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Everything posted by HopsGuy

  1. I lived across the street from that place ‘95-97. I played on the Monday softball team. Because I showed up reliably, they asked me to play on the puck-bowling team. Playing in a puck-bowling league is the most Buffalo thing about me. The wings were good there. I think Gabriel’s Gate had the best back then. God, I was young.
  2. Noted Bills Mafia member, Melody Martin, did a nice cover:
  3. Just graduated college. My buddy bought seasons for us. I didn’t have a job and my Officers’ Basic Course wouldn’t start until after the SB. “I got you man. Pay me when you can.” We texted today about that.
  4. Pete Carroll is D coach with a SB ring & a NCAA championship. Now the Seattle D is a sieve. Maybe it is the “Jimmies and the Joes”?
  5. Mr. Brightside: At least Josh Allen didn’t get injured (physically).
  6. Beginning to think the over/under for the Super Bowl date is St. Patrick’s Day.
  7. Could I borrow your towel for a minute? My car just hit a water buffalo.
  8. Went to one Sabres game in Raleigh. It was a weird Sunday afternoon during March Madness so the locals were probably at home rooting against Duke. Our guys ran them with about 70% BUF fans. There was a party bus from the CLT Bills bar (Tavern On the Tracks) that we met up with. Jeeze, I was old then.
  9. I lived in Charlotte NC for about 5 years. There are a half dozen Bills bars there. But the amazing thing was when St. Bonaventure played Charlotte (when they were in the A-10). That was crazy.
  10. My friends in Charlotte won the lottery for the first round a few years ago. I get the sad email every year. In ‘94 I was in Augusta at Ft. Gordon for my Officers’ Basic Course. Some genius decided that the perfect week to send 70 lieutenants to the field was Masters Week. Back then, Ft. Gordon soldiers could buy practice round tickets for $10 (while supplies last). Our day finished at 1500, so seeing the course was still possible. I’m still bitter.
  11. 3 in college. 2 on I-86 (Rte 17 back then), both 72 in a 55. They wouldn’t bat an eye today. Got a 66 in a 55 on a back route to Fredonia near midnight on Thanksgiving. 27 years since then, no tickets. And that’s including me totally running a red light in Charlotte and t-boning another car. I had picked up my apartment keys 20 minutes earlier and was going to meet friends for lunch. I got turned around because everything was named “Ballantyne” Commons, Way, etc. The cop on the scene said the light had just been put in like 2 weeks prior and was difficult to see with the trees in the median. No ticket issued. They put in a “Traffic Signal Ahead” sign about 4 months later. She sued me but USAA took care of it and I didn’t even have to go to court. Currently waiting for the other shoe to drop.
  12. Pooj, I really identified with your post. I usually make an annual trip to Charleston for a 3-day golf outing. It’s about 24-28 guys mostly in their 40s with a few dad’s/uncles in late 60s. A few guys would get a little too rowdy & get kicked out of the bar, but most maintained because they’re parents & we’ve had a guy get arrested for walking while drunk once. He missed the next 7 years. That trip was canceled this year due to COVID-19 (beach house was closed). But my other friends had a cancellation for their trip to WV, so I got an invite. Same type of deal but these guys were way better. But since there were no bars to go to, we stayed in the resort condo. Same age range, lots of booze and gambling. I felt like most of these guys stayed together mostly because they knew their limits and didn’t feel like they were on spring break. I guess the difference is that there weren’t any girls to look at. ? The one commonality I could see was how loud it was. Music playing on a Blu-tooth and everyone trying to talk over it. Q: Do you get hangovers? I don’t but sometimes I get some shakes. Usually it happens on Monday after a Bills game. I pretty sure my pace is 2-2.5x normal for those 3 hours. I’m 50, 5’ 9”, 140. YMMV.
  13. Van Miller on “It’s Academic”. Missed out by one question being a replacement for the playoffs. Freakin’ Straits of Gibraltar.
  14. For reasons passing understanding, I was on the JV baseball team in HS. Never started but I did keep the scorebook for 2 years. Had one game where I had a few meaningful plays as the 2nd baseman I backed had to come on in relief when the starter blew up. Just missed a HR. ? Didn’t make varsity my junior year. My dad bought me a set of used golf clubs and my buddies did their best to make me the 5th man. I ended up 9th. At the sports banquet that year I was awarded a varsity letter, a jacket, and a couple of trophies that my buddies earned. So I guess my answer is yes and no. I practiced but rarely played. At my first job interview after college, the owner asked me if I ever played team sports in HS or college. So, I told him that first paragraph. Owner: “I only hire people who have played a team sport. Do you know why?” Me: “Because it teaches you a discipline. You have to show up on time & listen to your coaches. It’s about accountability.” O: “Wow. That’s one of the best answers I’ve heard to that question.” M: “Yeah. Army ROTC sort of re-enforced that.” He glanced at my résumé again. “Oh. Do you have an Army commitment?” And that was the end of my practice interview. ?
  15. There’s a scene where they’re watching a movie and a guy comes in and asks, “Skip where you been?” (paraphrasing) “Well, I was in Tonawanda, then Hitler invaded France. So now I’m here.” Another scene, I believe in the episode you referenced, Skip tells a story about swimming across the Niagara River above the Falls. Said the current took him 2 miles down river before he reached Canada. Then his mom & sister yelled at him.
  16. It’s almost as if conflict is required to construct a story. ? But Oliver? Yeah, f#%k that kid.
  17. Little bit of Mayo S&P Relish Minced Onions Dash of Dill Weed Dash of Curry Powder Teaspoon of Lemon Juice Let Chill in fridge for a few hours so the flavors can merry. We made it this way at the restaurant I worked at: Fork split an English Muffin & lightly toast. Put EMs on a cookie sheet. Layer a slice of tomato, nice scoop of the tuna mix & a slice of Swiss Cheese on each. Put in broiler until cheese is melted.
  18. A) Not really a miss but My buddy told me... His wife’s company had a box at whatever they’re calling where the Florida Panthers play. I lived about 5 minutes away. The Stones were playing & they had 2 ducats for the box. I had been there before with them for a Sabres’ game (members of the Chiavetta’s family were there, too). So he tells me about a week later that his wife was ailing all day & he told her, “Babe, I’ll just call Hopper. Don’t make it worse.” Then she rallied & they went. Could have gone my whole life without knowing that. B) Gin Blossoms at UB. God, they sucked.
  19. My friend sent me an article about them looking for volunteers. She’s had juvenile diabetes since she was, well, young. “I’ve pricked my finger for decades, you can do it once.” She works in DC as a lobbyist searching for grants for new imaging (MRI, CT, etc) technology. Big on public health. I wish I had her energy. So I sent an email saying I’d volunteer: clinicalstudiesunit@nih.gov
  20. He was big in the Ocala thoroughbred horse community. He played hard. You get 63 Hank Steinbrenner years, you’ve LIVED. Note: I HATE the Yankees.
  21. I order the litter from Chewy.com, 80lbs at a time. Let some strapping lad drop it at the door.
  22. You have a few hours to YouTube some card tricks. Don’t be an a-hole, make him think you’re a wizard. Here’s a couple of easy ones:
  23. Grew up in Olean. Was a Bonnies fan even before the Bills. Greg Sanders was an assistant teacher at my elementary school. At the St. John’s Festa Italiana years ago, I was talking with our now OHS football coach (we played baseball together) & a lady walked up. We were talking about the middle school teachers that were still there when we attended. We reminisced a bit then she said good bye, walked away & Phil said, “You know who that is? That’s Mark Schmidt’s wife!” Love the Bonnies & always will.
  24. I’ve only been once (Bills game in ‘14). My college buddy who graduated early said, “I’m going to Denver and ski/tend bar for a year and figure out what I’m going to do.” That was in ‘92. He’s run a firm as an independent rep for specialty plastics for 20+ years. His license plate is “1 WRD 4 U“. Anyway, he took me up to Loveland Pass (The Continental Divide). It was a long ride but it was very scenic. We stopped at Red Rocks on the way back. That was really cool. About 3/4ths of the people there were working out. Saturday night we went to The Comedy Works (South at the Landmark, not Downtown) and saw Christopher Titus. It was a pretty good show and comics love working there because the crowd is usually good. https://www.comedyworks.com/ The game was a dud.
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