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Everything posted by BillsNYC

  1. I've always said that people who own more than 2 cats are automatically crazy.
  2. That was Labatt's fault, they gave us empty co2 tanks. what do you want...they were free!
  3. Ha....i do like the Drewshbag comment though... http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showtopic=19241
  4. I think Gore will win the popular vote around here, but not the electorial to bring him on the team.
  5. oh please.....you sat yourself away from the free kegs of beer we (nycbbb) provided. If you wanted to be noticed, you should have went over and hung out with the hundreds of people over there.
  6. So we'd have a Baas and a Sam Adams on our team? We should rename ourselves the Buffalo Beers.
  7. These guys are morons....the penny tax failing is the best thing that could have happened to Erie County. The recent poll in the Buffalo News shows that people want the fat cut from the county, and politicians are bitter that they can't get away with hiring their buddies and family at high salaries anymore. I hate to see jobs lost, but many of them shouldn't have been hired in the first place. I just hope those get cut, and not meaningful jobs, like librarians. RWS is in no way part of the problem, but this politician needs to point a finger at something, as long as its not himself.
  8. After reading this article: http://www.democratandchronicle.com/apps/p...315/1007/SPORTS I think PW and TH will be dealt with in the 11th hour tonight, and that will be TD's traditional midnight move.
  9. Its been snowing here for 2 hours and we've been pounded with an inch!! OH THE HUMANITY!!
  10. See I think TH has more leverage than we give him credit for. By trading him to Arizona, we'd be filling our main need at a dirt cheap price giving us room to upgrade elsewhere. Without this trade, the Bills are going to be forced to spend more for the LT position. We really need this trade, and Henry knows that.
  11. What about trading ALL of your picks to get Ricki and him never reaching his full potential until he left.
  12. Marv Levy wanted to draft Montana and the 'GM' overrode him!
  13. I still can't believe that most teams, including the CARDINALS didn't want Bledsoe, and the fans of the team that did sign him can't stand him. Yet fans here wanted to keep him? People just really hate change!
  14. Drafts are all gambles...I wouldn't put them in there.
  15. Then you lose a roster spot, lose $1.25 million, and have a disguntled player on the team. We don't have Henry by the balls as much as people like to think. We need to get rid of him asap, and for Shelton which will free up $ for PW and our other FA goals.
  16. On top of this, doesn't anybody else find it strange that even though OBD loves PW, he hasn't been offered a contract? If the Henry thing falls through, that means we'll have to spend big money on a LT. I don't think the Bills can deal much without knowing what is going on with TH.
  17. Hmm...$1.25 million doesn't play a role with Pat Williams. How do you know that money saved won't go directly into PW's pocket? Oh..you don't do you? I agree with TH in wanting a new deal, I'm just saying I wouldn't be surprised if the Agent and TH were makign things dificult for the Bills out of the CLEAR bitterness they have for them.
  18. I'm sorry, but why is that ridiculous? How do you know McGahee wasn't in TD's sights? OBVIOUSLY they weren't happy with TH, or they wouldn't have taken McGahee. I don't think it can be ruled out that TD planned this out.
  19. I'm saying on top of the money...maybe he has a deal he likes but is waiting to accept it to screw over the Bills. Or maybe not even him, maybe it's his AGENT screwing us over for the 1-year extension TD signed him to, knowing he was taking McGahee.
  20. You think Henry is delaying the trade to the Cardinals on purpose to screw the Bills over? By not getting a deal done, the Bills can't turn their attention to PW and other free agents. With all the bitterness that resulted from Drew being released, I bet there's a TON of it with Henry.
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