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Everything posted by BillsNYC

  1. that article didn't mention trading him.
  2. Do you really think we shouldn't upgrade the DE position? Is Kelsay really the answer?
  3. Well...considering there are still people out there that think we should have kept RJ...
  4. yeah...leadership that is 'leading' us nowhere...
  5. Ugh...have some faith that Sam Wyche, Mike Mularkey, and Tom Clements know what they're doing....
  6. Was anybody else at the Steelers game? Did anybody else see the eratic throws Bledsoe was making when we needed him the most? He's a big name player with average skills right now...that makes him nothing but a liability.
  7. And Pat is going to come cheaper than JJ...
  8. Even though they are 2-3 years older?
  9. Why Vinnie doesn't hang up his cleats is beyond me...
  10. good point, I was speaking only of watching movies/tv. So basically you want a great subwoofer a great center speaker great/good front speakers good rear speakers...
  11. If you had a choice of any AVAILABLE left tackles in the league this offseason, and money was NOT an option, rank the top 3 you would sign. Take into consideration age, and that the contract would probably be lengthy...
  12. No...that's ESPN 2006... You can either be the players or the owners...
  13. Would you say the Franchise is as fun as in Madden 2004/05?
  14. I'd have to second that. I had a good receiver (not sure what brand) and Bose/Polk Audo speakers that were pretty bulky. When I moved in with my fiance, she had a newer, nicer Sony set that came with the smaller sized speakers, so I gave my system to my brother. A year later I am dissapointed in the Sony system, and miss my Bose speakers!
  15. Just make sure you get a really good subwoofer and a center speaker...those 2 out of the 6 you get are the most important.
  16. I almost bought it yesterday, but wanted to know how it is? Anybody have it? How is the franchise mode?
  17. I would usually agree with that...but I think NC is too good to wait to sign. He's young, just had a breakout year, and can return punts. I don't see us finding anybody better than him next year in FA or even the draft. I say get him signed ASAP and enjoy having him for another 5-6 years.
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