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Everything posted by BillsNYC

  1. ugh...just looking at Lindell's stats. Looks like that miss in the Steelers game was the only one from that range all season. UGH...had to be THAT kick!
  2. YES! That's exactly what he said! Just shows how young he really is! HAHA!
  3. HAHAHA!! I love they end it with him saying "I've been listening to Tom Petty"
  4. Ha...he'd rather have earned the starting job by beating out Drew. You gotta love that.
  5. its on bb.com wow...he said it was a competition LAST training camp with Drew...
  6. Again...I'm not saying this is bad. I'm saying the line would not have been enough to give Drew the 5 seconds he needs. In fact, 90% of the teams in the NFL don't have that.
  7. Obviously the big reason we released Bledsoe is because his career was in decline and would never take us to the next level. But now watching free agency withthe fact that we're not going to sign any top O-lineman, and our o-line has gotten weaker with the loss of JJ, I came to one conclusion. The Bills had NO CHOICE but to release Drew. He would have gotten KILLED behind what our line is going to be next season. Now I'm not saying we're doomed. I think Mularkey/McNally are going to piece together a line that will play to the strengths of JP and Willis. But with our cap space and the players available, the Bills knew they could not have put together a line to protect Drew. This is the final piece in the puzzle for any Drew supporters. He would not have had time to throw the ball next year and would not have been put in a position to win. This is why JP gives us the better chance.
  8. I gave up posting here...so...
  9. that's all right, with Pennigton's durability he'll have Testaverde throwing him the ball for half the season...
  10. I'm wondering if Ron Edwards will cost more to re-sign now?
  11. Can somebody explain to me why we haven't even entered into negotiations with Pat Williams? I could understand if the two sides worked to get something done and failed, but that hasn't happened? The Bills have made no move to even try and re-sign him. I understand with Jonas Jennings, since everybody knows his price was too high. But Pat really wanted to come back and sounds like he was willing to give the hometown discount. It just makes no sense to me why the Bills don't want him back, because that's the real issue here.
  12. why should he? he vastly improved last year, and if he continues to improve, he could get a MAJOR contract when he becomes a FA.
  13. ugh...i forgot he sounded like a woman. Imagine if we sign Fiedler? We'll have "Woman-voice" and "What, me worry?"
  14. we'll see him once...he'll be injured for one of the games.
  15. They're still on there under Unsigned Players
  16. http://www.buffalobills.com/ 'With Drew Bledsoe off to Dallas, second-year man J.P. Losman is slated to take over the role as the team’s starting quarterback. In a recent poll on Buffalobills.com, the majority of Bills fans indicated the former Tulane star will lead Buffalo to at least nine wins in his first year as a starter. What does J.P. think about his new role with the Bills? What goals has he set for the 2005 season? Visit on Thursday to hear from Buffalo’s determined quarterback. ' About time we hear something from our new starting qb!
  17. The guy is on the verge of being a Head Coach and has had a top defense the last 2 years. I don't think anybody can question his experience.
  18. I wouldn't be surprised if TD picks him
  19. I've got 2-3 of them in mine...nuts.
  20. I agree. Of course if Joey was there in the 4th and we picked Mike and went with Bledsoe, then there would be an argument, but that didn't happen.
  21. Anybody see any new news lately? I haven't found any info about where the draft will be, and its only 2 1/2 months away.
  22. I always loved the 3-4....wouldn't mind seeing it again.
  23. Again...Labatt set us up with all the fancy stuff.....last year we went back to the good old bucket of ice and tap, which is all we'll use from now on.
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