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Everything posted by BillsNYC

  1. You say its soley left wingers....I don't know if I agree with that. I think its a mix of extreme left and right wingers.
  2. I figured it'd be a topic that the usually enemies could agree on and allies disagree on! If a person wants to a cancer stick in their own privacy...fine...laws are in place to allow that to happen without affecting me. Tobacco companies are not to fault, people are.
  3. Lately, I've been noticing a lot of anti-tobacco ads on tv, most notably the TRUTH ads that have anti-cigarette protests in front of a tobacco company headquarters (Which living in NYC I recognize the building as the Philip Morris Headquarters.) These ads are really starting to annoy me, and I’m now starting to side with the tobacco companies. First off, I never smoked cigarettes and never will. I can’t stand cigarettes and hate when people light up around me. I do smoke cigars but only occasionally and its either in my home or a cigar lounge. However, I don’t care that people smoke cigarettes. If they want to smoke a butt and risk lung cancer then that’s their problem. Since the New York ban on cigarettes kicked in, I’ve had almost no contact with people smoking, which has been nice. If people need to smoke, they can do it outside or in the privacy of their homes. That’s their choice, as its their choice to smoke. Alcohol is just as, and maybe more dangerous than tobacco, yet nobody protests the banishment of that. Or even automobiles… Tobacco companies choose not to advertise on TV (they can, but then anti-tobacco companies can legally advertise the same amount which is why they don’t), they don’t advertise to children, and aren’t half as aggressive as they were 20 years ago. They have had to deal with ridiculous amounts of taxes, their products being banned from all public indoor places and events, and an onslaught of negative press. I think the tobacco companies have done more than their share in warning people about the potential problems their products carry, and have complied with all of the laws against them. In the end, its up the PEOPLE whether they want to smoke or not. These TRUTH ads should focus on THEM, not the companies. The tobacco companies simply provide a product, its up to the people to buy and use it.
  4. Today must be salt in the wound day on TBD
  5. Let's just state the record.... I'm BillsNYC...and Bill from NYC is my evil twin.
  6. Kenny aka Pinto Ron was sitting right behind the field goal post. He said it looked like the ball was going to hook to the left... well...it didn't
  7. That's funny...I was doing the same thing. My head just dropped to the ground after...
  8. http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/scorecard/?cnn=yes
  9. That's BS.... They want you to put the bottle of booze in the garbage for crying otu loud....
  10. CNN was playing it every 5 minutes yesterday. No I don't watch CNN....they have it on in our cafeteria.
  11. Not to attack your post twice, but what you wrote is exactly why the democratic party is falling apart. Republicans realize they're headed too far right. Democrats have blinders on when evaluating their own party. I should be a democrat with my thinking, but I refuse to link up with liberals, which like it or not represent your party right now.
  12. HA! I live in NYC....the democrats here are all Liberals. The democratic put mega-liberal Michael Moore in the spotlight, as well as every other liberal celebrity.
  13. We would have had the 20th pick in a weak draft. I'm satisfied with the move, Green Bay or somebody else would have scooped up Losman right after us.
  14. Was there ever a better time for a 3rd party emerge? Liberals, who I can't stand, have taken over the Democratic Party. Right Wing Nuts, who I can't stand, have taken over the Republican party. Is it just me, or does a minority of each represent each party? They said that in this election, middle America voted republican because they're all right-wing nuts. I don't buy that. I think Middle America voted Republican because they chose what they felt were the lesser of two evils between liberals and nuts. But in the end, most Americans want somebody in the middle, and would vote for that party if it had enough backing. I'm always thinking that the guys who created South Park should start a party. If you watch the show, they really do represent how I think Middle America feels on national topics. You have the 2 extremes, and most people don't agree with either. They want the middle ground, which no party offers.
  15. Does everybody realize that a trade of both Henry and Bledsoe Arizona would be a major upgrade for them? MAJOR!
  16. It amazes me how fast Fox News had pictures/stories/transcripts up. They were up while the speech was going on.
  17. How did the United States directly oppress the individuals that "needed" to fly planes into buildings killing over 2,000 innocent people "in order to express themselves?"
  18. Let's be honest...it was against the worst team in the NFL. As said in the movie "Little Big League" when the kid has to decide whether to cut the veteran all-star, and he finally gets a hit and the kid get's all excited about it: "Don't you think you're getting a little excited about a seeing eye single?" The kid realizes this and cuts the veteran.
  19. They can...but he'll only sign books, and they're sold out here. We are getting some from the publisher.
  20. wow...he didn't sign in OP of all places?
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