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Everything posted by BillsNYC

  1. I'm American and damn proud of it.
  2. We still have the draft, which is deep in o-lineman and we have June 1 cuts. Be patient.
  3. GW - "C'mon Dan! You gotta sign this guy! One of the best safeties I ever coached! Then you can sign Coy Wire when the Bills release him! One-two punch I tell ya! This way, we can execute better!"
  4. That could also be true...but I doubt she'd shoot him. I still think it was purely done for effect.
  5. I think we should put together a TSW cookbook and offer it for $4 and put this lady out of business. Who's with me?
  6. I think the "selfish" comment was made towards Al for the fact that she is having to deal with all of this. Al is a very selfish person, Seth is not. And I think she is reffering to the selfishness of Al over the years. She was way in back, so it didn't matter if she had her gun up or not. It mattered with the other guys because they were right there, face to face with Al and his guys, so they couldn't raise their guns without letting off the wrong intentions. She was in back and covering the overall situation. It makes no sense that she would be aiming it at Seth. She's p-ed off at Al still for "grabbing" her. As I said, they had her raise her gun to make her look tough and bring drama (in my case comedy) to the scene.
  7. ha...I just read that. My grandmother had that Buffalo Bills cookbook, I forgot about it until now! Didn't it have pictures of the players with their recipes?
  8. I was at an 'Irish' celebration at a Irish pub last weekend. The bar was packed with people and they had an irish band playing. I was standing against the wall watching everybody have a great time in their irish shirts and singing along to the irish songs. Then, a couple of guys I got to know while waiting in line who are FROM Ireland walked by and I asked them if they were having fun. They looked at me and said, "are you kidding? This is so lame, none of this is Irish, they think it is but its not" I love americans who when you ask them what nationality they are, they say they're 'Irish'..but can't tell you a thing about Ireland.
  9. I was kicking butt in Super Dodgeball...then my computer crashed...
  10. I watched last night...she was aiming at Al. They showed her raise the gun simply for dramatic effect. What do you want them to do, cut away from the faceoff of Al and Seth simply to show Trixie raise a gun and act tough? It would have made the scene cheesy.
  11. Spikes, Adams, Milloy....all big name signings that have led to a #2 defense. Now if we could do the same on offense. I agree that big names don't always translate into wins, but many big names go on to be big parts of their teams. To say a Big Name player won't have a big impact because they're big named is foolish.
  12. Only problem I had with it is when the error page came up, the screen was pink?
  13. http://www.nysun.com/article/10627 "Unless we build the Sports and Convention Center, New York won't get the Super Bowl and will lose out on hundreds of jobs, more than $200 million in economic activity and nearly $30 million in tax revenue," Mr. Bloomberg said in a written statement from Israel, where he is leading an American delegation to celebrate the opening of a new Holocaust museum. THIS IS NOT TRUE! As long as the stadium has dome capabilities, it can host the Super Bowl whether its in NJ, Queens, Long Island, etc. It being in Manhattan has LITTLE TO DO WITH IT!
  14. Bet both teams get diahrea and can't play....
  15. I can just hear it now "ANDELE!!!! ANDELE!!!!"
  16. Hard Cider...has more alcohol than beer and tastes like wine/beer/apple mix.
  17. That limb is 10 feet across at 2 inches off the ground.
  18. Few Bills in there: http://sports.espn.go.com/espn/page2/story...4/nflfreeagents
  19. Probably taking a shortcut to get wings at Big Tree.
  20. He's the GM...he's not supposed to be popular.
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