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Everything posted by HopsGuy

  1. Triumph: You're going to be having a little nerd? Pregnant Lady: Yes, a little Jedi. Triumph: That's wonderful. That will be the only time he sees female genitalia.
  2. I remember seeing DT working at Mickey D's, too. I recall thinking at the time "Nice to see a guy thinking about his life after football." Now I'm thinking that ole Darryl took a finer look at the commitment required and decided there were easier ways to make money. I admit that I would do the same. The other thing to consider about these guys is that people get used to the money they made, and it can be quite a comedown when you go from, say $800k/year (which is probably about $220k after taxes, agent, union dues, etc), to about $90k that you're earning on the interest of what you saved. That's if your agent did his job and was properly managing your money during your career. Otherwise, you're probably eating into your savings. I'm not sure how the NFL pension system works. There might be some more money there, but you're definitely not taking home as much as you did while playing. If you're not going back to work (most guys didn't get that degree), it can be quite a shock. Lots of these guys have to go back to work like the rest of us. For every Darryl Talley, there's 30 Tony Furjanics.
  3. I should start listing my picks in my blog. That way, everyone could take the other side and make a fortune. Actually, I rarely make a bet. When I do, it's a very strong feeling. Sunday afternoon, I was out with some friends before the U2 concert. These guys are heavy gamblers and they talked me into betting on Cleveland, even though we weren't going to see the game. I didn't really want to do it, but I got caught up in their excitement of early afternoon winnings. It was only $100, but they felt horrible that they got me to go along. I had to talk them out of letting me out of the bet (they had another $500 on it). I told them I'm a big boy. Plus, I'm going over to Bimini on their boat next weekend, so I'll just mark this over to that. I can rationalize just about anything.
  4. I was there. It was a great show, as usual. There are tickets available for tonight's show, but I think one time is enough for me.
  5. Superior, they said Never gives up her dead When the Gails of November Come early Who the hell are the Gails? Glad you asked. Legend has it they were the back-up singers for the McCoys. You can hear them in the background of "Hang on Snoopy". McCoy was, of course, the doctor on Star Wars. I think he was Charles Schultz' neighbor growing up, which explains the Snoopy connection.
  6. It was the exact same sh-- we had to put up with at Drexel. That's okay, though. When the Spring Breakers hit Ft. Lauderdale each year, I more than make up for what I missed in college.
  7. [stan Fox's glasses keep slipping off] Stan Fox: Damn these glasses. Navin R. Johnson: Yes, sir. [to the glasses] Navin R. Johnson: I damn thee.
  8. You're a former gambler, but you still play?
  9. Well said. Did you happen to see the ESPN Classic piece about this (IRIC, "5 Reasons not to Blame Art Modell..."? Al Lerner, the first owner of the "new" Browns actually brokered the deal for Modell to move the team to Baltimore.
  10. I was thinking more along the lines of this. Of course, Shaw based his story on the myth you reference. Here's a page that breaks down the most popular plots.
  11. That's actually a very old story. Google "Pygmalion".
  12. I'd go with Amy from Buffalo. She likes to hang out at pool halls.
  13. I dunno, man. I like a little grass on my infield so long as it gets the George Toma treatment.
  14. Daaaaaaaaaaa----Yoooooohhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!
  15. Oh, Mr. Icke, you were finished? Well then, allow me to retort.
  16. You're writing a novel about that game? You can start it out, "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times." No wait... check that. It's been used. So many key plays, but the "Suicide Onside" really is the one that sticks out for me. That and the refs ignoring the hold (tackle?) on Talley that made Odomes' interception possible. Go with Christie kick (and key block by Pike that made it possible). It's more dramatic.
  17. I think it's more of a comment on the music business. Kids are buying songs from I-tunes or outright stealing them via shareware networks. I'm guess the sales are moms buying the CDs for their non-computer savvy 7-year old daughters. When I was 7, my dad was buying albums for me. On consecutive weeks, he came home with Kiss: Alive II and Meatloaf: Bat Out of Hell. Remember those album covers? Imagine giving those to your 7-year old son. Dad just wanted me to be interested in music.
  18. Here's one that came to mind: Take This Job and Shove It I have no idea why it came to mind.
  19. Oh Deano, "Meet Me Halfway".
  20. "I'm Alright" - Caddyshack, Kenny Loggins "Can't Even Tell" - Clerks, Soul Asylum
  21. Here's a story about the guys that make millions. The numbers are outrageous, but rich folks will pay quite a bit for the few that can return 30-50%. The problem is that day-traders think they can drop $50k in an acccount and live off of it. Stevie Cohen makes 50% and he's the best trader on the street, plus he makes quite a bit of it by having his guys bully the Investment Bankers for IPOs & info in exchange for order flow. He'll pay way more than the commission you pay if he thinks the broker can help him. Don't you think those guys will do anything to get that business? So there you have it. Cohen makes an unbelievable 50% (and then takes half of the profits that his clients at SAC are more than happy to hand over) and the day trader thinks he can double that without the egde these guys have? Most guys would have a better chance in a game of H.O.R.S.E. against Shaq.
  22. It helps to know your neighbors, but that's old fashioned. Oh yeah, with my dad standing at the sidewalk watching my every move, I was pretty safe. The real problem might be that developers aren't putting sidewalks in the new developments. With no sidewalks, it makes it hard to meet your neighbors. No place for Dad to stand while you're trick or treating. It's a vicious circle. I had no kids last night. Of course, the trees lying across the sidewalks (yes we have them) might have been a deterrent.
  23. Do you like Phil Collins?
  24. So, to whom do you complain about annoying clients?
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