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Everything posted by BillsNYC

  1. He was a democrat who became a Republican for this election. He has gone against everything he campaigned for and the Republicans hate him for it. Basically, a wolf in sheep's clothing.
  2. A true free agent success story, Anderson has started 44 games since signing with the Ravens as a free agent in 2001...Physically gifted player with good hands...Started 15 regular season games and the Wild Card loss at right guard in 2003...Helped pave the way for Jamal Lewis to rush for a franchise-record 2,066 yards, the second-highest-total in NFL history (Eric Dickerson - 2,105 in 1984)...Big, strong lineman who was one of three offensive players (OT Jonathan Ogden and TE Todd Heap) to start all 16 games in 2002...Worked his way from a free agent in 2001, to a mainstay on the right side of the offensive line...Played for the XFL’s Chicago Enforcers in 2001. XFL huh?
  3. I posted this a few weeks ago here. Billsfanone wrote to Peta as a joke and they wrote him back...BF1...post their reply!
  4. I decided this morning that these two (and including some others) shall be deemed "Big Cats" during the remainder of the season.
  5. Give it to Kenny for his tailgate...they can have a burning ceremony!
  6. HAHAHAHA!!! This has to be the worst signing of FA!! Even worse than JJ!!!
  7. Why don't you just go to a store by you and try on any reebok jersey?
  8. Their US operations are based out of Buffalo, NY EDIT One HSBC Center Buffalo NY 14203
  9. Yeah...that's the same thing 90% of the teams out there need.
  10. What do you call Jonas Jennings, Ron Edwards, Kevin Thomas and Terrence McGee? All were found in later rounds. Its almost like you're just staring at the drafts and judging without considering all the elements. Plus, you can't judge the last 2/3 drafts as they are still developing. Look at TD's 2001 draft for instance: http://www.buffalobills.com/history/Draft2001.jsp
  11. Well, Arizona IS going to have to trade him....
  12. I was watching clips of this block yesterday. In slow motion, it looks a little dirty, but in regular speed it looks like a clean block to me.
  13. Smith is only going into his second year, and I think Aiken/Reed have one last chance to show their stuff. Don't forget of all those guys, only Reed was a higher pick.
  14. Also, take into account the present players. TD had Moulds, Price, and Reed....he didn't need to use first rounders in the draft on WR's until this past year because we were strong there.
  15. Only way I could see this happening is if McNally says: "Look Tom, I want to draft this kid, he's going to be the staple on this line for the next 10 years. We need to get up into the end of the first round to get him, make it happen"
  16. I received this from a friend who is involved with NMG, and am very encouraged by it: 'I apologize for the lapse of time between our emails. I completely forgot about our previous discussion until I saw an NYCBBB email the other day. Anyways, I would like to add some follow up to our discussions concerning the fiscal turmoil here in Buffalo/Erie County. I understand that living away from this area it is hard to fully grasp the news that is occurring here. I would like to assure you - contrary to what you might have heard - things aren't as bad as they may seem. In fact they're the best they've been in many years. The course that this community is currently taking, in response to our fiscal crises, is the best course that we can possibly take. Honestly, given the severity of our situation, I couldn't have asked for a better outcome - so far. Our community impressively lashed out against our elected officials - a 'taxpayer revolt' as we're now referring to it - preventing them from raising our taxes one bit while forcing them to drastically reduce the size of government (especially pork and patronage). Given the history of this area, this was a momentous achievement. Something that I was very proud to be apart of. Regardless of how you look at it, the biggest problem that is oppressing the Buffalo Niagara region is GOVERNMENT and it's government on all levels. Obviously when you live in the state with the most inept and dysfunctional government in the nation, there is naturally going to be problems beyond your direct control. However, when your local governments - something that is within your direct control - aren't much better, there is no excuse. There was a lot of hype about how devastating the county cuts would be (once again, they had to occur) to this community. Of course little of that played out to be true. A scare tactic by our frightened elected officials. We were supposed to see 3,000+ jobs terminated. In reality 1,900 positions ended up being cut, which included 700 vacant positions, tototalingnly 1,200 actually people. We were told to "lock our doors" by the Erie County District Attorney in response to the devastating cutbacks to public safety. Instead only 10 out of 93 Assistant DAs are being cut along with a minimal reduction in rural road patrols by the sheriff. Plus countless more examples. Ultimately, I have to admit that this is a heroic account of this community rising up at a grassroots level and influencing the direction that this area is taking. I am ecstatic that this is receiving such prominent national publicity. The overwhelming majority of this community understands that county government is far too large in proportion to our declining population and with a tax increase (regardless of the form) all future attempts to stimulate economic growth will be futile. After all, there is no fair and equitable tax in an economically stagnant region that is already highly taxed. This community (most of us at least) understands that Medicaid is a dire problem - so dire that my anger inhibits my ability to articulate myself properly - yet we still need to improve our fiscal situation with the conditions that we do have control over. That being said, Erie County has a phenomenal level of services, far greater than most of the Sun Belt regions that are experiencing outstanding economic prosperity. We have most of our services because we want them, not because we need them. Ultimately, this county will still drive on successfully without those services that are being cut. Prospective outside investors care more about dollars and cents than 52 library branches and satellite DMV offices. Our biggest fault was not gradually reducing the size of county government (through cuts in services and reductions in staff) after our great victory in cutting property taxes thirty percent five years ago. We are now learning our lesson the hard way for that. Even through all our efforts, unfunded mandates will continue to scar us (part of the curse of existing in New York State) but that is not an excuse to not follow proper diligence in making sure that our local governments are the most effective and efficient they can possibly be. Also, there is absolutely no possibility whatsoever that our beloved Bills will depart as a result of this budget crisis. None. A few politicians and, of course, the media played out some yellow journalism - but that was the extent of it. What it boiled down to was a few county legislatures very foolishly asked the Bills if they could fore go Erie County's payment to the Bills used for mmaintenanceat the Ralph as dictated by the 1998 lease agreement. That was about the it. The Bills are not going to leave Buffalo because of this as some might want others to believe. I'm sure the Bills aren't happy about being asked this question but keep in mind, the legislatures asked, not told, the Bills this. The Bills are going to say no and the llegislaturewill find other ways to save money and we should have the Bills until at least 2012. I respectfully ask our local officials to continue with the course that we are taking by continuing to reduce the size of county government (in the most prudent and responsible way possible) while avoiding all tax and fee increase without exception. Hopefully they will follow suit. Change is not going to be easy in this community. If it was than we would have it by now. Yet it is necessary. We have to crash and burn before we can really reverse our course and there is nothing wrong with that. The bloody battles must be fought now on the front lines so we can ensure a pprosperityin the future for this great community. Well I just wanted to vent and let you understand the perspective of 75% of us (Bflo News poll) in this community. Things are working out. It will just take some time and some pain. I hope I wasn't to emotional. AAfter allthis political stuff is my kind of thing. I look forward to hearing from you.'
  17. http://news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/a...rty_bathrooms_1
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