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Everything posted by BillsNYC

  1. UGH...he's not making any money off this! Stop buying into the media!
  2. Ralph continues to be a great man in this selfish era of sports. The news here today is bursting with stories saying the only way NY will ever get a Super Bowl is by building the West Side Stadium, which we all know is 100% BS. As long as they build a domed stadium ANYWHERE in NYC, the Super Bowl will come here. Shows the greed of the owners and the bias of the media. Even Chuck Schummer (who I can't stand) said on the news this morning that the Super Bowl will come here regardless of the West Side Stadium...but the media won't print it that way.
  3. I want to see a Christian get eaten by a lion in Rome’s Coliseum
  4. 'Unfortunately, highly regarded Ben Wilkerson (Louisiana State) suffered a significant knee injury midway through the 2004 season, but he still should represent solid value on the second day of the draft.' Yup...that sounds like a TD pick to me.
  5. Why do you want to keep her alive? She's a veggie! She will NOT GET BETTER! She has nothing to live for! If it was you, would YOU want to be kept alive in this state?
  6. Hey....I never said the choice would be easy.
  7. Which set uf protestors irritate you more?
  8. 'Meanwhile, outside of the Pinellas Park, Fla. hospice where Terri Schiavo is staying, police arrested some protesters who tried to get water to her. Another group of protesters claimed they would risk arrest in a similar manner later Wednesday.' Is it me, or are these people complete idiots? What are they going to do, bring a makeshift feeding tube and put it in her stomache and pour water in...while the security a med staff will just sit by and watch it happen? These people are the ones who should be veggies.
  10. Hey Labatt, Did you see NFL Network had a show on last night about a Bills/Dolphins championship game back when Joe F was QB? I tivo'd it and can't wait to watch it. And you say nothing good is ever on.
  11. Go on over to Free Buffalo and see what they think: http://forum.freebuffalo.org/dcboard.php?a...opics&forum=121
  12. is it just me...or is the chick hot under her mask?
  13. As I said in a post yesterday....this isn't dividing liberals and republicans...its dividing republicans and right wing nuts.
  14. Happy B-day Mikey! I think SDS is about to ban me, so I'll see you at Kenny's pinto next season buddy!
  15. You think they feed her 'vegetables'? Wouldn't that be ironic?
  16. This post just shows that you know nothing about this case. Hunter was born with Krabbes and has FOUGHT it his whole life. His brain/mind are 100% functioning - he can feel emotion and show it, he can feel pain, he can express himself. He is FIGHTING his illness. Terri had an eating disorder and caused herself to have a heart attack. Her brain is fried and can show no emotion, probably doesn't feel pain, and is a vegetable. Her body is alive, but her mind is gone. She's a useless blob of tissue.
  17. Yes...he doesn't deserve to have his name in the records book.
  18. Hell...put it on her forehead...she won't even know its there...
  19. Or the bowflex...like the hot 50 year old chick on tv....
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