  His QBs, apparently have not been producing.  This is his "free pass" rebuilding season, so he should do what he thinks is best.  If anyone knows QBs... he should... he's had success with just about anyone he plugged in in Minnesota... including Jeff George, and Sean Salisbury... two of the NFLs most renowned losers. Since his team is going nowhere, why not experiment.... start the 2005 preseason now.  When he goes to Mr. Bidwell after the season and says... "Bill, we need a QB".  He will have prima facia eveidence that he's right... he doesn't have a QB.... and just maybe the Cards enter the Drew Brees Derby.


    I don't see why anyone should have a problem with a coach, who is in the beginning stages of totally rebuilding the team and starting from square one.  He can make any moves he wants.  Next year is a different story... the bar will be raised a notch higher and in his third year, a lot higher...



    Well the Cards aren't out of the playoffs. If the Rams lose tonight, they're 1 game back. So they are challenging for a playoff spot, whether they like it or not.


    Second, getting ready for 2005 with Shaun King? Who prepares for 2005 with Shaun King?


    Third, Green had a shot at Roethlisberger and Rivers in the draft this year, he took Larry Fitzgerald instead, which meant that he had confidence in McCown. Less than 10 games later, McCown is benched? It makes Green look bad.


    Fourth, Arizona has an NFL team?!?! Since when?

  10. tell us why you love drew



    Because he was responsible for two quality comedy shows on ABC at one time.


    Without him, we'd have no Wayne Brady or Ryan Stiles, not to mention unforgettable characters like Mimi and that English store manager dude.


    That's why I love Drew.

  11. I did.



    You know your football.


    Although when the guy you're drafting scored 28 TDs on a national championship caliber college team, and he's cleared by your doctors, it's not that difficult a decision.


    Peter King didn't like it at the time, though. I'm sure he was the only one. :blink:

  12. 9. I think Willis McGahee, today, is one of the 10 best backs in football. And tomorrow he might be one of the five. He runs with power and enough shiftiness and speed to make big people miss. As much as I didn't like the drafting of McGahee because the Bills had Travis Henry, I must say Tom Donahoe's gut instincts on this kid were dead-on: McGahee is going to be a very good back in this league, and he improves the Bills at that position.



    Imagine that. Drafting a guy with #1-pick-overall talent at #23 is a GOOD MOVE.


    Who woulda thought? :blink:


    Now what am I supposed to do with my Donahoe-is-a-Moron crusade?

  13. Polls suck.



    I would rather rely on the 75 points the Bills have scored over the last couple of games, and the 45 yards they allowed on the ground to build my opinion that they are a vastly improved team.


    According to some around here, though, I'm a moron to trust my own eyes. Oh well.

  14. Dude save that crap for some 'Rudy' movie or something.



    Yeah, this is ICE's board, and optimism is not allowed here!


    Why the hell you guys want to ENJOY an NFL seaon is beyond me (and ICE!).


    The NFL is nasty, brutish, and short, and should be approached like a stay in the guoolag.


    Now enough with this crappola. Get in line with ICE and start praying for Bledsoe to be injured, so that we can have our own Eli Manning experience right here in Buffalo.

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