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Posts posted by jad1

  1. Is there anything better in the NFL than seeing a big fat guy sack the QB? Sam's been on a pretty good streak the last few games, and it's entertaining as hell watching him squash the passer.


    Ted Washington got one too, on Xmas. Watching the look in Trent Green's eye as Washington was about to take him down was hilarious.

  2. With the amount of money networks are shelling out for the games, a dynamic late-season schedule is inevitable.


    While the night games have been competitive, ABC and ESPN have to be a bit miffed that they've wasted two nationally televised games on the pathetic Dolphins the last two weeks.


    Considering how the season has played out, they'd much rather have Manning Vs. Brees as their game. Or the Steelers vs. the Ravens.


    I'm for this change. To keep the product viable, the NFL has to offer attractive matchups during prime time. Die-hard fans will watch any game, but the ratings boost comes from attracting the fringe fans with marquee matchups.


    To be fair to the fans, they'll probably determine which game they'll show 4-6 weeks before it's played.

  3. or if we are just playing weak teams.  I think based on the takeawys we have been taking away and the points we are putting up, we might be that good.  what baffles me is the turnaround by bledsoes play.  does the running game make THAT big of a difference?  I mean the O-Line AND Bledsoe are playing exponentially better than they were in the beginning of the year.  it is awesome.  any thoughts?



    Don't forget the emergence of Evans. With Moulds healthy all season, the receiving corps is a hell of a lot better than it was last year. Combine that with McGahee and the improving Oline, and the idea that the players surrounding Bledsoe can improve his play gains merit.

  4. Well, when a GM picks up that many UDFA's, it also means that he had to have been missing on picks in previous years,  right? ;-)





    Maybe, but when that GM has replaced 51 of the 53 players on his roster in a span of 4 years, and is challenging for a playoff spot his 4th year, he's on the right track.

  5. he was a nice pick but you can't give Tom all the credit.  Mcgee wasn't drafted for his Kick returning.  Bobby April found the Special Teams diamond.  The credit goes to Bobby April and Mcgee for putting in the time and making it work.



    Actually, McGee was drafted as a kick returner. Most of the rags at the time listed him as a kick returner.


    I really believe that TD targeted the STs during last year's draft. McGee, Aiken, Crowell, and Haggin all had strong ST potential. Not surprisingly, they're all delivering this year under an excellent position coach.

  6. Sal Moriana says the Bengals stacked the box with 8 to stop the run, daring Bledsoe beat them with his arm and he couldn't.


    Aside from the 60 yard bomb that lead to the TD pass that tied the game, he couldn't get the ball deep. Of course the Bills didn't try to get the ball deep again, but why should Sal let that get in the way of his brilliant point.


    Maybe he thinks that with Losman in there, Mularkey is going to start throwing deep when the Bills have a two TD lead? I doubt it.


    Is it wrong for me to expect a sports writer to understand the current offensive philosophy the Bills are playing under?


    If the Bills are up by 14, and the defense is stacking the box, Mularkey's going to play into the teeth of the defense to grind the clock, end of story.


    That's going to lead to poor completion stats for Bledsoe because he's throwing into short coverages, and a low YPC for McGahee, because he's running into overloaded fronts.


    I'd have more respect for a writer who figures out what the offense is actually trying to accomplish than for a writer who continues his season long agenda to bash Bledsoe.

  7. Since Pittsburgh lost to Baltimore 30-13 (by 17)


    and Baltimore lost to 20-3 AND Cincinnati 27-26 (by 1)


    and Cincinnat lost to Buffalo 33 -17 (by 16)


    Does that make the Bills the best team in the league??


    Would the Bills really win by 34?????




  8. Jerry Stevestojan's column



    The thing that bugs me about Sullivan's article is that he omits the fact that the Bills were in control of the Bengals game by the end of the 1st quarter, and of the Browns game by the end of the 1st half.


    Mularkey's not going to try to stretch the defense with the Bills are up by two TDs. He's going to chip away on offense, running plays right into the loaded front of the defense, trying to grind the clock down.


    Against the Bengals, Bledsoe was great on the drive that tied the game at 7. Next time he touched the ball, the Bills were up 21-7. The deep passing game which would have taken advantage of the Bengals stacking the box was shelved.


    Against the Browns, Bledsoe put the Bills in the lead with a TD pass, and the defense controlled the game in the nasty weather. Again, no need to open up the attack.


    Against the Dolphins, where the D struggled a bit, Bledsoe threw 4 TD passes, and really played a big role in the win, when he was needed.


    That's why critics of Bledsoe's 'mediocre' stats or McGahee's 'low' YPC miss the point that they're playing within Mularkey's gameplan. When the Bills are ahead, they go conservative, and they've been ahead alot over the past 5 weeks.

  9. Huh?  What rock you been under?



    I was refering to the original quote by the SF "fruits:"


    "If the later happens it would be so funny to hear all Bills fans b***h and complain about how the standings in the NFL are s**t since there will most likely be a 9 - 7 team in the playoffs from the AFC and a few 10 - 6 teams that don't make it."


    Try to keep up.

  10. There really are some knuckle-dragging, neantherthal racist asswipes on this board.



    So what do you think about the Cardinals helmet and logo?


    First off, it's a silly subject. Second, they don't even have the facts straight about the AFC playoff picture. Third, they're calling us bitchers and whiners, which we might be, but we don't have to take it from those lightweights. And finally, there are cardinals in Arizona.


    Lighten up dude. By the way, technically there's a difference between homophobes and racists. Your sexual orientation is not a race.

  11. Just to clarify, there is no chance that a 10-6 AFC team will miss the playoffs, while a 9-7 AFC team makes the playoffs.


    I believe these losers have the AFC and NFC confused. But it's more like a 10-6 AFC team will miss the playoffs, while a 7-9 NFC team makes it.


    And since the Cardinals are the only team the '9ers were able to beat this year, I can understand why their fans would obsess over them. They probably start every post with "I wonder what those loser Cardinals are doing right this minute..."

  12. The Bills have caused 32 turnovers (19 INTs and 13 FRs) and gotten 40 sacks.


    Washington has caused 24 turnovers (17 INTs and 9 FRs) and gotten 31 sacks.


    Those numbers seem to indicate that Grey's defense is more aggressive than Williams.


    Of course both Washington's and Buffalo's stats this year are much better than the Bills' D stats last year, so there's probably more to it than coaching philosophy.

  13. Main Entry: big·ot

    Pronunciation: 'bi-g&t

    Function: noun

    Etymology: Middle French, hypocrite, bigot

    : <b>a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices</b>


    1) I didn't post "It's all over for us kids." This thread was started by someone else.


    2) As you can see from the above definition, a bigot is someone who is intolerant of people with opinions that differ from his/her's.  But please, enlighten my ignorance with your definition...Mine came from Websters.


    3) Please explain how I am a "quitter" because I agree with a post that has nothing to do with ANYTHING the Bills have done, or will do.


    4) The Jets beat us at home...I guess they beat us in the Ralph then...They didn't?  Why was that?  I guess the Bills were playing better and were also at home this game. 


    Yes, this comment is tongue-in-cheek, but it relates.  A Houston or Oakland win is unlikely, but of course it could happen.  My main beef is people like you that criticize people for opinions, no matter how valid, because they don't paint the rosy picture you'd like to see.  REALITY DOES NOT MAKE A PERSON ANY LESS OF A FAN.  You act like the writer of this post has somehow hurt the Bills' cause by pointing out the situation...That GB's loss all but ended our hopes for the playoffs.  You have the right not to agree...You don't have the right to tell someone that they're not a fan because they feel the way this poster does.



    1. You didn't post it, but it's not reality, is it? Because the REALITY is, that it's not OVER. The Bills are still alive.


    2. If a bigot is a bigot because they draw a conclusion about someone because of that person's opinion, we'll guys like George Bush must be a bigot, right? Take a look at the word prejudice in your Webster's definition, that's the key. There was no prejudice, which is irrational hatred, in my response.


    3. The season is not over. The Bills are still (officially) in the hunt. And Jax is by no means a lock to win the last two. Yet you concede the playoffs.


    4. No clue what your talking about. I didn't mention the Jets in my post.


    You want to discuss reality? The reality is that the Jags are not a powerhouse. The reality is that they lost to the Texans. The reality is that if Oakland turns their game into a shootout, the Jags might not be able to keep up.


    The original post was that the season was over. I responded it was not, and there was no reason to quit on the season. You accused me of bigotry. That is the "reality" of this situation.

  14. Yeah, and the first four weeks of the season the offense couldn't run a trick play without it resulting in disaster, it's running back could gain more than 60 yards in a game, and for all intents and purposes, they had one good WR. AND they were lucky to score more than 13 points in a game.


    Now the offense is winning games with trick plays, have a solid running back, and a new deep threat at WR.


    It's taken time for this team to develop. That's what happens when you have a rookie HC, a rookie WR, and a rookie RB.

  15. Uh-huh, those points relate to the discussion at hand very well.  Actually, I was 15 at the time of the Houston game, and stayed the entire time.  I also own two tapes of the game, which I ad to find from vendors in Texas and Arizona.  But we both know that has nothing to do with what I said.


    We'll ALL watch next week, and we'll ALL hope things break our way.  No one is disputing that.  However, you seem to think it contemptuous to even suggest that our getting into the playoffs is now EXTREMELY unlikely due to the GB/JX result.  Forgive us "not real" fans for seeing the world as it is, and not how we want it to be.


    Why don't you go ahead and tell me some more about things I've done in my life as evidence of how I suck as a Bills fan.  At least that's more entertaining than watching you try to use logic to explain away your bigotry.



    Bigotry? How am I using bigotry? I admit I don't know much about you, but you obviously don't know the meaning of the word "bigotry," so I have doubts about your intelligence.


    YOU posted "It's all over for us kids." Now you say it's "EXTREMELY unlikely." Well there's a huge difference between "OVER" and "UNLIKELY." That's why I label you a quitter.


    And I used the greatest comeback in history of the NFL because that's a perfect example of the difference between "OVER" and "UNLIKELY."


    If you stayed at the game back then, good for you. But YOUR post has shown that you have become a QUITTER.


    And if you can't see the logic in that, I again doubt your intelligence.


    And by the way, since the Texans own a win over the Jags already, and the Jags haven't shown they can outscore Oakland, I'd say that it's very POSSIBLE that the Jags lose one of their last two games.

  16. I'll bet that there were a bunch of fans in Washington saying the 'Skins would never win the SB with Doug Williams or Mark Rypien.


    And a bunch of Giants fans saying they'd never win with Hoestetler.


    And I'm sure the Ravens fans thought of Trent Dilfer when they thought of a prototype SB QB.


    There are teams like Indy and Philly that are built to win from the QB position. There are teams like the Steelers who dominate on the ground.


    The Bills are built to win the battle on defense and special teams and to chip away on offense.


    If you're spending your Sundays getting pissed off at the team because of Bledsoe's performance, you're missing the point. The Bills are following a solid plan, and are doing a damn good job at executing it.

  17. How is he "pissing" all over what the Bills did?  He's telling it like it is.  And now you throw insults.  Nice.


    What the Bills have done is great, and I don't think anyone isn't excited about it, but give the "you suck as a fan because you're not blind" BS a rest, ok?


    Why not just yell at the Buffalo newspapers tomorrow for reporting a GB win over Jax...They're obviously not Bills fans.



    The News will also report that Jax has clinched nothing yet. They'll report that they're 0-1 against the Texans this year and that Collins threw 5 TDs today, while Jax's 28 points were the highest they've managed in 2 years.


    This thing is not over. Let me guess, when the score was 35-3, you left the game (or turned off the TV), because reality said that no other team ever came back from a 32 point deficeit.


    Nobody ever said being a Bills fan was easy, but conceding the season two weeks early is pathetic.

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