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Posts posted by BillsNYC

  1. E-mail gaffe


    Whaley gained unwanted notoriety in 2007 when an inappropriate e-mail that he had sent to Steelers assistant coach Larry Zierlein was inadvertently forwarded by Zierlein to a large number of high-level NFL employees, including commissioner Roger Goodell. The e-mail reportedly contained a pornographic video. Zierlein apologized for the gaffe, and it is believed that neither he nor Whaley were disciplined by the team or the league.[1]


    All it says on Wiki....ha.

  2. What's up with NYers? You'd think they'd want to try this piece of shizz in NYC.


    1) The whole city is going to be on lockdown, unless you live in NYC you don't know what a headache that is for people and businesses.


    2) $1 billion cost


    3) Emotionally the folks that were down there on 9-11 (and families of the victims) don't want them anywhere near ground zero, its a cemetery for many and brings up too many painful memories.

  3. Not the first time they've tried something like this:


    "In 2006, the NFL made an attempt to trademark "The Big Game" as well. However, it withdrew the application in 2007 due to growing commercial opposition to the move, mostly from fans of both Stanford and Cal who compete in The Big Game which concludes their Pac-10 season." - via wiki

  4. Since it looks like fearless coach Chuck Lester will not be retained at OBD, can we please have a moment of silence?






    Thank you.


    I just realized, Lester was probably a part of more playoff games than anybody Gailey will hire.

  5. There's a deeper level of comedy there if you look into their well laid-out plan to divide the GOP and the tea party movement. I read the bit from Robert Menendez, the Senatorial Campaign Committee chair, telling the party how to create the wedge...by asking their opponents a series of questions, including "“Do you believe that Barack Obama is a U.S. citizen? Do you think the 10th Amendment bars Congress from issuing regulations like minimum health care coverage standards? Do you think programs like Social Security and Medicare represent socialism and should never have been created in the first place? Do you think President Obama is a socialist? Do you think America should return to a gold standard?”


    The gotcha moment is if any of the Repubes answers "no" to any question, the Dem must then run as quickly as possible and report this answer to both the GOP candidate's opponent in the primary and the local tea party folks.


    Because the tea party movement is nothing but a bunch of birthers who think Obama is a Hitler-moustache wearing commie. :thumbsup: Could you possibly be more screwed up and wrong about anything right now?


    I say this is a great idea. Move forward with it swiftly. And don't forget to call them teabaggers, too. That really kept them from traveling to Massachusetts to help Scott Brown.


    Although I don't believe that all tea baggers are birthers, I agree with most of what you said, and am shocked to admit it.


    I think tea baggers are doing a great service in the long run by bringing the party to the right, they are going to hurt them short term by going after guys like McCain in the upcoming election.

  6. If Manning goes down in a meaningless game against the Jets or Bills, their season is done. All the criticism comes from Monday morning quarterbacking journalists who just want to write about a perfect season. Easy to make decisions when YOUR job is not on the line.

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