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Everything posted by BillsNYC

  1. Way to cheat on your dying wife, and Kudos to Fox News and the Enquirer for sticking with the story unlike the liberal media. The Edwards are supposed to give a statement soon, think they'll come out in the "Spitzer pose"?
  2. WFAN down here had a couple announcers saying anything less than a Super Bowl appearance this year would be a failure.
  3. She announced this on Hannity and Colmes last night: http://www.getdrunkandvoteforjohnmccain.com/
  4. He did, however, note one difference in between Jacksonville and Buffalo. “The weather is better here definitely,” Stroud said. Wonder if he'll say the same thing in December? http://www.wellsvilledaily.com/sports/x306810511
  5. The key to that statement is "Well known", although he's known as an excellent surgeon the big reason players go to him is the agents. They control which doctor to send players to, and Andrews has a whole process for pro athletes that caters to their needs (hotel, car service, private patient rooms, entertainment, etc) There are plenty of surgeons around the country that are equal and can even be considered better than Andrews, he just has a niche for pro athletes because of what he offers them. It's just that most of the other top surgeons will treat the players like ordinary patients and not get the special hospitality treatment.
  6. Anyone know if the above has been finalized? Looked on NFL Network and there haven't been any updates. If so, those of you in or near NYC will be able to catch the first 3 at McFadden's.
  7. The casting is so bad it looks like a spoof movie.
  8. This is funny. http://blogsforjohnmccain.com/category/tags/gerard-baker
  9. Can't remember year, but it was Jeff George's first game for the Colts and Bruuuuce knocked him out of the game.
  10. HAHA...did you just see Olberman try to get Luke a job by asking Ebersol if he could cover some NFL games for NBC this year? I can't stand Olberman, but that was great.
  11. Are they not going to do a memorial service in Buffalo?
  12. Luke Russert's interview from this morning. Be great if he would follow in his Dad's footsteps, can't believe how well he is holding up. Picture of him next to his dad's chair is moving. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21134540/vp/25186769#25186769
  13. www.nycbbb.com I don't care where I am, if I see anybody wearing anything Buffalo related, I stop them to ask about it. I've stopped numerous folks on the streets of Manhattan. 3 out of 5 folks are from Buffalo, the others bought the clothes used at a store, ha.
  14. They should play Tom Brokaw's ending quote from the tribute and have a moment of silence at the home opener.
  15. \ When thinking about my wife's comment, she was right, Tim was OUR Kennedy of Buffalo. He showed that you could as he said "get up, dust off" and accomplish whatever you wanted even if you were from Buffalo. His passing is a huge loss for the city, he can't be replaced but hope somebody will continue the path.
  16. I always remember in his book how when Kennedy was shot Tim was devastated about it. My wife came home from work and looked at me and said, "This is your Kennedy", he represented all of us from Buffalo, we lost a great one today.
  17. Not sure if already posted: http://www.goarmysports.com/ViewArticle.db...;ATCLID=1449276 While Campbell became the focal point of ESPN’s draft-day coverage, the afternoon was not filled with quite the same level of inspection for one of Campbell’s former teammates at West Point, Mike Viti. A Regimental Commander within the U.S. Corps of Cadets, Viti spent much of Sunday in New York City at a wreath-laying ceremony with the remainder of his regiment. The Black Knights’ former bruising fullback was tending to laundry and running some other errands with his parents upon his return to West Point. As they drove to get something to eat, Viti’s cell phone rang. “We were driving to go eat and Buffalo had given me a call. It was early in the seventh round,” Viti explains. “They said, ‘We might take you with our next pick.’ I took it for what it was worth. They called again right before their pick and said, “We’re either going to take you or another player. But if we don’t take you, we want to sign you as a free agent. We really want you and want you to know that.’ Right after the draft was over they called again and they laid it out. They said, ‘You’re the guy we want and you’re the only rookie fullback we’re going to bring in (to mini camp).’ “With that, I thought it was a good situation. It seems like they came after me pretty aggressively. They’ve been in contact with me the last few weeks. I feel pretty good about it. That’s part of what goes into the free-agent process. You try to assess what team you see yourself fitting into best.” With that, Viti agreed to terms with the Bills on a free agent contract. “I don’t want to get too excited about things, because that’s not going to serve me well,” Viti says. “This day is just one more step towards what I’ve been working towards. I feel really good about that.” Campbell becomes the first Army player to be selected in the NFL Draft since Ronnie McAda was chosen by the Green Bay Packers with the final pick in 1997. Campbell and Viti will be participating in the U.S. Army’s Alternative Service Option program. Under guidelines of the program, both players will be allowed to play football with their respective professional organizations while assigned to recruiting stations for two years as long as they remain under contract. Should they retain professional contracts following two years, they will be offered the option of “buying out” the remaining three years of their active-duty commitment in exchange for six years in the U.S. Army Reserves. Campbell and Viti will join baseball standouts Nick Hill and Milan Dinga, as well as former Army hockey goalie Brad Roberts as recent West Point graduates currently enrolled in the program. Campbell and Viti will begin their professional careers almost immediately, with both heading off to rookie mini camps later this week. And both heading off to the myriad of media events and publicity opportunities that certainly awaits.
  18. http://www.nycbbb.com/kenny/ With links to his history and top 10 questions. He's an awesome guy who we'll be seeing in NYC in 2 weeks at the NYCBBB Draft Party.
  19. It amazes me that the MTA has no money...they have raised my fares twice in the last year and cut service. The MTA is corrupt in my opinion, and so is everything having to deal with this stadium.
  20. I think we're either going to have to tailgate at McFadden's and then have a parade of hundreds of Bills fans walk to the stadium...OR...rent a boat and tailgate on that!
  21. I have season tickets to the Bills. I usually hang out with Kenny. Kenny drives his Van out to our tailgate in NJ and brings his bar/bowling ball with him...can't wait to do bowling ball shots on 42nd Street in between the Israeli Consolate and the Pfizer Building.
  22. Yeah...and those times are almost over now. I'm going to miss Lot 16C...we're going to have to see if we can tailgate in McFadden's before the games, cover the windows like we're having a stripper or something! PS....the only fight I've ever had to breakup was between 2 BILLS fans after the game.
  23. Why continue this? Justice has been done and good has triumphed over evil. The system worked.
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