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Everything posted by HopsGuy

  1. Yeah, the Jazz Singer will be in South FL in October. The sale date hasn't been set, but I'm sure I'll be there forever in blue jeans.
  2. I was much better in high school when I shot consistently in the 80s. Now I struggle to break 100. I have, however, recoreded a hole-in-one: 147 yd Par 3 #6 @ St. Bonaventure CC. That was 16 years ago when I was a freshman in college (sigh).
  3. I'd like to point out that "Big Cat" was Bob Lanier's nickname when he played at St. Bonaventure. It didn't stick with him in the pros, and since it's been 35 years, I guess it's okay to give it to JP (if he wants it).
  4. "(They) will be a big time attraction and draw to an entire market due to the simple fact that these markets are generally underserved in great food and fun," Corriveau said. Well they've obviously never been to a Bills tailgate. Anyway, it's good that D&B is coming. I'm surpirsed that an Old Navy left the mall. Their quality is lacking, but it seems like folks are always wearing their stuff.
  5. Artie Donovan always has great stories. One time on Letterman he told one where the Colts were playing the Lions. He said that in the second half he broke through the line to sack Bobby Layne. As he helped him to his feet, Donovan said to Layne,"Jeeze Bobby, you smell like a brewery. You must have had a late night." Layne replied, "I had a couple in the lockerroom at halftime." 'Course no one tells it as well as Artie.
  6. I ordered mine online and a girl from the company (somewhere in Iowa) called to confirm the spelling. I don't think they got that many orders for Bobby C.
  7. Bob Marley - Legend (If you can only pick one song, go with Redemption Song) Kenny Chesney - When the Sun Goes Down Bruce Springsteen - Sandy (4th of July Asbury Park) I could go on all day.
  8. I haven't seen the older style available for customization online, only the OJ version. I'll keep an eye out, though. I've been wanting a Kalsu (#61, road) for a while. My jersey is the royal blue style that the Super Bowl teams wore, so it kinda looks like I have a Peerless Price jersey until you see the name on the back.
  9. Quick Bump... CUTCO will be one of the factories featured on the 9 PM "John Ratzenberger's Made in America" tonight". Quite a few of my friends work at CUTCO.
  10. That's what I say. Anyway, nice Avatar. I have a Bobby C jersey. He was my first favorite player for the Bills.
  11. Brokerage Trade Desk Principal Not that it matters. I work to live, not the other way around.
  12. Does anyone have any concrete proof which of these franchises had that pathetic fight song first? My misdirected colleagues are confident that the Fish had it first. One guy that actually grew up in South FL says he had the record when he was a kid. I tried Google, but there is about a 50-50 split about which team should take credit (blame?) for this abomination.
  13. My roommate freshman year in college had a girlfriend with a bad name: Anita Butt. She didn't need anything. She had enough for a couple of chicks.
  14. It's probably making your neck red, huh?
  15. Chris, let me ask you something.... Do you change the oil and flush the radiator in your car? 30-40 years ago, most guys our age were muscle car freaks. Today, guys that do their own maintenance are few and far between. About the only thing I do on my car is the air filter and the wipers. It's shame, but not really that big of a problem. Most people have absolutely no idea how a CD/DVD works, but it hasn't really slowed the progress of that media. There will always be a number of folks like you that know the ins and outs of this stuff, so that the rest of us can live on swimming in our ignorance. JMHO.
  16. Today's Daily Quickie on ESPN.com Page 2 had this at the end (DQ'd): "Ron Mexico" NFL jerseys: No, you can't buy one online ... anymore. (And if you don't know what I'm talking about, nevermind.) I guess there was probably a memo going around this Bristol office.
  17. Haven't seen him. I saw this story, and thought, "I wonder what XXX XXXX is up to?"
  18. Did you ever see "The Insider"? The corporation has the final editorial word.
  19. You'd need a lot of rope in FL. They're literally everywhere. 2 in my apartment complex.
  20. The '98 game at San Diego was a great time... right up until Christie missed that chip-shot. Beautiful day. The fans were cool. The chick sitting next to me had binoculars. Her friend was a Charger cheerleader, so she let me borrow the binocs to get a better look. Took the train down to the gas lamp district after the game. If Christie had just made that kick, the day would have been perfect. The 2002 game here against the Fish was a nice. Nate had a couple of picks and it was an all-around great day.
  21. The Patsies on top isn't all that surprising considering they're the two-time defending champs. There are quite a few New Englanders down here and now that the Pats and Sox are on top, they've become quite vocal (i.e. annoying). The Jets being so far down seems a bit off. That seems to be the biggest rival as far as I can tell. Remember, most Dolphans are Florida red-necks. They like to think they're more sophisticated than Bills fans, but I would peg the trash-factor at about even with us. I think we have more fans that are real X & O guys, though.
  22. Platoon: Chris Taylor: The village, which had stood for maybe a thousand years, didn't know we were coming that day. If they had, they would've run. Ron Mexico was the eye of our rage. And through him, our captain Ahab, we would set things right again. That day we loved him.
  23. That HDTV will do that. In a few years the technology will be so good, nobody will ever have to leave their livingrooms. Imagine how much shorter the commute will be for the rest of us!
  24. My mom got me RR's book for Christmas. I flip to the dish she's doing that night and follow along. I've made quite a few of her recipes, and they are pretty easy even for people that burn the water when making noodles. I think she's attractive and she seems down-to-earth (read "attainable") which makes her show(s) work so well. A guy I worked with married a girl that used to date Bobby Flay. They talk to him from time to time, and say he's cool. On another note, that same guy used to manage "Train" when they were called "The Apostles". The most famous guy I ever met is Jay Rosen.
  25. That was Fergy's best day as a pro, too. I believe he threw for over 400 yards. My first game was the '78 opener against the Steel Curtain. It was a loss, but it was great to be in that atmosphere at the age of 8. Good times... good times.
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