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Everything posted by BillsNYC

  1. I have almost no idea what's going on in that last episode, besides with Al and Mrs. Garret...
  2. Aren't they all parking lots now?
  3. I think 90% of problems with children can be. I'm waiting for them to find a violent video game in the kids room and blame that. Blame the guardians, and blame the kids who are almighty and felt the need to tease him.
  4. Maybe it'll teach kids to stop teasing others because they're different.
  5. Where do you plan on storing your whores?
  6. "There are no confirmed reports of anyone fully recovering from a permanent vegetative state lasting more than three months." 15 years...15 YEARS!!!
  7. If you pay more that $50 to get serviced by Ed's ex-girlfriend there then you're getting ripped off.
  8. Wow...this is my only thread that hasn't been deleted or moved! I feel like I'm back and BillsZone.com!
  9. See...this is what kills me: http://www.alertnet.org/thenews/newsdesk/N21349374.htm The Schindlers believe their daughter responds to them and her condition could improve with treatment. Tennessee Sen. Bill Frist, a surgeon and Senate majority leader, has viewed videotapes and agrees. 1) She hasn't improved in 15 Years with treatment! 2) Frist, you're a surgeon, not a neurologist!
  10. Thank you! People are trying to push their agenda by trying to make him look like a money grubbing a-hole...which he's not by reading the facts.
  11. Here you go: http://www.buffalonews.com/editorial/20050320/1044150.asp
  12. Wow...that sounded like a line right out of Office Space....
  13. OH NO....you spelled Vegetable wrong! Your argument is meaningless now! That's the thing. Everybody is so quick to judge that they don't put themselves in each of their positions. I mean, I would agree if this was 5 years, but 15! That's when the Bills were in their first Super Bowl! The Olsen twins weren't in grade school! The first George Bush was in office! Communism just fell! That's how long this has been going on and she hasn't improved!
  14. They follow 1 team each off-season. I watched an episode last week and loved it.
  15. What I'm more amazed at is that my thoughts aline with liberals. I'm almost scared....
  16. Brocoli..get your 'speeling' right chief.
  17. I 100% agree. Even a horse gets a bullet in the head with a broken leg.
  18. You realize 15 years ago the Olsen Twins weren't even in grade school yet? How's that for perspective...
  19. Good man. At this point, this is the good that can come from this. Everybody should have a living will.
  20. Because he probably had hope for recovery those 2 first years, then realized it was hopeless. And you know what? He was right! He's ready to move on. The parents have to end their selfishness and move on already. 15 YEARS!!! I apologize for my mis-spelling. I'll just use brocoli instead from now on.
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