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Posts posted by jad1

  1. He never quit on his team, his team quit on him. He was quoted in ESPN the mag as saying that the move for McGahee would give him more drive prior to the start of last season. Then he got hurt and McGahee took his job, just like Travis thought it would go down. The guy was a warrior.



    Oh, b.s. Somebody should remind Travis that this is the NFL, where guys are replaced by better players all the time.


    While he had very good years in '02 and '03, especially for a 2nd round back, Henry showed nothing in 2004 when he was given the starting job over McGahee.


    It's no coincidence that the Bills lost every one of Travis' starts in 2004. Henry was even given the job back against the Ravens, after the Bills won their first game of the year the week before with McGahee starting.


    So the claim that Henry lost his job due to injury is also b.s. Mularkey tried to give Henry the job back, and Henry flopped.


    You can't blame the Bills for drafting a top talent like McGahee to improve the team. And you can't fault them for replacing an ineffective Henry, especially after McGahee proved that he was the better running back.


    Henry was given every opportunity to succeed last year, and McGahee outplayed him in every phase of the game. Travis has nobody to blame but himself.

  2. Not in my experiance, but again at least they are  buying their drinks!!!!!


    The beginning of that quote


    The rich are the most discriminated class of people in the world. They are judged strictly by the fact that they have money.



    Yes, my heart bleeds for the poor bastards; eh, I mean rich bastards. :D

  3. Might be all the rest, but bitter i doubt!!!!!


    And being rich does not make one am a-hole. As Tommy Robbins points out


    I've met a lot of rich a-holes in my life, and I've met a lot of poor A-holes in my life. AT LEAST the rich ones can buy their own drinks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



    The fact that rich ones won't buy you one, though, is what makes them an A-hole! :D

  4. This seems to be a common problem with Buffalo professional sports. Take a look at the current Bills throwback compared to those turds they have now. Same thing with the Sabres. Night and day.



    The only thing more common is Buffalo fans complaining about uniforms like the queer-eye guys at a wine-tasting. :D

  5. That is absolutely right...Hootie has come out publicly and said if Wie wins, she's in.


    God, I'm sooooo sick of this issue....Michelle Wie, Danica Patrick, and Tom Brady are the most over-hyped female sports personalities this century.  When will the madness end?!?!?  :D



    I don't know, I think Wie is better than Brady. After all she can hit a ball 300 yards. How far can Brady throw a ball? 50 yards? It's really no contest.

  6. I saw something on the internet this morning that absolutely made it clear that the Sabres need to get some real uniforms now that the league is back.


    That something....was the Iowa Stars uniforms.




    Seriously, how many AHL teams need to have better uniforms than us before we make a change?


    BTW, that gold trim would look good on a new blue and gold jersey.



    So the Sabres should copy the Dallas Stars uniforms?

  7. The misinformation and PC garbage in this thread infuriates me.


    1. Women can play Augusta. Annika, Nancy Lopez and countless others have played there as a guest of a member or at the invitation of the club.


    2. There are black and catholic members of the club.


    3. The only issue (which is contrived by Martha Burke and her liberal PC idiot friends) is whether or not there can be women members of the club.


    4. Private clubs have the right to accept or reject members at their discression. This is America.


    There is no issue with Wie playing at the club. It's based on ability. Apparently, she doesn't have it yet.



    Yep, Hottie Hootie would have no problem with accepting Wie into the tournament if she earned it. He'd meet her on the front steps of the clubhouse with open arms to prove to the world that he is really not a male chauvanist pig.


    And if Wie does ever earn her way into the Masters, how much do you want to bet that Burke is on every talking head show the next day, advising Wie to decline the invitiation.

  8. I havn't had time to read about the new CBA, but you're kidding about this right?  My god, the NHL is already a huge joke for letting almost everyone into the playoffs.  Now they're going to EXPAND that number?  :D


    And they wonder why nobody takes them seriously. *sigh*





    It used to be 16 of 20 teams made the playoffs. The number of playoff seeds have not changed through the expansion years.


    With the increase number of entrants, roughly 2/3rds of the league will now make the playoffs. That might be high, but the NHL, with a lousy national TV contract, needs the extra games to increase revenue.


    I'm not going to complain. Playoff hockey is an awesome thing to behold. The more the merrier.

  9. The Sabres lost money the last few years by missing the playoffs. A strong playoff run, combined with revenue sharing, could make up much of their losses from a higher payroll.


    It benefits them in a big way by controlling player costs and making a whole group of top players affordable. With a cap, they would have been able to keep guys like Peca and Hasek.


    Another thing that will help them is that the playoff field is being expanded to 20 teams under the new CBA.


    In the long run, this will help the team fill the arena, because fans will know the Sabres aren't competing against teams that outspend them by 30 or 40 million dollars.

  10. >>>>I would be very worried if he had GW as his coach and Killdrive as his OC.<<<<<


    Yeah, that would really suck. Especially if you throw Travis Henry in the mix to fumble, slide on his dumb ass, run wrong pass routes miss blocks, and lose football games, right?

    Never mind.....Drew was fully to blame. With JP, there is zero to fear, rookie or not.



    Losman is not a rookie. People are making this mistake so many times they should put it on the that Mythbusters show.

  11. i think jp is still a rookie he threw like 5 passes last year plus he had a busted leg to boot.yes we have good special teams ,but lindell sinks them!when you cant go for a 40 yard field goal in a close game your team is sunk!winning formuls=strong defence,great running game ,excellent punter and a field goal kicker that can win games.ryan dosnt win games for us he loses them.



    Just because you think he is one, doesn't make him a rookie. You ignore the other QBs I mention who had relatively no experience behind them when they became starters. For example, Carson Palmer Dante Culpepper didn't throw a pass their rookie years. Tom Brady became the starter as a result of an injury, so he wasn't even able to use the offseason and preseason to prepare for his starting role. Those guys did all right.


    And Lindell not withstanding, the special teams won more games for the Bills last season than it lost for them. I'm not even sure Lindell will be on the roster this season.

  12. Wie won her 2nd match today to make it into the quarter finals.


    She entered this tournament so she could get a chance to play the masters - no way she would think about declining the invite.



    I don't think she would either, but that's not going to stop the clowns like Martha Burke from trying to pressure her into taking some kind of moronic stand.

  13. There seems to be some confussion between myself and a fellow coworker over NY's Chad Pennington and his famous midget football juke.

    My coworker is telling me that Pennington put a "wicked" (as he put it) juke over Aaron Schobel in NY.

    I preach that the juke over Eddie Robinson in NY as the Jets won 31-13. I know that is a fact but was there a time that Pennington "juked" out Schobel for a TD run?

    This is the photo in question.





    Pennington has rushed for 5 TDs in his career. 1 against Buffalo (Robinson was the victim), 1 against SD, and 3 against NE.


    Schobel is in the picture because he got to the play late, trying to cover for Robinson. Pennigton faked inside and then went outside. If it were Schobel who bit on the fake, as the photo suggests, Schobel wouldn't be laying on the sideline (suggesting that Pennington faked him to the outside).

  14. Damn, in all my excitement about this upcoming season, i almost forgot we still have lindell as our kicker...sh--!!!!!! we are sunk in close games... :lol:



    Come opening day, he might not be on the roster. The other kickers in camp have to realize that they have an excellent chance to make an NFL squad this year.

  15. hey i love the bills ,but when you have a rookie qb that is fair to assume he is going to struggle.and our special teams are not that great.the field goal kicker is part of special teams and there is nothing special about ryan lindell.i would be pleased with a 10-6 record this year.i think jp is gonna be a good one just not a all pro his 1st yr.go bills in'05



    For the record, again, Losman is not a rookie. Like Brady, Culpepper, Palmer, Brees and Favre were, he is a starter in his 2nd year.


    Not saying he'll do as well or poorly as those guys, but his experience level is roughly the same as theirs when they were named starters.


    And the Bills special teams ARE that great, even with Lindell's average kicking performance.


    You don't have three guys return kicks during the season for TDs and another guy block a punt for a TD on a special teams unit that is 'not great.'


    They even have a punter who can boom an 80 yarder on one punt, and then can run or pass for a first down on the next attempt.


    You also have to consider that they're adding Parrish to the punt return team this year.


    The special teams will continue to be great again this year.

  16. Thats exactly it. He does not seem to have the "heart" to play for the Sabres anymore. He was hitting the "trade me" button 2 yrs ago. Remember the fake cell phone call to his agent right when he scored a game winner? That tells you something. I think he is still a hell of a good player, but I don't think he wants to be in WNY bottom line. He led the Sabres in scoring last season but Briere was only a couple shy of him and led the team in points overall (Briere). So in essence, if we can get another natural goal scorer in the free agent frenzy soon, then I suggest the Sabres forget SATAN and move on. I would love to see him work with VANEK though, but I believe his time is done unfortunately.



    I wouldn't hold that against him now that the economic and competitive balance in the NHL will shift under the new CBA.


    The Red Wings, and teams like them, don't have $77 million payrolls anymore, so the money he's looking for is no longer there.


    And the powerhouse teams will lose their luster when they can no longer spend their way to the top.


    If the front office believes Satan no longer fits the team, fine cut him. But I would hope they won't make any decisions based on a player's attitude during the now-deceased big-money era of the NHL.

  17. Well, it'll be interesting to see if old Hootie lets her even play in the Masters if she wins this tourny. He's made it clear he doesn't want women playing on that course.



    Women can play the course as a guest of a member. Women cannot become members, though.


    My guess is that he'll let her play, because it won't violate any member policy. And it would be a painless way to make a concession to those who view Augusta National as a chauvanistic club.


    Wie would be the one who feels the pressure. The Martha Burke gang will put a huge amount of pressure on her to decline the invitiation.

  18. Well, that doesn't make much sense.  Don't you need more Gretzky like players in order to have Gretzky like passes?  :D



    Actually, it does. When teams chased Gretzky behind the net, he was, more often than not, able to hit the open man in the slot. Teams had to respect that and gave him more room to operate.


    When today's average player goes behind the net, defenses don't treat him like Gretzky, they go after him, knowing he's more likely to cough up the puck than make a Gretzky-like pass. That causes more scrums and cycling behind the net.


    The extra room also promoted more dump and chase, and gave goalies more room to skate behind the net to play the puck. Coaches might adopt a different offensive strategy if they can't fit two or three forecheckers behind the net. And goalies might stay in the crease if there's a better chance that they'll get caught up behind their own net.

  19. that article states the nets will move 2 feet closer to the end boards.  They mean further don't they?


    Also, why was tag-up offsides ever eliminated?



    Actually they're moving them back. A couple of years ago they moved them foward, giving teams more room to operate behind the net, ala Gretzky.


    The change didn't result in the desired increase in offense, though, so they're moving them back to increase the room in front of the net.


    The extra room behind the net resulted in more dump and chase play, causing more scrums along the boards than artful, Gretzky-style passing.

  20. Yup, as stated, if the players decide not to ratify this deal, things are going to get much worse for them before its all over...but i dont see a problem, they will ratify, and if they dont, that NHLPA will crumble with most players "crossing the line" so to speak...



    I'll bet that there are a lot of them whho are looking forward to spending another winter in Siberia, literally. :)

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