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Posts posted by jad1

  1. He got hurt in pre season and was out for weeks. I am not enough of a blind homer to have zero concern about injuries. This is the real deal, not college.


    That said, he deserves a clean slate and our support.



    Again, the hit was result of contact. You seem to indicate that the contact he received should not have been enough to injure him.


    Your comment "this is the real deal, not college" suggests that you do not think that the collision was that bad.


    So I ask you again, did you see the hit? Was it, in your opinion, enough to injure an NFL player?

  2. No. Let me also clarify something.....Did I like the move by TD to get rid of Drew? No. I didn't even like the trade to bring in JP.

    That said, the coaches know more than I do and this was their choice. One reservation I have is that perhaps the loss to Pitt weighed too heavily on their decision. I also go out of my way to praise JP's work ethic. I support this kid as much as you. There is no choice.....he is our QB.


    The poster suggested making this move in October 04. I was trying to jog my memory and try to recall if JP could in fact walk at the time.


    Some of the Drew support is probably tiresome, but much of the Drew blame/hate is over the edge as well.

    At this point, all any of us can do is cheer for the kid. If he has RJ talent (as some say) and football smarts, he will go a long way.



    I'm not talking about all of that. I agree with most of what you say, but on more than one occasion you have suggested that Losman is injury-prone because of this injury.


    I was just wondering if you saw the actual hit to back up your claim.

  3. after his 1st year with bledsoe he was in the same breath with moss harrison owens....... he has drifted back ever since.


    go bills. go eric



    Well that was 2003, when he was injured a good part of the year. He had a solid year last season.

  4. My point was that he has not been consistently the clutch player that a

    TO or a Marvin Harrison has been...or even a Hines Ward for the steelers...


    Eric is a good player and he has done very well for the bills during the

    last 10 years when our offense has been in a constant flex, but still as

    some one mentioned TO made the SF QBs look great (look how garcia

    fared when he got out of SF).....The same goes for Hines Ward too....

    The steelers have had a constant flux in their QBs ......from Maddox to

    Kordelll to Ben over the years....and still has managed to get good #s

    and more importantnly has made all the clutch plays whether it is

    getting the TDs or getting the 1st down....



    Actually what you said was that the only big game Moulds ever played was the Miami playoff game, which was wrong. That's what I replied to.


    It's much different than comparing Moulds to other WRs in the league, although I believe that he also stacks up better than you suggest.


    While Owens and Ward have made their QBs look good, I've pointed out in a previous message that Moulds has helped two of his QBs make the pro bowl.


    I think that the perception of inconsistency with Moulds comes from his injury history. He had good seasons in 2002 and 2004, but was injured in 2003.

  5. And has not shown up at crucial times when the game is on the line.  The only

    game that I knew he really excelled and we still fell short was the playoffs

    against Miami when he had 240 yards receiving or something close.


    Other than that he has choked pretty good...especially against the Pats

    in the last few years....



    I disagree with that. Moulds has had huge games against Miami all throughout his career, his latest coming this past season in Miami. Two years ago he was a huge contributor against Cincinnati. Back in the Johnson/Flutie days he almost single-handedly beat the Chargers at home. He had over 100 yards against the Pats in Buffalo last season.


    These are games just off the top of my head, but if you check the stats, you'll see that Moulds has been an excellent contributor to the offense.

  6. great WRs make QBs better.


    Garcia sucks. but Owens made him a probowler.


    moulds is a top WR, but wont make a sucky QB a probowler.



    Flutie and Bledsoe both made the Pro Bowl with Moulds as their primary receiver.

  7. Don't take this the wrong way, but this is the Era of Hype. If you care to search my posts, I was an early advocate of starting him. The pick was made, and DB was taking the club nowhere.


    FA compresses an NFL team's chances, I know.


    JP played in a podunk conference, took beau coup sacks, and if the Bills picked before rather that after PGH, they would have picked Ben R in a heartbeat instead of executing that trade.


    JP earned a collegiate rep as a mouthy and selfish sort - I know he's lovey-dovey now - perhaps the $$$ angle, but I'm a believer in leopards and tigers not changing spots or stripes.


    We can only wait and see.



    Not sure where you got that he was selfish or even mouthy. As I understand it, he fought to keep the football program at Tulane alive, when he could have saved the effort and transfered to a college not in a podunk conference. To me, that would have been the selfish thing to do, jumping ship for a big school rather than fighting to stay in a bad football program.


    The fact that he left UCLA because he wanted to be on his own, and then showed the leadership to save Tulane's program seem to be in line with the positive reports that we're getting from the Bills about his dedication to learning the system.


    I'm not really worried about his attitude.


    Of couse, he could have the read/recognition skills of a Bledsoe/Johnson hybrid, which would end the Losman era pretty quickly. That's the thing I'll be interested in come training camp and preseason.

  8. I like reading the magazines to look at the pictures.....and enjoy the write ups on the teams.....


    But then I get to the "final analysis" and it doesn't compute with what has been written about the team when they break it down.....it discredits the whole take....


    I dont mind if a prognosticator thinks we are gonna suck....but at least explain WHY we are going to suck....when I hear things like:


    Drew wasn't getting it done

    Now they have a QB who can scramble out of trouble

    Moulds and Evans makes a lethal combo

    Magehee could be a top 3 fantasy back

    Edwards should amply replace Pat Williams

    Defense should be strong

    Special teams returns intact

    team coming off a 9-7 season with this year being a favorable schedule


    THEN they throw in a sprinkle of a young QB (who is not a rookie) and the loss of Jonas Jennings


    And THAT is supposed to explain why our team misses the playoffs.....




    I agree with you, but the LT and QB positions are huge in the minds of prognosticators (professional and amateur). You and I might see Tom Brady in 2001 when looking at Losman, but someone else might see Akili Smith.


    There are even those who claim that Donahoe is the son of satan because he did not meet their expectations in addressing both positions (among other things.). <_<

  9. I know what you mean. I bought some 'white cloud' toliet paper over the weekend. They have a picture of big white puffy soft looking cartoon clouds on the package. Later in the day, when it was go time, I realized there is nothing soft or fluffy about it. That crap was like recycled sand paper. I was offended.



    I thought you would be chaffed. <_<

  10. I'm sorry that my "murder" of vermin upsets you.


    Here's an idea...why don't you buckle up the birkenstocks and go out to play frisbee? It'll make you feel better.



    Again whatever.


    We have one guy in this message thread who seems to follow the Dahlmer principle that if "it taste good, kill it." Another guy refuses to respect anything that doesn't live in cities (monkey cities? c'mon). And you're chasing squirrels around the backyard like Bill Murray in Caddyshack, instead of squirrel-proofing your grill.


    I don't wear birkenstocks, don't play frisbee, and don't really consider myself a "tree-hugger." I eat meat and wear leather.


    I know that the practice of making over-the-top comments is common here, especially with the PPPers, but with all due respect, I just think that some of the cliche-addled people who participated in this thread sound like they belong in a looney bin.

  11. I don't understand this implication that I took anything out of context.  Was he not defending horribly innacurate predictions?



    Actually R. Rich is correct, you did take what I said completely out of context. Even if the predictions are horribly inaccurate (which nobody here has proven), my statement that they only comprise one page of the magazine indicated that I read them for more than just the predictions.


    Actually I refer to the magazines several times during the season as a quick reference for questions that I have about teams. I spend, at most, 10 minutes reading the predictions, and that's ususally at the newstand.

  12. Excerpt from the US Dept. of State cousular Information Sheet - Mexico.




    "CRIME: Crime in Mexico continues at high levels, and it is often violent, especially in Mexico City, Tijuana, Ciudad Juarez, Nuevo Laredo, and the state of Sinaloa. "


    If you think you can sashay and caberet in TJ like you can in Anytown, USA, tell your relatives what flowers you'de like for your wake beforehand.



    Yeah, BYOBB -- Bring Your Own Body Bag :lol:

  13. I wonder how low those same magazines predicted the Chargers and the Steelers to place last year.


    Predictions in football are close to worthless nowadays.




    Yeah too bad we can't find a magazine that's 100% accurate in their predictions all the time. That way we could skip watching the games during the season. :doh:


    Imagine a prognosticator missing a rookie QB leading his team to a 15-1 record. They should draw-and-quarter that hack. :P


    In most cases, the predictions are only 1 page of the magazine. Back when there was no ESPN news, or Twobillsdrive, or NFL network, Lindy's and Athlon's were the first look at the upcoming NFL season. I still enjoy reading them.

  14. No, I suppose not. :doh:


    Crennell is doing what Marvin Lewis did his first year - clean out the dead wood.  My n'paper last Sunday said that the Browns have lopped off 20 players from last year's team.



    Not to mention what Donahoe did his first year (and second).


    It's what Nick Saban should be doing in Miami this year, but he's wasting all his time chasing lil' Ricky around.


    Nothings starts a rebuilding era like a good purge. :P

  15. Don't start with that "I heard of him" crap. That's really getting worn out.


    As far as what I would give for Williams, I agree with you. I wouldn't give a wooden nickel for the guy, but that's a personal opinion and not a business one. Unfortunately in this day and age compensation is based on athleticism and not ideals. There will be SOME team that will be interested in this quitter.



    All these great "tips" of yours is what is really getting worn out.


    NOBODY will trade for Williams. The guy will have to prove his worth with the Dolphins this year, AND make a committment for 3 or 4 years down the road before anyone would even consider picking him up.


    Williams is poison. Any GM who makes a move for him this year is risking career suicide.

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