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Everything posted by BillsNYC

  1. Candor, Bluntness...etc... That's all I meant...I love it!
  2. Hey....least we know its REALLY TD writing these! 'Pat Williams was offered a contract last summer during training camp. At that time his agent had numbers that were not realistic and our feeling is that the agent oversold the deal to Pat and boxed himself into a corner. ' 'Doug Flutie provided some exciting moments in our franchise history that our fans will always remember and we have great admiration for him and his career, but we have never seen him as a mentor.' 'May I also remind you that ESPN said last week that we were on the verge of signing Floyd Womack. The best advice we can give you is don't always believe what you read. ' 'The media wants us to sign someone every week and that is just not realistic'
  3. I'm not as worried about Cambell and Euhus as everybody else is here. I work at the top orthopedic hospital in the country, and knee surgery is much more advanced than it was even 5 years ago. Some surgeons here say that a repaired/replaced knee is even stronger than a natural knee! Christ, look at McGahee, he was supposed to walk with a limp his whole life!
  4. Ha...McCarville was my computer teacher in grade school....
  5. Sent to both: My name is Matt Kabel and I help run the Buffalo Bills Backers in New York City. We have over 900 members, most of which are ex-patriates from Western New York. I have been following the budget crisis in Erie County, and have been updating our members. Today I updated them on the story that the two of you approached the Buffalo Bills about the money Erie owes them for the lease. How dare you take it upon yourself to make a move such as this that would affect million plus Bills fans in Western New York and around the country. You politicians have almost destroyed WNY with your corruption, and its now boiled over. Leave the Buffalo Bills out of this. They are tops among the organizations that have kept the community strong, unlike the politicians such as yourselves. You want to save money? Cut out the kickbacks and patronage, at least then the city will have a chance to rebound. Matthew Kabel New York City Buffalo Bills Backers www.nycbbb.com
  6. There's plenty of voters out there who wouldn't mind seeing the Bills lose so the millions of $ goign to them could go to schools, parks, businesses...etc. I'm not one of those...but I know many of them.
  7. The Southtown Citizen prints all the police related activities for the games each week. PS...nice plug for your lot in that email
  8. Santana Moss is ranked much higher than Randy Moss.... I'd say this list isn't very accurate...
  9. I can't believe these 2 schmucks took it upon themselves to send such a letter.
  10. yeah...they're democrats...nobody takes them serious.
  11. http://www.buffalobills.com/fans/AskHimYourself.jsp "Are you planning on selecting a need position or best player available in the draft this year?" Basically what I asked.
  12. Can you still buy Zooba (Zuba?) pants? I'd love to buy a NEW pair...
  13. I would have agreed with you, but some him here at our hospital a few months ago and he was dressed like my dad. Wearing khakis, cheap windbreaker coat, and sneakers....he actually looked Russian.
  14. Ha..i had a lot of friends who worked there as DJ's and tech guys.
  15. Really? Today is mine as well...that's awesome!
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