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Everything posted by HopsGuy

  1. I thought Rick making a point to shoot Tony in the head after he was already dead was a tell that he knew that everyone was infected. I guess he just got distracted by Carl after killing Shane to remember to deliver the true "death blow". Jeeze, with that and what happened on "Eastbound and Down", it was a tough night for Shanes. I like Buftex's analysis about Shane being "a man alone" when view the businessman zombie. Good stuff!
  2. Total spoiler that is out there now. Don't click if you don't want to know.
  3. Like I've said before, I don't mind concentrating on the characters but they need more depth. This week we found out Andrea was a civil rights attorney and that Glen's parent emigrated from Korea to Michigan. But that's really it. Poor T-Dog had one line and even that was interrupted. I think we all agree they have to get off the farm. This was a horrible missed opportunity to develop the story. That was a pretty good zombie in this episode. I was surprised he was so spry to attack Dale with such vigor after gorging on that beef. After a dinner at Morton's I'm woozy for at least 12 hours.
  4. This discussion reminded me of this video. (Titanic discussion begins at 1:40). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ICsgjqVvtM0
  5. Krysten Ritter has a new sitcom coming out next month. This promo has a Breaking Bad reference at the end. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QqAG8TFp4F4
  6. Here's an interesting article I read on the movie industry regarding Piracy.
  7. I'm okay with the show not being killing zombies all the time. As we've been told, "The Walking Dead" refers not to the zombies, but rather the living characters. My problems is that we've had all this time on the farm and none of the characters have been developed. Shane and Andrea have changed in the new world, but everyone else is basically the same flat character they've been since the premiere. I'd like to know more back-story to understand just who they are. Also, the dialogue writing needs some punching up. I don't expect these folks to speak like they're in an Aaron Sorkin production, but if most of the show is back-and-forth between the ensemble, let's make it more than "Why can't you see what's happening?!?" over and over. Prediction: The thing that protects the farm is the mud bogs that surround it. The walkers get stuck in it and it was Otis' job to wrangle them out. What if a huge horde of walkers start slumping through and as they get stuck and fall over, they create a bridge of the undead so that more can just funnel on through? That make the farm no longer safe, and they have to finally move on. Probably just wishful thinking.
  8. If you play a drinking game where you do a shot every time someone talks about the best way to keep everyone "safe" you're going to need a 12-step program. I thought last night's episode was one of the best. The zombie scene at the Public Works building was the best since the horde came down the Interstate. I liked that they just focused on a few characters in this episode, but a little annoyed that Randall hadn't mentioned that he went to school with Maggie during his week-long recuperation. Liked the businessman walker lurching though the field like a had a destination. Nice touch.
  9. Do the Math: Modelling an Outbreak of a Zombie Infection
  10. (1) Based on Season 1 finale "TS-19" with Dr. Jenner, the "resurrection" can take anywhere from 3 minutes to 8 hours. (2) It's pretty well implied that she was scratched by her zombie mom and she's running a horrible fever, so yeah (?). (3) Again, Dr. Jenner stated that it's the whole world. The French were rumored to be working on a cure/vaccine. I haven't read the comics, but the show has departed quite a bit according to what I've read online. You'll want to do what you can to go back and watch the show from the beginning. The 90 minute premiere was probably the best episode.
  11. Showgirls The fact that talented actors like Gina Gershon and Robert Davi were able to deliver those awful Eszterhas lines without rolling their eyes is amazing.
  12. I remember saying this once back in '99 when I first started trading stocks. An old-time trader retorted, "Maybe. But if you had the cure to cancer, you could probably set the price pretty high and folks would pay it." That stuck with me.
  13. I live in Ballantyne, but I rent. Been here 4 years, and it does have everything. Heck, everything I need is either walking distance, or a <5 minute drive. My friends all live 10 minutes away in a neighborhood full of 35-42 year old couples with 2-3 kids between 3 and 8 years old. I'm the odd one. I'm on a job search now, but I'm sure I'll find something pretty quick. There's some rumblings that Ballantyne might break off from Charlotte. They were talking about putting in some "affordable housing" and the locals weren't too keen on that. I think I'm just about all the riff-raff they want in these parts, IYKWIM.
  14. IMHO, two of the best African-American sitcoms in history were spin-offs: (1) "The Jeffersons" spun from "All in the Family". (2) "Good Times" spun from "Maude". "Fraiser" was probably the best spin-off of all time and "Wings" might not have met the true definition of spin-off but was also from the "Cheers" folks. However, let's not forget that "Cheers" also spun-off "The Tortellis". Nobody bats 1.000. "The Office" was a terrific show for a lot of years, but it just ran out of steam. I like the fact that the single-camera documentary format gave us two more greats shows: (1) "Modern Family" and (2) "Parks and Recreation". Good stuff.
  15. I'm okay with Larkin getting in for the reasons AD mentioned. Raines needs to get in soon. That guy GOT ON BASE. Then he was a terrific base-runner. He could have slugged a bit better (higher XBHs), but having that guy at the top of the lineup for a decade in Montreal must have been nice. Then he played parts of another TWELVE years! I see that Juan Gonzalez, a 2-time MVP, failed to get 5% of the vote to get to next year's ballot. The steroid era makes all of this such a mess. It will be nice in 15 years or so when these numbers mean something again. Dale Murphy, decidedly not a steroid guy, also a 2-time MVP is running out of time. He garnered 14.5% of the vote and would be a nice addition to the Hall of Very Good. If not for him, Mike Schmidt would have won a least one more MVP - and I'm quite biased when it comes to THE GREATEST THIRD BASEMAN OF ALL TIME. I guess you could call me a 'real baseball fan'.
  16. It's David Morse on a ham radio in the Vega system. Jake Busey is steaming.
  17. Of the top of my head: That there's a negative correlation between the number of equations in a book and the number of copies it will sell. He's one of a handful of guys that "popularizes" science. It's important that the masses have some understanding of what goes on in the world of theoretical physics. It helps to keep the charlatans of what Carl Sagan called "The Demon Haunted World" at bay. Neil deGrasse Tyson has taken up of the mantle nicely, IMHO. We can't all be Sheldon Cooper like you Tom.
  18. Serious question: What aren't "Beef on 'Weck (Au Jus) Sliders" a sports bar staple yet? Is there a shortage of fresh prepared horseradish or something? Oh, and Merry Christmas you hosers.
  19. Don't forget Mia Kirshner
  20. When you think about it, Hanukkah is the most American holiday. It's all about burning oil that we don't really have.
  21. I pretty much agree that the show was getting a little formulaic with Dex having one antagonist to off each season. The last 30 seconds were pretty much the whopper we've been waiting for since Lila was killed at the end of season 2. Now we have a whole new ballgame.
  22. Adam Carolla made a similar joke in his movie, "The Hammer":
  23. Well, toast was the killer app for bread-slicing technology. I think that we probably peaked as a society when we failed to raise the bar after sliced bread was achieved.
  24. ”Nominum Quid Geminus?”
  25. "The Godfather" The kickboxing scene with Sonny laying the smack-down on Carlo paved the way for today's MMA craze. It's Science.
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