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Everything posted by HopsGuy

  1. You guys notice how often Walt is shot from below through water or glass? That has to be a fore-shadowing of something, right?
  2. I was listening to the Adam Carolla podcast and James Blunt (the singer) was on. Strangely enough, he's a bit of a bad MoFo. He was in the British Army and fought in Kosovo. During the interview (conducted via Skype) his room service arrived. He ordered wings and mentioned that he's doing a book called "Wings of the World". He had a picture on his phone of the best wings he has had: Duffs. So there's that. Adam Carolla Podcast It's two-part pod with Andrew Breitbart and Blunt comes on around the 60 minute mark.
  3. I once had this t-shirt: Ellicottville, A drinking town with a Crafts Problem I used to kill it during Fall Fest. Now I'm old, and I may as well be dead.
  4. Gale's demise is cosmic karma for destroying the credibility of The Baltimore Sun ("The Wire"), and marrying his grad student Mel ("Flight of the Conchords"). Jeeze, that dude is everywhere.
  5. I think they're also running Season 3 on Monday night (Tuesday morning). The show is so good and I whole-heartedly agree with Buftex about Aaron Paul's ability. Here's his audition tape which is a scene from Season 1. The scene was called-back in Season 3's "Mas" that was on last night. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q5fd95h4HCs
  6. Rejected slogans: (1) Buffalo. We're not Camden, NJ. (2) Buffalo. Blizzards don't destroy your domicile. (3) Buffalo. No presidential assassinations in a century. (take that Dallas!) Feel free to add your own.
  7. As a public service announcement from a former bartender, you might be in a bar later today during the Kentucky Derby. You'll be tempted to order a Mint Julip. Don't be that guy. If you're really trying to get in the mood, get a Maker's Mark double, neat or on the rocks. If you want a real treat, ask if they have Pappy Van Winkle and do the same. Sip slowly. Thank you & you're welcome.
  8. This song cooks: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OO3kWNHyZOE Also, I'm going to marry the girl that agrees to this as our wedding song: /Never happen
  9. From "The West Wing": Mr. Johnson died penniless wrapped in newspapper in the remains of his burned out house, but his music just passed into deep space where he shall live forever.
  10. As a former South FL resident, I take offense. Sanford is Central FL (Florida, nonetheless).
  11. Oh and if you haven't been watching, AMC is running a 'catch-up' marathon of "The Killing" tomorrow morning starting at 10 AM. Pretty good show so far.
  12. It's probably the best show on TV, IMHO. Here's a link to the official "Insider Podcasts" for Season 3. Looking forward to Season 4. I guess "Weeds" Season 7 is starting June 27th.
  13. You mean like what the Spartans wore? Hot Gates > Cemetery Hill
  14. I'd embed, but the language is NSFW.
  15. Flipping through the channels the other day, I saw the original 1950 version of "Father of the Bride" was on AMC or TCM. Since Liz Taylor just passed, I figured I'd give it a few minutes. In one scene, Spencer Tracy knocks on Liz's door and says, (paraphrasing) "Kay, it's 4:20. Are you ready?" And I giggled.
  16. The kid tossed the softball, then edited Kyle Kendrick's (since fixed) Wiki page. Either that, or he actually believes the Sixers have a shot against the Heat.
  17. I can't believe the Bible gets off so easy. Sodom resident and all-around conflicted dude, Lot, refused to offer up his house-guests (who were really angels) to the townspeople for a gay rape-fest. Instead he said they could have his virgin daughters and "do to them whatever you like." Folks say "No deal!", but the angels blind nasties and rain down fire and brimstone while cautioning Lot and his family not to look back while they flee. Lot's wife ignores this order and has her lookie-loo moment and is turned into... wait for it... salt. Reasons to be banned: 1. Violence 2. Ghey-ness. 3. Rapey-ness. 4. Human trafficking. 5. Poor writing. (Salt? Really!?) Book banning? Bah! Books are our friends! BTW, didn't "Parks and Rec" plagiarize the gay penguin theme in "Pawnee Zoo"?
  18. The best athletes go to the sports popular in their culture. I'm sure there were a few dudes flying down the Alps in Switzerland that might have made decent middle-infielders... it just didn't work out for them. You like soccer, good for you. Me? I like America. Sports invented here include Baseball, Football (our style) & Basketball. (Whatchoo got?) Much of the rest of the world has adopted these sports. Also born in America: The light bulb, the phonograph, moving pictures (thanks Tom), AC current (which allows us to enjoy these things, thanks George, Nickola). Radio, TV (thanks Philo), the Internet (thanks a bunch of people including Paul Baran, who died last week) that's how we follow our sports. Tons of other stuff, too (thanks Steve Jobs). Baseball is entirely different than every other sport. Think about it. The defense holds the ball. There's no clock, the game is timed in outs. Way more games than any other sport and we're fine with it. Different doesn't mean better or worse - just different. Disclaimer: Soccer ain't so bad. The rules provide for flopping, so that's what they do. The NBA has the same problem.
  19. Doncha mean 'pour excuse'.
  20. Totally forgot to set the Tivo. It's re-running Thursday at 9 PM, so for those who missed it last night (like me) can catch up.
  21. You're lousy at improv.
  22. The first question is wrong. There are, in fact, 46 states in the Union. There are 4 Commonwealths.
  23. Congrats! Great school! /Drexel '93 Of course, I was there before the medical school was acquired. Oh, and Mead always commemorates day's that end in 'Y'.
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