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Everything posted by HopsGuy

  1. I wonder if Boomer and Danny are still working together on that. If looks could kill, the glare that Dan gave Boomer after the "Peyton Manning is the Dan Marino of this generation" comment would have vaporized the golden boy. Don't forget Mark Rypien & Trent Dilfer among those QBs that have children with health problems. They lost their boys to brain cancer and a rare heart ailment, respectively. It seems strange that a small fraternity of men have this tragic bond.
  2. U2 - I Believe in Love Here's mine: I come from downtown Born ready for you Armed with Will and Determination And Grace, Too
  3. I work with a guy that got a hole-in-one the first (and only) time he played. Of course, it was in the typical beginner fashion: Skulled off a rock. He said he didn't have a score for the round because he picked up so many times. His line is the best: "I'm retired from golf. I have nothing left to prove." Funny guy.
  4. It's called 'barrier to entry'. This is our system. It's the worst system there is.* * Except for all the rest. Check out this. Harazous duty pay for our enlisted soldiers below the rank of sergeant is $150/month. Any extra buck and a half to get shot at? ROTC contracted students get a $200 stipend. Now let's talk about inequities. OTOH, I'm glad Shaq is staying South Florida. He's a funny guy.
  5. Yeah, how in the world did H. Ross Perot think that was a good idea? How was the admiral going to match wits with the inventor of the Internet and the 20th Century's Master of the Lexicon? --------------------------------------- Quayle: Umm... Mr. Stockwell? How did you lose your hearing? Stockdale: I was severely beaten in a Vietnamese prison. Quayle: I was in the National Guard. Gore: I covered that war for the Stars & Stripes. Stockdale: That's nice, boys. --------------------------------------- The man's sin was that he was bad on television. Yeah, scandalous.
  6. Young was great, when surrounded by greatness. Jimbo gave the Bills hope when he arrived in Buffalo in '86. They went 4-12, but were in nearly every game. Young couldn't help the Bucs, not that anyone else could at the time. I'd probably take Montana. The guy could will his team to win.
  7. In the locker room, Doug Flutie said to the reporters something to the effect of "You wanna know what happened? I'll tell you. The 2nd ref on the scene came over and said, 'I don't know... just give it to 'em.' That's what happened." Later it came out that the head of NFL officials, Jerry Markbreit (IIRC) dressed the crew down saying, "Gentlemen, this cannot happen." The refs in "Victory" had more credibility. My blood pressure is rising just thinking about it.
  8. A corrupt politician killed himself last night at the offices of the Miami Herald. What can I do to encourage more instances of such behavior?
  9. Ah, Beasley. I'll never forget his description of an over-the-middle hit made on a WR: "He went down like he got shot!" There's an image.
  10. This goes to show how smart it is for the Bills to move camp to SJF and market themselves as a regional team. WNYers will support quality teams as demostrated by the success of the Rochester franchises. Congrats Rochacha!
  11. We were walking to our cars for the post-game tailgate, and my friend walked up to me and said, "I think I just heard that Houston beat the Fish." And I was thinking that things couldn't have been more perfect. BTW, the underlying argument about from whom Nate Odomes stole that ball is brilliant. That's why I keep coming back here.
  12. Peter La Fleur: Uh, actually I decided to quit... Lance. Lance Armstrong: Quit? You know, once I was thinking of quitting when I was diagnosed with brain, lung and testicular cancer all at the same time. But with the love and support of my friends and family, I got back on the bike and won the Tour de France seven times in a row. But I'm sure you have a good reason to quit. So what are you dying of that's keeping you from the finals? Peter La Fleur: Right now it feels a little bit like... shame. Lance Armstrong: Well, I guess if a person never quit when the going got tough, they wouldn't anything to regret for the rest of their life. Well good luck to you Peter. I'm sure this decision won't haunt you forever.
  13. Mea culpa. The seasons never change here in FL, and what with my paraskavedekatriaphobia, I don't keep calendars around.
  14. Is it really a marvelous night for a moon dance?
  15. I am not a homeowner, but since this is a mortage thread I thought I'd supply a link to a market blogger. Today he wrote about the housing bubble and an interesting WSJ article. I have heard many times over that Interest Only mortgages are for RE flippers, not for middle-class homeowners. ARMs entice you with what appear to be low monthly payments, but the FED seems to be intent on raising rates to offset the 'inflation' that high oil prices will set-off. (Yes, I know that inflation is actually an increas in money supply, but most see the word inflation and think 'higher prices' which is what they'll get anyway). In short, I have no advice for you.
  16. "If you are caught on a golf course during a storm and are afraid of lightning, hold up a 1-iron. Not even God can hit a 1-iron." - Lee Trevino
  17. For the record, I loved the movie. However, it did run a bit too long. Mel Brooks once said that comedies should only be about 100 minutes long. Other than trying to tie up the love story, the rest of the flick rocked. Chaz: "Maa! Meatloaf! F*&k!"
  18. Don't be so sure. Remember the "Just give it to him" game of November '98?
  19. A guy from Olean was # 537. That's good for $12,500, or breakeven after the entrance, flight, hotel. At least he wasn't dead money.
  20. This thread reminded me of a quote from "The West Wing": President Josiah Bartlet: I was watching a television program before, with a kind of roving moderator who spoke to a seated panel of young women who were having some sort of problem with their boyfriends - apparently, because the boyfriends had all slept with the girlfriends' mothers. And they brought the boyfriends out, and they fought, right there on television. Toby, tell me: these people don't vote, do they?
  21. But... but... but... Kim Basinger WAS Mary Jane! You mean that TP was somehow referencing marijuana? I'm shocked. SHOCKED, I SAY!
  22. That's exactly what it is. I had to join the U2 fan club to get tickets to a show 8 months out. No cost, but now they can market to me. Supply/Demand/Yadda Yadda.
  23. I wonder if you call the Falcons' front office if they'll make a custom #7, R. Mexico for you? Good tip, CCD.
  24. In comedy, you have to start strong and finish strong. You can't be like pancakes; all exciting at first, but by the end.... you're sick of 'em."
  25. I'd still recommend the Las Olas Riverfront area. Here's a link. They're always something going on, tons of restaurants (I think Louie's Bistro is the best bang for the buck in South FL), things for kids, not far from the beach, etc. There's a list of nearby hotels under the Guest link. 'Course, I'm a shill. My buddy's GF is in charge marketing the whole area.
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