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Everything posted by HopsGuy

  1. You see, I was speeding because I was rushing home to console my friend. He was depressed because he hadn't realized his life-long goal of becoming a banker!
  2. I distinctly remember Marv saying that on the day his name was put up on the Wall. It was against the Patriots in game 2 of '96. It rained most of the day. Kelly hit Billy Brooks with a bomb in the 4th to secure the win. Inside the NFL had him miked and he had that big Marv smile as he said, "Thank you for the blitz! Thank you for the blitz!" The week before, Andre Reed had beaten the Giants on a similar play in the Sunday (Nitro!) opener at the Meadowlands. (Sigh)
  3. Me too. GG used to write a Bills column over there.
  4. Look deeper. This has profound sociological ramifications. If people do not have the ability to watch TV 8 hours/day, they aren't watching 4 hours of commercials. If they're not watching commercials that tell them that they "Can't be a man if he doesn't smoke, the same cigarettes as me!", the economy will crumble. Also, with no TV to occupy their thoughts, they may start to think. If they start to think, they might notice just what the hell is going on. Now you've got a revolution on your hands. We interrupt this diatribe with technical difficulties. Please ignore this lunatic as we return you to CSI: Buffalo. PS, buy Ivory soap.
  5. Obviously someone (a moderator, perhaps?) had edited the original post. It should have read: "I got married and ran out." This is the only explanation as to why he would be posting here. Congrats, sucker.
  6. Wasn't that a favorite saying of Harry Truman? Are you quoting Democrats?
  7. A guy I work with had the same issue. Apparently if the game is on local TV, you have to watch it there. This really stinks if you want to watch the game in HD wide-screen.
  8. It would be interesting to know how many of the 38 Super Bowls were won by teams that had a 1st round QB (that they drafted) at the helm. I'll take a shot, but Lori should really be doing this. Since I've been a fan (Sep '78 when my dad took me to Rich to see the Bills vs. the Steelers): Steelers (4) - Bradshaw (2 before I was a fan, two after) Cowboys (4) - Staubach (1), Aikman (3) Bears (1) - McMahon Giants (1) - Simms Broncos (2) - Elway Montana (4) was taken in the 3rd round. Joe Thiesmann (1) was a 4th round choice. Jim Plunkett won 2 SBs with the Raiders but was taken in the first round by the Patriots. Jeff Hostetler (1) was a 3rd round pick. Doug Williams (1) was a first round pick, but for the Bucs. Mark Rypien (1) was a 6th round choice. Steve Young (1) was a first round pick for the Bucs (and the LA Express). Brett Favre (1)was a 2nd round pick. Kurt Warner (1) was a free agent for the Rams. Trent Dilfer was a first round pick for the Bucs (I sense a pattern here). Tom Brady (2) was a 6th round choice for the Pats. Brad Johnson (1) was taken in the 9th round So for my 26 Super Bowls, 10 or 38% were won by players taken in the first round by that team. That goes up to 57% (17/26) if you include first rounders that won for teams other than those that drafted them. You see, careful analysis like this makes it so simple. Unfortunately, I have no idea what it means.
  9. Most rules are made/changed/more-closely-enforced so the the product is improved or protected. They have to keep the game interesting so people will watch. Passing is fun to watch, so the NFL wants to remind the DBs (this means you Ty Law) that you're not supposed to touch the receiver after 5 yards. It's not much fun to watch a guy step up to the plate against major league pitching since the last real pitch he saw was in high-school, so hey, let's have someone bat for him. I agree with AD that the two pass rule in hockey should probably be eliminated. The instigator rule walks a fine line as was pointed out. The NHL wants to reduce the fighting, but it has the undesired consequences of increasing the clutching/grabbing that effectively makes the game boring. That's not good. Right now, hockey is in a bad situation. The lockout is looming and no one really seems to care. These things evolve. The front-office types will always try to tweak the product to make it better or to insure they keep the interest of the fan from wandering. I'd like to see the NBA do something to change the game so that it is more team oriented. Maybe a switch to the international rules would do it. They've made all these changes over the years to promote the stars of the game (3-step travelling rule to make them look better, 6 fouls to keep them in the game), but it's boring basketball. These are some of the best athletes in the world and they've got six guys standing outside the arc so that four other guys can play 2-on-2.
  10. Good luck to you and yours. This one is real bad.
  11. You got a master's at FSU? I wasn't even aware that there was a 4-year school in Tallahassee. I mean, I know there's a Clown College there. Oh... that's it, you have a Master's of Clownology, right? So what was your thesis? "A Dissertation on Multi-Bozo Occupation of a Compact automobile?" Just Kidding... I live in South Florida, so I'm surrounded by Gators and Hurricanes (both UM grads and Charley, Frances and Ivan).
  12. Wow, that's really strange. I was just having the same conversation with someone about bushy squirrel tails. My Differential Equations professor in college noted that if you sit in the quad long enough, you'll see a clumsy squirrel fall out of the tree. Because of the "bushiness" of his tail, his terminal velocity is decreased enough so that he'll walk (scamper?) away with relatively no problem. It came up because a friend noted that squirrel tails in FL don't seem to have the volume that their northern brethren have. I hypothesized that it is either because the trees in FL aren't as tall, or the humidity flattens out the tail. Rocky is having a "Bad Tail Day".
  13. You've got me. When I first moved here, he'd play an indoor show in Miami or Sunrise and then two outdoor shows later at Coral Sky in West Palm. He hasn't played that outdoor show in about 3 years.
  14. I've seen him 6 times. The best was when I went with a group of about 80 people to the Merriweather post Pavilion outside Baltimore. These guys were professional partiers. The whole tailgate was catered and they built a bar with a 6 foot block of ice. When we got there, they got to work building this thing and then a guy hooked up a generator and used a routed to make a canal in the ice. We did shots on this "flume" the whole day. A few years later I was going to another show and I told this story to a friend. He was like, "Oh we've got to do something like that." I said, "Dude, these guys are pros, we'll just do our own thing and have a good time." But he's the type of guy that once he gets an idea in his head, there's no stopping him. So he shows up to the tail gate with all kinds of material in his car... looked like he raided a Home Depot. He goes to work and within 20 minutes he had a tent with a mini bar , complete with a generator and a blender for margaritas. The kicker was the palm fronds he stapled to the front of the bar. Good times. Too bad he doesn't play outside in FL anymore. Heck, I'd go party in the hurricane for just one more time like that.
  15. I'll throw in Helen Hunt. We had a "butterface" in our office years ago. She was British, so she also had summerteeth. The bosses had her record their voicemail messages. Made it sound like they had some credibility.
  16. FWIW, I think frozen orange juice futures are overbought. This thing is a category 5. Anything that bad HAS to go to Cape Hatteras, right? I live pretty far out west and my windows all face west. I'm goint to ride it out. Current path projects have it going towards Port St. Lucie.
  17. There are snake oil salesmen everywhere. Here's one from my industry: Buy this and you'll be rich!
  18. I have Ron Dayne, Antonio Gates (backing up Boo Williams), & the Bills DEF. Those are my dark horses. I picked up Evans too, but I think he'll be owned by 100% of FF leagues by week 4. Hey, I can dream, right?
  19. I live in Sunrise and we have a party scheduled for Saturday to christen my buddy's new Tiki Bar. I've already picked up the stuff to make Hurricanes. Frances was just re-upgraded to a Category 4 and it will be a 5 by the time it makes landfall. I'm hoping it pulls a Floyd and turns north, and then goes back out to sea. FL and the Carolinas have had enough this year. But I'll be ready anyway.
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