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Everything posted by BillsNYC

  1. Fordham Grads - Denzel Washington, Alan Alden, Vince Lombardi, Donald Trump spent a semester there I think. There'sa bunch more I don't know off my head.
  2. Went to Fordham University '01 in the Bronx. How about you?
  3. I guess that means TD doesn't anticipate trading up to the first round.
  4. Is this the same radio station that reported Steve Erkel dead?
  5. Brave Stance The NCAA has asked the University of North Carolina at Pembroke to stop calling its sports teams the "Braves,“ saying the nickname is racially offensive to Native Americans. But it turns out the university was founded exclusively for American Indians, who called themselves the Braves. UNC Pembroke is still 20 percent Native American and the school's Athletic Director says they plan to keep the name as a tribute to their heritage. Meanwhile, the head of the region's Lumbee tribe tells the NCAA, "We don't have to have you tell us what's offensive." http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,150090,00.html
  6. Too bad he underthrew Aiken on that flee flicker.
  7. I was thinking of doing the same thing to the girl snapping her gum on the bus this morning.
  8. again..you're assuming too much. How do you know he hasn't properly invested after that? If not, why would travis play one more year at a low salary with the risk of injury on a poor team when he can hold out for much more?
  9. You're assuming too much, If travis is traded without a contract extension, he is likely to sit out for a season and avoid injury. Cardinals aren't going to have that. He wants and needs to get an extension to be moved. You can say that TD can do what he wants because he owns TH, which I believe you are saying, but its not that simple.
  10. Yeah, but what if Denny lands a RB he wants in the draft or FA?
  11. Anchor Bar's WERE over-rated...go give them another shot. My fiance and I went there twice recently and they were amazing. Couldn't get over the size of them too!
  12. Anchor Bar has gotten their crap together...best I've had outside of Ricottas in OP. Been to Duff's several times and have to say they are WAY overrated.
  13. I gave once and it was on a Friday. Felt light-headed all weekend.
  14. They didn't even sell out their home opener.
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