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Everything posted by HopsGuy

  1. They were in it to the last out last night. Endy Chavez had Ryan Howard 90 ft away, but coudn't come through. They just don't have the arms to compete with the 'Stros or the Fish. What a tease.
  2. Once when asked by a reporter if a particular game was, "a must win," Marv Levy responded, "No. World War II was a must win." Marv's HOF Bio Page
  3. From the Haters
  4. Turns out that the title of the thread was prophetic. Orchard Park, NY – The Bills have waived the following players: Position Player Player TE Brad Cieslak Northern Illinois OL Jasen Esposito Kutztown LB Liam Ezekial Northeastern DE George Gause South Carolina FB Jon Goldberry Purdue WR Drew Haddad Buffalo LB Wendell Hunter California OL Dylan McFarland Montana DB Evan Oglesby North Alabama DB Lawrence Richardson Arkansas DE Constantin Ritzmann Tennessee QB Kevin Thompson Penn State OL Ross Tucker Princeton TE Rodney Trafford South Carolina
  5. When you get back to the US, let us know. I'll make sure there's a few subs waiting for you at A&J's in Olean.
  6. How about a more encompassing "Chit-Chat" forum. Pop-culture stuff like the LOST thread and discussion of babes like the Ladies Lounge can go there. I'm NOT suggesting removing all OT thread from the main board. I like the sense of community we have there and from time to time we need OT posts that cover things like mortgages, gas prices and whatnot. Suggestion - When a thread is created, the author checks a "Chit-Chat" box. The thread starts on the main board. After an hour, it gets move to the Chit-Chat forum. It would probably take some tweaking to decide if an hour is too short or too long. This would get the LAMP type posts in front of everyone's eyes, but not clog up the forum for those that simply come here for Bills talk (whoever they are). Mods can decide if an OT post should get the extra "Chit-Chat" designation. Just my $0.02.
  7. I've come to find that you really have to value these little victories. I speak with multi-millionaires everyday that amaze me with their lack of aptitude for, well, just about anything.
  8. Felicitations, man. Now get to work.
  9. I was sort of surprised that the author didn't point out the circular logic that Jones et al use. They have large market teams with new stadiums which allow them to maximize revenue. But they have large debt burden. Why? Because they bought teams in large markets and built new stadiums, which allows them to maximize... (sigh) Old school guys don't like debt. They grew up in an era where if you didn't own your home, the bank could call the mortgage and you're out on the street. Younger guys got their first credit cards at age 18 and made their fortunes using huge leverage (none of these guys are new idea men). Tags has to somehow get these guys to compromise. He can do it. He's a pretty sharp dude.
  10. Actually, it's good to see that Hobert's (in)action struck such a power chord with an ex-player. That was 8 years ago, and Theismann still has it rightfully stuck in his craw.
  11. You should hear the craziness going on here right now. Now they're begging some people to fly out to our Dallas office. They just said that I'm going for sure. They're saying that we'll fly out tomorrow mid-day and come back Friday night. The boss just asked me if I want to come back Friday night or Saturday morning. I said, "I think Katrina is going to make that decision for us. Whatever. Friday will be murder for us trying to manage the load with half the staff. I'm not looking forward to it. I hope I come back with some good stories.
  12. If the 5 PM update states that the we're under a warning, I have to fly to our backup office in Dallas tomorrow. Lovely.
  13. Paraphrasing Ty Webb: She's rather attractive for a beautiful girl with a great body. I wish they had expanded on her role in "Dazed and Confused".
  14. I like AZ to win at least 8. The thing that worries me is that the 7.5 number seems inflated. I think quite a few people are thinking like me, and that's driving that number higher. That worries me. I want to say KC under 9. I think their window closed. Nothing else looks that attractive.
  15. The 2005 Green Bay Packers are the 2004 Tennessee Titans. Easiest bet on the board each week. Vegas will give them too much respect until about week 9. There. I said it.
  16. It's more finance related than political, but this is an interesting read. The CEO of Overstock.com, Patrick Byrne, is suing some hedge funds and analysts for allegedly manipulating his stock and selling short naked (selling without actually borrowing the shares and delivering to the buyer). Here's the transcript. It's a PDF document, so you'll need Adobe Acrobat reader to view it. The guy sounds a bit nuts, but there are some valid concerns raised about naked shorting. The invocation of the Sith Lord is classic. He was on CNBC earlier this week with a "point-counter point" battle with Jeff Matthews. Matthews has been skewering Byrne in his blog for a long time. It was interesting television. Disclosure: I own some OSTK puts.
  17. Former Bill, Columbia alum, and current Jaguar Marcellus Wiley was on the sideline for an interview during the Jags-Fish game this weekend. Since I was in north central FL, I was watching the Jaguar broadcast. In the 4th quarter, they interviewed MW and he was asked if he this was the best defensive line he's ever played on. He rolled and eyes and laughed (paraphrasing here), "Well, we look pretty good on paper, but you have to remember: I came into the league and played with Ted Washington, Bruce Smith, Phil Hansen and Bryce Paup, so you know, we're good and all. But those were some pretty good teams up in Buffalo." It was nice to hear him call out those names. I guess he threw Paup in there because he lined up as a DE so often during that year he led the league in sacks (and won Defensive MVP).
  18. Exactly. Also, Ticketmaster engages in unfair business practices to obtain this monopoly. The DOJ went after Microsoft for those reasons, so why not Ticketmaster? How much does IAC Interactive contribute to each member of Congress? Monopolies, by definition, are inefficient.
  19. You're old. Happy Happy!
  20. Here's the reason: Zeeland East Chix (Zeeland, MI) -- Zeeland was known between 1930 and 1950 for its chick hatcheries. In the 1940's, firms in Zeeland were producing about 18,000,000 chicks per year and providing employment for about 3,000 people. Here's the link.
  21. Didn't Homer Jay Simpson say that once?
  22. I had that one. I think it was Quality Markets.
  23. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm shocked that this game manages to carry on. I thought the recent lack of interest would be its downfall. My friend tore his ACL in that game ('88) before he was to begin practice at Alfred U. That was the end of his football career. It's okay though, he and his wife had their 3rd baby (and first girl) on Friday.
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