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Posts posted by jad1

  1. Pitt stopped NE. Cinci damn near stopped Pitt.  Sorry man I think this is MUCH closer than some hope.



    Yeah, and Cleveland scored 48 on Cinci, and only 15 on NE. Baltimore scored 26 on Cinci, and 3 on NE. So facing common opponents over the last two weeks, the Bengals have given up 74 points, while NE has given up 18.


    And while they did "damn near" stop Pitt, they still gave up 130 yards to Bettis.


    Sacking a rookie QB 7 or 8 times while their over-the-hill RB tears you up doesn't make you a good defense.


    'Almost' stopping Roethlisberger and Bettis at home doesn't equal stopping Brady and Dillon in NE.


    But if you like the matchup, go ahead and bet Cinci and bet big. Why don't you use your ISP money, and give us all a break.

  2. Just an observation on the original quote, Donahoe completely avoided the question on the QB situation for next year.


    Now some jackass might have wanted Donahoe to say that Bledsoe was out next year, or that he'll face open competition from Losman in training camp.


    But Donahoe is not a complete jackass, like some around here. Donahoe isn't stupid enough to undercut his starting QB when his team is 1 game out of the playoffs with 4 to go.


    And even though some jackasses don't believe the Bills deserve to be in that position, Donahoe isn't stupid enough to look a gift horse in the mouth.


    So Donahoe did exactly the right thing, despite what some over-reactive, junior-GM-wannabee jackasses write.


    He built up the ego of a player in the middle of a playoff race. Him doing anything less would make him a complete jackass.

  3. Are you saying capitalism is not efficient!  Communist! Communist! Burn him at the Cross!


    Witch hunts are fun!



    We're talking about pens here. Stay on topic.


    By the way, you know that story about the tortise and the hare? Turns out that it never really happened. In fact, if you race a rabbit and a turtle, the rabbit wins every time! I read it on snopes.com. Just want to keep the record straight.

  4. What's the average income in the US?


    Since I've been informed that I'm communist, I want to know if Im going to make more or less once we split up all the money...



    I hear the engineers who invented the space pen make a bundle.

  5. Fans of theblackbear and BBO hit the message board to get their fix of Black Bear information broken down by players, coaches, and front office categories. As well as the brilliant draft coverage that theblackbear provides every year.


    Brilliant draft coverage that misses the fact that McGee was drafted as a kick returner.


    Do you honk your big red nose and tie balloon animals on that site too?

  6. jad1, you're going to be on the first boxcar to the Republican Re-education Camps when we get around to opening them. You will not laugh, you will not cry, you will learn by the numbers. Bill Bennett and I will teach you.


    Just tell me where I can get tickets to that crazy train and I'll be there. :w00t:


    Until then, my wife and I will be taking the Jack Ryan sex club tour across America. :w00t:

  7. Is anyone other than me on this board Democrat and didn't get fooled by Bushshit?



    I don't know, I'd like to hear Rush Limbaugh's views on drug addiction, he's seems well qualified to chime in.


    Or better yet, maybe he can read us our president's arrest record. Or our "C student" president can lecture our kids about the importance of getting good grades.


    Maybe Morality Czar Bill Bennett can give us advice when to use the mortgage money to double down. Or Newt Gingrich can lecture us on the sanctity of marriage. Or Dick Cheney can enlighten us to the proper use of language in public discourse.


    This election made one thing clear, Republicans have the lock on morals in this country. Like Trott said, if only we elected Strom all those years ago... :w00t:


    But I digress, Ricky's a trainwreck waiting to happen. There's a lot of good reasons to retire from football, the desire to smoke pot is not one of them.

  8. theblackbear will do one better.  He'll look at all the previous Bills games all over again and see exactly who the special teams players are.  theblackbear has every Bills game on DVD. 




    Funny how you didn't bring up that theblackbear also gave credit to Bobby April.  Starters playing special teams is not the entire issure. 

    theblackbear is also talking about the entire special teams not just coverage teams.  

    How many teams would have their starting middle linebacker back on punt and kickoff returns? 





    Nice to see Blackbear is going to check the tape instead of continuing to talk out of his ass.


    Bobby April is a smart coach, but even a smart coach needs players, witness April's tenure in St. Louis.


    And if the Blackbear believes it's such a good idea to use the starting MLB to cover kicks, why not use the entire starting defense to do the same?


    Because the smart coach April realizes he has good special teams players in Wire Crowell, and Haggin, and doesn't need to needlessly risk the health of the starters.


    Check the tapes Blackbear. I'll be surprised if you find starters other than Clements and Fletcher on the special teams units.

  9. The Buffalo Bills have one of the best OVERALL special teams because they use STARTERS on their special teams and not just bench players.  They also have a good special teams coach in Bobby April.   


    Angelo Crowell and Mario Haggan (Haggins - whatever) are just two clowns that cause more harm than good.  How many penalty yards do those two guys have alone? 


    Holding / Block in the back scrubs!  Get a clue. 




    Starters on STs? Let's see. Haggen, Wire, Crowell, Stammer, Dorenbos, Peters, Burns, are the guys I saw covering punts and kicks against Seattle. Add Lindell or Moorman, and that's EIGHT non starters.


    I'm not exactly sure who the remaining 3 or 4 guys covering kicks and punts are, but lets, for your sake, say they're starters.


    In your opinion, 3 or 4 (not sure if Dorenbos covers kickoffs) starters make the Bills the #1 coverage unit in the league?


    That would be freakin amazing. All's it takes are those starters to make up for almost 3/4 of the remaining coverage teams, who, according to you, suck.


    Nice try Blackbear. Watch the Bills play this week. They actually play almost no starters on special teams. They don't have to, because of guys like Crowell, Haggan, and Wire.

  10. Still talking about Crowell and Haggins as good special teamers.  Now that's funny!   :lol:


    Players coming out of college are called good special team candidates because they aren't considered possible starters. 


    Man ..... theblackbear thought you knew! 

    You really don't want to take theblackbear on when it comes to draft talk. 






    So Wire sucks, Haggan sucks, and Crowell sucks on the special teams, but they have the #1 kick coverage team in the NFL.


    When you throw in the kicker, that's 4 players who suck at covering kicks out of 11.


    So Blackbear, self-proclaimed genius and saviour of TSW, tell me, how can the Bills have the best kick coverage team in the NFL, with only 7 good players covering kicks?


    When you can explain that to me, maybe I'll listen to your worthless babble on the draft, and you can also explain how you missed that McGee was drafted as kick returner.


    Blackbear, you're 2 seconds away from the ignore button, you worthless blowhard windbag. Your knowledge is underwhelming, to say the least.

  11. Who said Coy Wire was a good special teams player? Probably the same people that said he would make a good free safety.



    Even if he was a good special teams player (he isn't) you still want your special teamers to be down the road starters. Wire will never be a starting defensive back and he's not a good enough special teamer to keep him forever for just that. That's the bottom line.



    theblackbear said defensive is not a major need because the Bills can NOT release Aaron Schobel. The mistake there was in giving him a new contract. The Bills could be better at defensive but the position is not killing them.



    Sure you can say Donahoe is a genius for drafting Terrence McGee because he knew he would be a great return man but no one would believe you. If he thought that he wouldn't have brought in Brown to return kicks last year.



    theblackbear's not even going to touch the Haggins and Crowell are both good special teamers comment. You're self checked on that one homie


    Well this proves that the Blackbear is nothing but a worthless hack.


    The Blackbear must believe that the Bills have the best special teams unit in the league not because of the player's performance, but because of MAGIC.


    Would the Blackbear be so cavilier about cutting players from other #1 units in the league, like the Colts offense? Or the Ravens Defense?


    Probably not, which means that the Blackbear underestimates the importance of special teams.


    And Blackbear must not have read any of Terrence McGee's predraft bio, which said he could be a solid return man before he developed into a starting CB.


    In fact Blackbear, Aikens, Crowell, Haggins, and McGee were all listed as steller special teams performers in college. Again Blackbear misses the obvious point that drafting good special teams players results in good special teams play.


    The Blackbear must not remember that Antonio Brown got the job because of his steller preseason performance, and that at the end of the last season, McGee was inserted into the return game, after Brown's mediocre showing in the regular season.


    Perhaps the Blackbear doesn't remember how Marv Levy focused on special teams, and used them as a weapon to get to 4 SBs.


    jad1 remembers, and jad1 says that jeopardizing the STs with foolish roster cuts doesn't make any sense.

  12. Because sooner or later,

    someone will get hurt & then Wire will be in at S again. :ph34r:  :w00t:


    I agree with theblackbear, Wire needs to leave town.



    You can bring in another S and move Wire to 3rd string at S. But I would be cautious about unnecessarily blowing a hole in the special teams.


    Before the opening game against the Jets in 2002 Donahoe replaced two or three special teams players. Anyone remember how that turned out?

  13. The Blackbear's releases and replacements don't add up.


    The Blackbear wants to drop both Shoebel and Denney, but then says "Free Agent Defensive End: Not a major need but the Bills need to find a strong side defensive for at least depth purposes."


    Even a tardo like Blackbear must realize that releasing Shoebel, a starter, would make the signing or drafting of a DE the #1 priority.


    Then Blackbear wants to release Wire, a backup safety, but a big contributor to the #1 special teams unit in the league.


    But Blackbear also says, "Rookie special teamer: At the end of the draft the Bills need to look for special teamers with potential to be starters. Special teamers are always slept on on draft day. It's better to land a good special teamer than to get a backup player."


    So Blackbear wants to cut a solid special teams performer in Wire, and then replace him with a rookie, why not just keep Wire and consider your special teams set, which lets the team focus on other areas?


    And by the way Blackbear, you must have been hibernating during the 2003 draft, when TD DID focus on Special teams, drafting McGee, Haggins, and Crowell in the mid-rounds. Aiken was also a good returner in college. TD also picked up F. Smith in the 2004 draft.


    So, unbeknown to you, Donahoe hasn't been 'sleeping' when it comes to special teams on draft day.

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