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Everything posted by BillsNYC

  1. bump... Sorry Aussie...this def isn't more important than Pepsi Itunes...so shouldn't be pinned.
  2. HAHAHA....this is even funnier than Adam's post! HAHA! OK DAD!! HAHA
  3. Please...Bills fans are just as bad. I've witnessed MANY Bills fans being complete aholes to other team's fans. I've been to 4 Jets/Bills games in NJ now...at first fights almost broke out, now they're used to us and we all tailgate together. And I don't think non rich fans = drunk/obnoxious fans. I'm sure there are plenty of obnoxious fans who have money there buddy.
  4. Oh my god, we should have kept the mindless body alive then! HAHAH! Are you kidding me? What a useless statement this is! Who cares if her skin turned yellow! 'It' didn't even know 'it' was being starved to death!
  5. Ha...No hatred for them being rich! Hatred because they aren't real fans! Jets fan are known as the blue collar team here, whereas the Giants are the white collared corporate team. I've seen both play, Jets fans are a lot like Bills fans. Giants fans are a joke, when they played the Bills a few years ago, over half the stadium was gone before halftime because the team was losing. I know a Giant season ticket holder who never uses his seats, he just has them to give away to clients. That's EXACTLY what's going to happen with the Jets now. All these jerkoffs are going to be buting up all the high priced Jets game tickets ruining the atmosphere for the loyal Jets fans.
  6. Teddy Roosevelt had a high pitched voice as well.
  7. Cablevision wins the deal...they are read to pay the full sum in cash right now. Taxpayers don't pay a thing and building begins. Jets win and taxpayers get to shell out at LEAST $300 million and they STILL have to get several approvals. I love that the media here is saying how the Jets deal is less risky, when they were singing the opposite tune 3 days ago.
  8. It's great...I was afraid the show was jumping the shark this season, but they nicely rebounded with this episode. I wish they would have attacked the right to life nuts a little more. Mr. (ors Mrs?) Garrison getting arrested was hilarious!
  9. Maybe we should put the thread on a feeding tube? They're known for keeping useless and doomed things alive longer than they should be.
  10. I've learned to start doing that as well. Smallville always goes a minute late, so I was missing the following week's preview. Comedy Central never starts things on time.
  11. My fiance says its because he took his glasses off and is now cuter, and chicks will dig him more.
  12. I just took a tour of West Point a few weeks ago, I'm getting married there on July 4th (how's THAT for patriotic?) It took Patton 5 years to graduate, and people always teased him for that and he'd say, "It's because I couldn't find the library" So West Point erected his statue next to the library facing the front door.
  13. Nope...because the team is going to be become the White Collar team here now, and that means the wealthy and corporations will be buying up all the seats.
  14. I love how the angel kept sniffing the marker. I have been disapointed with SP this season so far, but this episode was great.
  15. Over half the guys deciding were appointed by Bloomberg and Pataki who are for the stadium. Yeah...that's fair. Jets fans are DOOMED. And so are us Bills fans here in NYC that will be counting our days until the last tailgate we get to throw.
  16. HAHA! ANybody see South Park last night? I was praying that it would be about this, but when it started I thought it wasn't...all of a sudden dead Kenny was brought back to Life as a vegetable and shouted "YES!!!" So funny! Even the South Park guys thought she should die.
  17. I agree with you there, but the Black Crowes aren't THAT well known. This competition is about getting all of America to vote for you..not just a certain group of them. How many Americans know that Black Crowe's song, and how many know it was a good rendition? That's why I think Carrie Underwood is the one to beat. She can rock out country songs...but she rocked out that 80's song (Alone?) last week which was awesome. Bo is basically one dimensional at this point. The best performer, but he needs to come back and blow everybody away.
  18. I liken Bo and Constantine to the Goo Goo Dolls. Bo is the GGD PRE fame, Constantine is the GGD post fame and selling out.
  19. Henry is a 90 in Madden I'd say he's an 80 in real life.
  20. I'm angry with Bo for picking that song....but he can afford one screwup.
  21. TD is known for making strange picks...this would fit right in with that.
  22. Was this just a coincidence, or are you just really clever with your Marv-isms?
  23. “ How do you ignore him? He's the best athlete in the draft. It may not even be close. Honestly, he's the most mesmerizing player I've ever evaluated.” —A general manager from an AFC club
  24. HAHA! Remember what a huge deal that was almost 10 years ago???
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