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Everything posted by BillsNYC

  1. So funny...I asked this same question 2 years ago and more people said Moulds....
  2. I wonder if Bengals fans are still saying TKO is over-rated?
  3. Who would you rather have: A) Andre Reed in his prime B) Eric Moulds in his prime
  4. I've never been a poster while we've been winning (exept the first half of Drew's first season here which doesn't count) I have this urge to talk Bills and there's nothing to talk about!
  5. Is it just me or have this week's threads sucked? I mean, we're in the middle of a playoff hunt on a 5 game winning streak and its Christmas time, and half the topics on this page are so lame! I've been hitting refresh every minute waiting for somebody to post a great Bills-related thread! Go Bills! and go steelers and texans..
  6. I had a dream that we signed a dominating linebacker last night...or traded Henry for one....can't remember.
  7. I think its lame that the pro-bowl is done before the end of the season.
  8. I 100% agree....Bring in some young Europeans, Canadians, and Russians...pay them half what NHL players make, then start over. I've been saying years that they should do this with baseball as well.
  9. I remember this game where a team was up by 30+ points in the third quarter and instead of controling the clock by running it out and having their qb throw simple risk-free passes, they kept airing it out. That team ended up losing the game.
  10. about 45...so we're thinking about 70 will actually show up, about 300 less than usual! I wasn't even at the bar for this documentary, I was at the Ralph.
  11. Exactly...he's hit 2 I can recall that were called back, and he missed an impossible one against the Jets into a gusty wind. Otherwise, he's been clutch.
  12. The guy has hit 21 of 24 inside of 43 yards. Over the last few weeks, he's hit from longer, yet all have been called back for some reason or another. Will this poor guy ever get the chance to show us what he can do from long distances?
  13. He def had the biggest impact on the world this year, so he def deserves it. I remember in 2001 when they almost had Bin Laden, and there was so much outcry that they chose Guliani instead.
  14. Yup, you are...because Drew took them to town with a 69 yard pass to Lee Evans. And McGahee is a second half back, he pokes and prods in the first half to find the weaknesses, then exploits them. If McGahee wouldn't have left the game, can you honestly say he wouldn't have taken that defense to the bank in the seconf half? Especially with the Bengals on the ropes? Only reason the Bengals were in the game was because McGahee was out and they knew we couldn't run on them, which is why your argument holds some subtance, but in the end it holds none.
  15. Even better...more PICS! http://www.nycbbb.com/pics/bengals04.shtml 14-41
  16. It was -13 here in NYC yesterday with the winchill On Thursday its going to be 60 degrees.
  17. I remember after Travis Henry ran for over 100 yards once, one of his posts said something like 'If you take away Travis' 5 longest runs, he'd only have 40 yards on the day" That makes no sense? PLUS...the guy sells wing sauce....how can you alienate Buffalo fans who should be your best customers?
  18. To me that is a big thing that discredits him. Just so happens to discredit Yahoo as well as a matter of fact.
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