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Everything posted by BillsNYC

  1. Please, you don't have to feed a baby for 15 YEARS!! What do you call a guy with no arms and no legs hanging on a wall... Art
  2. Missed that with all the talk of vegtables and ex's....
  3. Yeah....unplug her and see if God thinks she should live or not.
  4. That's what living wills are for chief. She didn't have one and is now paying the price.
  5. 'No. Oddly enough anyone who sees the film and tape of her can see that her brain tells her lungs to breathe, that she can open her eyes, that she seems to respond at times and to some degree to her family. She can laugh. (I heard it this morning on the news. It's a childlike chuckle.) In the language of computers she appears not to be a broken hard drive but a computer in deep hibernation. She looks like one of those coma cases that wind up in the news because the patient, for no clear reason, snaps to and returns to life and says, "Is it 1983? Is there still McDonald's? Can I have a burger?" ' Is this lady a doctor? No...so this is all purely opinion. The lady is a vegatble, not in a coma. The laughing is that of a madwoman!
  6. That's like saying "robbing a bank is ok even if the law says it isn't"
  7. I can't believe that i actually side with the liberals on this....what's this world coming to?
  8. All this talk of vegtables is getting me hungry...oh, what to do for lunch.
  9. Yeah...and her first words will be: "let me get this straight, you know I have an eating disorder and you guys insisted on force feeding me for 15 years??"
  10. Actually, lethal injection for criminals is no party. Your organs are being burned away on the inside causing death. The only reason it looks painless is because they inject a muscle relaxer first. There's been reports of criminals waking up in the middle of it screaming in pain.
  11. Hey...think about this....if she has an eating disorder, don't you think its torture for her to be force fed for 15 years?
  12. If she had an eating disorder I'm sure she's use to it.
  13. Exactly, pull the plug and end the suffering.
  14. The parents are unrealistic...its been 15 years, she's not getting better. Why he won't divorce? Maybe he still does care about her and she DID say she wouldn't want to be kept alive.
  15. Reminds me about a classic joke: What's the hardest part about eating a vegtable? The wheelchair
  16. Fla. Judge Blocks Removal of Terri Schiavo's Feeding Tube www.foxnews.com Man...just let her die already!
  17. It's because everybody is comparing their teams to the Pats, who have incredible depth, forgetting that 90% of the teams in the NFL have no depth.
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