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Everything posted by BillsNYC

  1. Growing up less than a mile from Jimbo's house...I know fairly well that Orchard Park can cover up things like nobody else.....
  2. I don't see us taking a guard...Tucker and Viliarial are solid. I see us taking a CB, OT, or WR... or a KICKER!
  3. Wow..that's as deep as the RB list...
  4. I just know I sat there on Sunday and watched Drew throw 4 passes directly at Steeler players. In a game where he looks bad in the first half, he never comes out and rebounds in the second.
  5. I'm infuriated! I love winter and in NYC this is the routine: 2 days of 50 degrees 2 days of 40 and rain 2 days of 30's then 2 days of 40's 2 days of 50's and rain after that the whole cycle starts again...its AWFUL! Give me 20s/30s and snow every day!
  6. I would love to see this happen...
  7. I want to thank Billsfanone for adding a link to our site: http://www.nycbbb.com/features/playerlinks.shtml
  8. Cornerback...Nate will be gone after next year.
  9. TD said he would not use a tag this year
  10. Starts this Sunday! Can't wait!!!!
  11. They ran a test with goldfish. They had 2 fish in two tanks. They set up a maze in each tank and put the fish on one side and food on the other. Can't remember what they did, but one fish was able to find his through the maze faster each time he was put in the tank because he could remember the path.
  12. I was thinking this morning how the Bills changed from white to red helmets because Joe Ferguson kept throwing interceptions to the wrong players. Maybe Drew can't score in the RED zone because the helmets are RED? Let's switch them back to white so he can see them in the red zone!
  13. Actually, they disproved that on MythBusters last season...
  14. ravioli man! I'm debating the same thing!
  15. NO...it NEVER gets tiring! These people are idiots! I remember that within DAYS of 9-11 they actually said it's good that it happened because then humans could feel what chickens have felt for years! No...no shot at Jimmy. I may not like him, but I think its ridiculous that PETA would attack a guy of his stature for fishing!
  16. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! http://www.fishinghurts.com/JimmyCarter.asp
  17. tried that...they give me every site but their personal sites And Mead...I actually DID try looking for them...
  18. From time to time I see different players websites, does anybody have a list of them?
  19. We (NYCBBB) always throw a big party for it at McFadden's, especially since its walking distance from MSG where the draft is held.
  20. How dare he put Bledsoe up there with Kelly or Marino? Our defense collapses because they have to play balls out all game while the offense puts together 2-3 successful drives and blows out the rest. The Jets game is the perfect example, defense held them the entire game and our offense has 2 good drives, then allows a field goal at the end. That was NOT a defensive collapse.
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