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Everything posted by BillsNYC

  1. Vincent Gallo is a piece of (insert bad word here)
  2. I 've had enough. The Bills should ban the f-ing number.
  3. The long snapper? His ranch "Long Snap Stable" was right behind the house I grew up in.
  4. Here it is. http://www.splashlagoon.com/
  5. I actually think that wasn't such a great move. My aunt was telling me she brings our cousins to this indoor waterpark somewhere in PA. It's HUGE and they have like 3 hotels in the complex. I guess its packed year round. Buffalo should put THAT at the waterfront.
  6. Industry is not everything. Look at HSBC, they set up shop in Buffalo.
  7. Of course it backfired. Instead of having the world's stage for 2 minutes had he won the documentary award, he won't even be an afterthought on the night of the event.
  8. Brady was on the cover of Madden 2005 for the weeks leading up to the release, when they switched to Ray Lewis.
  9. A similar one was that a prison inmate would sneak into a coffin and be buried, then dug up by a friend so he could escape. All goes to plan until he flicks open a lighter and realizes the dead body he's trapped with is the friend that was supposed to dig him out. Ends with him screaming and the lighter going out.
  10. Just spoke with the publisher. They are working on holding one in Rochester, but couldn't make it happen on this trip. You guys will probably have one on his next trip.
  11. I've been in tocuh with the publisher...I will contact him about this.
  12. Maybe they were Bills fans and thought he was Tom Brady?
  13. Hmmm...wonder what lawsuits will result from this? http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,145557,00.html
  14. That's awesome! I'd love to see a copy of that!
  15. Fax him an offer Toronto offers their first rounder for him.
  16. Whoops...thought you were speaking of Bledsoe there
  17. It was a blast. Best part was after Marv signed the last person in line's book, I asked him to sign ours. He looks up at the tv and says, "hold on Matt, I wanna see us kick this field goal, I wanna see us win this game" I look up and Steve Christie is lining up to kick the game winner. Marv and the entire NYCBBB staff just sit there and watch Christie nail it as the drunks at the bar go wild, and Marv smiles and says, "we won!" and continues to watch and smiles and nods when the tv shows him hugging one of the players.
  18. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!! Michael Moore's gamble to hold his hit film "Fahrenheit 9/11" out of the documentary category -- to boost its best-picture prospects -- backfired. The movie was shut out across the board. Moore won the documentary prize two years ago for "Bowling for Columbine."
  19. How did this go from tobacco to butt sex?
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