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Everything posted by BillsNYC

  1. I hate to give him publicity, but I just can't get over how he can be so negative about a team that has gone 5-0 and put up 30+ points in all of those victories, AND call himself a Bills fan! I recognize that the Bills aren't perfect, but he is going way overboard with this article. Calling our big plays luck is the same as saying the Patriots have nothing but luck. Great teams make great plays, simple as that. Hell, even Jerry Sullivan writes positive articles from time to time. Mark Weiler will continue to not be taken seriously if he keeps this up. http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/news?slug=cita...tadel&type=lgns
  2. Last night proved that there are no easy schedules...I know it's getting annoying but ANY GIVEN SUNDAY
  3. I'm trying to figure out how to get him here to NYC for a book signing....we would get hundreds of fans to show up for it.
  4. Don't even get me started on this. The press makes Chad out to be a little prince and a top 3 quarterback. He has it coming to him.
  5. I think its low because Willis is goign to be out and he has been a key to our 5 game winning streak.
  6. Sorry but they are BOTH Jets fans...come with their Bills fan friend every week.
  7. It amazes me how even HE can find positives in the Bills and Mark Weiler thinks we have the worst team in the NFL.
  8. You haven't seen anything...we get a lot of college girls from Fordham University and NYU.
  9. Oh yes they are, at least most of them are. Matt and I are always in awe how many hotties show up.
  10. The bouncer was telling me we go through 250 lbs of wings a week. Here are some pics from yesterday: http://www.nycbbb.com/pics/bengals04.shtml
  11. To all of you who keep on bitching and moaning about the Jax game, "If Nate would have knocked that ball down we'd be 9-5 now" how do you know if we'd be 9-5? If we won that first game, we could just as easily be 5-9 right now. The way I think about it, this team NEEDED to be 0-4 to get their asses into gear. If they would have been 1-3, maybe they wouldn't have worked as hard to beat the Dolphins or Cardinals. You're going to drive yourselves insane if you keep looking back to the Oakland or Jax game. That argument holds no substance. Me...I sleep better at night accepting that we lost those first 4 games which has catapulted us into a 5 game winning streak. I sleep better accepting that our rookie coach got our players to rebound from an 0-4 deficit. And I sleep better knowing that this team is peaking at the end of the season and playoffs or not, this team has something to build on.
  12. I went to several games during the 3-13 season....the stadium was at least 70% for the games.
  13. I did...they passed me onto an organization. One of our fans actually just emailed us and said he is a public relations officer for a reserve in Buffalo with troops over there, so we may actually be set.
  14. The NYC Buffalo Bills Backers are going to take up a collection to create care packages to send to our fellow Bills fans serving in Iraq. Anybody have any connections to our fellow fans over there?
  15. Over on the Bengals message board there is actually a thread entitled "Spikes is overrated!" Some Bengals fans have brains and disagree, but the majorty ACTUALLY think Spikes is overrated. The bitterness is intruiging! http://forums.bengalszone.com/index.php?showforum=2
  16. I think I'd rather take on Palmer, the Bills have had luck against young qb's this season.
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