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Everything posted by BillsNYC

  1. I have PS2 and Xbox. I never use the xbox. I am finishing up San Andreas for PS2 and was wondering if its worth buying Halo 2, are the games similar, why is Halo so great?
  2. He should play, risk or not. Might be the one time he ever gets to play in a big game. My senior year of high school we were in the finals for WNY volleyball. I had a dislocated thumb injury from a game a week before. I wanted to play in the finals and the coach wouldn't let me, because he knew I was going play in college and didn't want to risk my career. I didn't play and we lost, and I always felt I was so fired up I could have shut down their best player. Went on to college and played one year and quit, just wasn't the same. To this day I wish I would have played in that game.
  3. Maniac Mansion was awesome...however my game had a glich and I got to a point where it stopped loading at a certain point, which sucked. I have always wanted PS2 or xbox to come out with a similar game, where you have to find things and figure out what to do with them. THe closest thing to this is in the Legend of Zelda games for the Nintendo consoles.
  4. 600 Million they say now. Look at the other stadiums built around the country, they always go over. And in NYC where there is an amazing ammount of corruption, expect that number to rise. And why would it be great for NYC?
  5. HAHA! Remember Bases Loaded 2 where the batter would attack the pitcher when he beaned him????
  6. I've never been IN Javitz, but I heard it sucks. They def need to remodel it. Adding a billion dollar stadium next door is not the answer. There already is a TON of traffic on the West Side, especially since that's where all the cruise ships dock and the Intrepid Air Craft Carrier museum is right there. Plus, you have MSG located a few blocks away, as well as Time's Square. Honestly...the only reason people want the stadium is because it's cool. I agree it'd be cool to have a state of the art stadium located in Manhattan, but the logistics for making it happen aren't worth it. And I HATE the Fireman Ed commercial...of course the other side has yet to put out an impressive counter ad in my opinion.
  7. Is that the one where you have a team on each side...and you travel to China and Russia? And you could throw all different kinds of power balls if you ran from the back and jumped over the line?
  8. I remember getting excited whenever the halftime show came on.
  9. I spoke to somebody who said a friend has in the works a business that would rent out pontoon boats so people can tailgate on the Hudson River before games. Actually a great idea since there will be NOWHERE to tailgate, and bars won't be able to fit the 50,000 people who probably like to party before the games.
  10. The news here just said somebody just (missed the name) collapsed in Buffalo? Might have been Hillary? Anybody else hear this?
  11. On this they do...but the media NEVER mentions it.
  12. What about Blades of Steel.. "With the Pass!" "With the Pass!"
  13. Everybody fails to mention that if you build the stadium a few miles west in Queens, the cost is HALF.
  14. WOULD YOU PEOPLE STOP! YOU'RE ALL RIGHT! http://www.gamewinners.com/nes/Contra.htm Ha...I always thought there was only one code!
  15. Remember the liberals who protested against the war destroying the moral of the troops fighting in Vietnam, then spitting in their faces upon their return.
  16. Gotta love Russert, he's a liberal who does what almost no other reporter is capable of...and that's be fair and balanced.
  17. The gas station is in Orchard Park, right next to Teds Hot Dogs.
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