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Everything posted by BillsNYC

  1. somebody ask if Travis will end up in Miami
  2. Just got word that Marv Levy will be in NYC next week and would like to hang out with NYCBBB and sign copies of his book. The event would be held next Tuesday from 6:30-8:30 pm at McFadden's in midtown Manhattan. I'm seeing how much interest there is via email, whether this date will work or not. Anybody on the board interested?
  3. I refuse to crap on TH..he was a solid player for us. If we had to trade a player for him...who would we take?
  4. The Hollwood crowd asked Bill O'Reilly to participate in the fundraiser. He said he would only do so if the funds went where they were intended, with the movie stars and him included making sure this happened. Hmm...making sure that donated money gets to the right charity, when it hasn't before....yup..that sounds like an "all out war" to me. I work in a fundraising department of a major NYC hospital. When somebody donates money through a board member upon his/her request, the board member always checks to make sure the money went where it was supposed to and is being used correctly. Same thing with movie stars, they ask people to donate through them, they better be able to guarantee that the money is going where THEY, not the Red Cross, say its going. Otherwise...don't ask me for money, let the organization do that.
  5. http://www.atomicwings.com/ This chain in NYC has the best wings which are comparable to those in Buffalo. They charge $7 for 10....and this is MANHATTAN. Tell Big Tree they are over-priced.
  6. Ugh...put your hatred of Bill O'Reilly on the side for a second. Yes...the organization is at fault, but if a bunch of movie stars and singers are going to get together and publicly ask people to give money to an organization...they should oversee that the organization is doing what's asked of it because the stars are the ones actually asking for the money. Bill O'Reilly has publicly said this not to make himself look good, but to bring publicity to the event/organization so it's clear what is expected of them, which did NOT happen after 9-11. If you think Bill O'Reilly is doing this for attention, then fine. But please tell me what's wrong with it? What is wrong with saying "if movie stars are going to ask for millions of dollars, they should make sure that the money they are asking people to give goes to the right place", because for 9-11, the Red Cross didn't ask for the money on tv, the movie stars did, and that money didn't make it to 9-11 victims. What would be wrong is to let that happen again, which Bill O'Reilly is fighting to prevent.
  7. Last year's draft picks were worth TWICE what this year's are worth...hence...we shouldn't take anything less than a 2nd. However, since its a weak draft...why the hell would anybody want a pick? trade for a OT for crying out loud.
  8. I was fired up as well. Never watched the show until my CEO told me about it. I have seen the first 4 so far and LOVE IT! That and Carnivale are getting me through this Bills/Sabres-less period.
  9. Patriots will destroy the Falcons in the Super Bowl. And I'll hate every minute of it. My only hope lies with the Steelers.
  10. ditto...one of the downsides of working at a hospital
  11. I guess you don't remember the 9-11 Funds scandal with Red Cross? When a good chunk of the money donated was NOT going to 9-11 victims? Especially when the stars raised the $130 Million from the last telathon and once they got off the stage, gave no care to how the money was handled/distibuted. THAT is why O'Reilly has come out and said that the money better go where it was intended to go, because "he will be watching" when the stars return to their mansions and LA parties and have completely forgotten about the Tsunami.
  13. Carnivale! And Deadwood first season (second starting in March)
  14. No...really...she has to be stopped! http://www.petitiononline.com/StopAsh/petition.html
  15. If other people were in for this...I'd do it...
  16. I still can't get over that Al Davis is in the Hall and Michael Irvin is a finalist this year. I also just read this: http://www.buffalonews.com/editorial/20050114/1061464.asp Bills fans in NUMBERS should heat to Canton for this year's induction and protest the event. No winners have been picked...so I bet there's a lot of hotel space...
  17. Both Kobe and that chick are slobs...she had it coming to her.
  18. HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! I'm gonna print that picture out...priceless!
  19. God I hope we go back to a classic uni Thanks Hammer...and thanks again for those tix!
  20. I say good for them...give due praise to films that deserve it, I like the last line the best: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,144304,00.html
  21. I'd kill for the Bills to trade Henry for a proven player...pref an interior lineman...
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