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Everything posted by HopsGuy

  1. I... I don't know.
  2. I'd like to watch Reverend Jim Ignatowski from "Taxi" (Christopher Lloyd) and Exidor from "Mork & Mindy" (Robert Donner) have a conversation on just about anything.
  3. There but for the grace of.... awwh shucks, I dunno... maybe she was really hot?
  4. Thanks for the link. That's a good review and puts me in the right position to watch this season. Arlo offing the trustee should keep in a cage forever, right? I agree with the reviewer that there are lots of interesting characters on the show and I would actually like to live amongst them, assuming I had been banished to Harlan County KY. I'm guessing that the doomed parachutist in the cold open was Waldo Trust but even if it isn't that was a pretty cool start to this season. PS I included "The Wire" in that list probably because I'm currently re-watching the show. It shouldn't be there because, then, I'm excluding "The Sopranos" and a ton of other shows. It's just that "The Wire" had to be the best show ever, IMHO.
  5. It's a good show. This first episode of season 4 seems to have been set up so that new viewers could join in without really needing to have seen the first three seasons. There wasn't any sort of "Previously, on 'Justified'" and they introduced a new guy with Boyd's army buddy and the new story with "Waldo Truth". I don't watch "Sons of Anarchy" (I watched the pilot but wasn't moved to continue - maybe I'll get around to it later) and I'm still a bit upset at FX for cancelling "Terriers" and "Lights Out" but "Justified" is probably the best show in that tier just below the greats ("The Wire", "Mad Men", "Breaking Bad" & "Boardwalk Empire"). I'd even put it above "Dexter" and whatever "Homeland" has become. But that's just me. Speaking of "Dexter", I think my favorite Raylan moment was when he shot Desmond Harrington (Joey Quinn on "Dexter") by pulling on the tablecloth to bring the pistol over to his side of the table. Nice work, Raylan!
  6. That's how I make my pizza sauce but instead of oregano, I use dried basil. That seems to be the difference between pasta sauce and pizza sauce. I got that worked out on only a few tries. Now getting the dough right - that took a couple years to really master.
  7. The Braves still hold the record for most points in a quarter: 58 by the Buffalo Braves at the Boston Celtics on October 20, 1972 Link Also, Ernie D shares the rookie record for most assists in a game (25 @ Portland January 1, 1974)
  8. Yeah, the final episode was titled "It's Time". So true. The penultimate episode had them going back to California and seeing many of the characters from throughout the series including Conrad, Heylia, Guillermo, Megan, etc). They squeezed 3 more seasons out of that show than were necessary. I hope Jejni Kohan gets another shot and now knows how to manage a story arc.
  9. I lived in South Florida for 9 years and this is exactly the case for most jobs. I was basically a manager in a brokerage office and I wore khakis & a golf shirt every day. I wore a suit to the Christmas party. Hey, at least I wore a tie to that. The CEO never wore a tie to that party. Yup, plot hole. But I do think she might have gotten her in the chest. It seemed like an immediate kill shot & that La Guerta was already dead when she ran over. I really hope they can get this thing right. I have way more faith that Vince Gilligan & company will finish "Breaking Bad" in a satisfying way but I'm concerned that we'll be talking about "Dexter" having hung on too long like "Weeds" (although I was fine with how that finally ended with the finale set 8 years in the future).
  10. Nah, I bought my Sonata used and only new buyers qualified. I get ~36 mpg on the highway so that's in line with claims. I'm guessing that's because they run the front bumper way low like a NASCAR ride. I ended up catching mine on a bush and it tore right away. After some inspection I determined that it had torn away before and had been re-attached with some marine adhesive. I re-did it with some JB Weld and now park with the mind that everything is bottom-out risk. I did some Googling and found that the brackets used to attach the bumper are quite weak. No big deal for me as I intend to drive this car forever but that's something to keep in mind.
  11. This show has been quite uneven with secondary/tertiary story-lines. Quinn has always been in the middle of those stories (Yuki following him, Liddy following Dexter, his relationship with Deb, etc). This season, his role was to be the dupe who got Isaak out by losing the evidence from the Columbian bar shootout. Now I guess we're setting up for a relationship with Jamie which has to be a problem for Angel. Lots of plot holes but we've had those throughout the show. With the way this one ended, I guess I'm glad that next season will be the last.
  12. I drove a '99 Sentra for 9 years, then totaled it. I picked up a used '99 Pathfinder to carry me a few months and ended up driving for 4 years. I finally decided I needed something new. I wanted another Nissan but decided to call my friend who used to sell cars. I told him I'd go for something used like a Sentra or an Altima if he could point me in the direction of a good deal. He ended up taking to the Hyundai dealership where he used to be the GM. They had a couple of used Sonatas that they were looking to move. He walked in the back and just started typing on their computer and came out with a big smile. He told me to go for a test drive and he'd take care of my trade in. I ended up with a 2011 Sonata, for about $2k less than anyone else would have paid. I love the thing. The bumper-to-bumper warranty goes for 5 years/60k and I'm only at 45k now. When the current GM sat with to set up my trial XM subscription and hook up my Bluetooth, I sheepishly said, "Sorry you didn't earn much on this sale." He laughed and said, "Big Phil (no his real name) bring someone in 3 times a month like this. He loves making us give it away but at least we're moving the product." Later "Phil" told me that Hyundai is all about volume and selling cars like this. Nissan is similar on Altimas but Hyundai (& Kia) do their entire lines and are really about putting as many cars on the road as possible and the dealer margin is really low. He said he used to sell SUVs where the dealer cut was $10k on a $35k vehicle but he really enjoyed selling Hyundais just because he knew the stakes were lower. Lots of good cars out there these days for safety, mileage & options.
  13. Well, so that happened. Hannah is in the wind with the help of her old pal Arlene. La Guerta died in the storage container like in the first book except at the hands of Deb rather than Brian. The only way to clean up that mess is to put both her and Hector in the gulfstream, right? Jamie is going for Quinn? Fantastic! I'm thinking that Angel might postpone retirement to pursue whatever happened to Maria. Best line of the finale was Vince: "Try and stop me!" The show shot out the gate but stumbled midway through the season. I guess this is the beginning of the end. I hope the writers can pull off something great.
  14. So much so, 4 of those guys actually existed while the 5th was based on another guy. I'm a big fan of period stuff like this because it requires so much work on the details - whether I see it or not. "Rome" was like that - there were these actual people involved with some fictional folks that provided the "every man" view of what life may have been like at the time. Good stuff.
  15. I just heard that he's Norah Jones' father. I immediately confused her with Vanessa Carlton because while I'm not fully duddy, I'm quite sure I'm mostly fuddy.
  16. From "Arrested Development": Car Salesman: Yeah, the Bronco's been discontinued. We're trying to shed that whole fugitive-on-the-run thing. This is the Escape.
  17. I have a generation 2 iPad WiFi only 32 GB about 15 months ago. I love the thing. I use it like a laptop for everything but hardcore processing applications (Excel, etc). It's pretty great. The only other tablet device I've spent any time with was a Kindle Fire. Last March a bunch of us got together at a sports bar in Charlotte to watch St. Bonas play Xavier in the A-10 championship game. The problem was the game was blacked out in NC because for some reason we were required to watch the meaningless ACC championship game at the time. One of my friends had his 9 year-old in tow and commandeered the only thing that was keeping him occupied to see if I could find a pirate feed. No dice but we were able to run the ESPN Gamecast just to keep up. It seemed like a nice device for what we were trying to do. If you're in need of email you might want to research that further but if it does that it might be something that fits your needs at a lower price. Has anyone done a jailbreak of their iPad? I'd like to run HBO GO and watch stuff on a my HDTV and that might free that app up to do so.
  18. After giving it considerable thought, I think Clint McKay indirectly met Harry's code simply for selling Walter White that M60. Boom.
  19. The "Oilers" was the name of the minor league team in Olean before it appeared in Edmonton & Houston but it was the same reason for all of those places (hey, there's oil here!). Calgary & Edmonton have a great rivalry now (Flames vs. Oilers) in that the oil comes from the rural areas up near Edmonton but all the money in dealing with the commodity is in Calgary. And yet, the Flames (where the oil "gets burned") get their name from Atlanta in from that move. That's some nice serendipity, right? Atlanta should never have hockey ever again. (There is a now Southern Tier college league team in Olean called the "Oilers".) Also - the "Minnesota Vikings" is the best name that links the local heritage to the team name and also sounds cool. I believe this.
  20. It was called the "half-season" finale. According to the folks on "Talking Dead", the 2nd half of season 3 will begin on February 10, 2013. I couldn't find a clip on YouTube anywhere. Just that look that Avon & Slim Charles gave each other was priceless. Omar was probably the most popular character but I always liked the way Avon carried himself.
  21. Episode 10 of season 7... I already miss Isaak. Hannah's dad did not meet Harry's code but the code really doesn't seem to matter much these days. And there's no Dark Passenger, either. George didn't think Quinn would kill him? Really? Is Nadia in the wind. Is this over? I don't really care either way. I was worried for Angel in that scene in the Fox Hole. I'd hate for a guy that close to retiring to buy it. Deb REALLY doesn't like Hannah but we knew that. Part "she knows Hannah is a killer", part "that's my guy!". I did like the fact that the arson investigator was a Civil War reenactor. Ever meet one of those folks? They're just like that. La Guerta figured it out! This is the only story-line that is currently interesting. I wish Lundy was still alive. Captain Matthews is in "Something Borrowed", a chick-flick in heavy rotation on HBO/Cinemax right now. He plays the father of a character named Dexter. Thought you should know that. I'm sort of glad this show only has one more season. The writers have 14 hours to finish a story about a serial killer that only kills bad people (most of the time). Hope they get it right.
  22. I was really excited and yelped, "Hey, there's Cutty!" I think my favorite scene with him on the wire was when he was giving Avon the hard-sell on being a platinum level donor for his boxing gym. Avon was saying that he couldn't have his name on anything like that. Cutty was all disappointed and Avon asked just what the price was and Cutty replied, "Ten thousand." Avon looked at Slim Charles and had that "What?" face and said, "Break off 15 for my man and if you need anything you come talk to me." Great scene. Neat to have some new folks around but I suspect that the kid whose mom was bitten will vie for Beth's affection. Nice to have Shane back if just for a second. Michonne dispatching the governor's daughter was cool. That was quite a battle there. It sure doesn't look too good for Merle & Daryl, although I also liked the conversation between Axel & Carol. As long as Axel gets a couple of lines every episode he should stay around just for comic relief.
  23. Some creative folks combining BB & pop music: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5y_Kd9ZoA6Q
  24. The SNL Christmas special is on NBC tonight. It's November 28th.
  25. Ugh - Isaak turns to Dexter for help and they pull off dispatching the two hitters the Brotherhood sent to clip Isaak. But George delivers the gut-shot just when things were getting interesting? Hannah taking out Jurg was also just a little too tidy but now we have a the "Phantom Arsonist" as the next baddie? The obvious way they make the arson investigator the guy makes it seem it must be someone else, right? And La Guerta approaches Matthews about help identifying the BHB. I'll admit that Matthews got off some great lines (Calling her Godzilla and pointing her towards Japan & telling her the only help he'd provide would be a "lift back to Cuba") but then he sees an opportunity for himself. Yeah, he's going to leverage this into getting himself reinstated so he'll get his pension bump. Haven't we heard this before? Oh yeah - Quinn's buddy from his days in Narcotics, Stan Liddy did the same thing in Season 5. So now we have 3 episodes to go for this year and there are some things that need tying up for the final season: Quinn & Nadia & George - whatever is going on there. The new Phantom Arsonist. The Hannah/Dexter relationship. The Deb/Dexter relationship - thinking this won't work out well for Hannah. Who will watch Harrison after Jamie gets a bikini modelling contract (Day-um, gal!) Robert Irvine needs to come down and set Angel's restaurant on the right path. La Guerta is getting way too close - something's gotta give (guessing she buys it).
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