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Everything posted by BillsNYC

  1. Economic Left/Right: 2.62 Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -0.72
  2. If I hear the "Biden works in DC but takes Amtrak back to Delaware every night" line one more time.... What the hell does that have to do with anything? Delaware is practically a suburb of DC!
  3. Yes, they are co-owned by a Buffalonian and they will be showing all games with sound, as well as Sabres games. I have yet to be there but hear its great but smaller so wouldn't work for NYCBBB. However, they will be a 3rd awesome option for our members this year who are looking for more of a smaller around the corner bar atmosphere. I hung out with the owner at a fundraiser recently and will cater to Bills/Sabres fans.
  4. Awesome! Won't be there tonight but will be for the opener. Word of advice, get there EARLY. People start lining up outside as early as 9am to get seats at McFadden's!
  5. McFadden's on 42nd and 2nd. Game will be on in HD with sound. About 50 people showed up for the first preseason game, not sure how many will tonight on a work night but prob in that range. Also, from 5-10pm you can participate in one of these optional specials to get your money's worth. * $30: All the draft beer you can drink and wings you can eat. * $20: All the Bud/Bud Lite draft you can drink and wings you can eat. * $15: All the POP you can drink and wings you can eat. Make sure you check out the Bills NYCBBB jersey on the wall, as well as the Marv Levy book and note from him framed by the bar. Too bad you're not there during the regular season when that and the bar next door are so packed with Bills fans that you can't walk through either bar.
  6. I won a free subscription to Buffalo Spree at a fundraiser in NYC and this set of articles is outstanding on selling Buffalo: "The biggest question facing WNY today is not whether the Bills are ever going to move or when Bass Pro will open, although both of those certainly matter. The real question is: How do we sell Buffalo? In other words, how do we—those of us who live and work here—help the rest of the world understand what we love about the Queen City? To find out, we’re talking to some of the folks who are doing their part to improve the city’s image—people like Ed Healey, Jim and Barbara Bono, and Tom Kucharski. Donna Evans-Deyermond ponders what it takes to generate cultural tourism. And Kelly Hayes McAlonie celebrates Buffalo’s status as an architectural destination." www.buffalospree.com Just click: Archives > Jul/Aug 2008 If you're from Buffalo, they are a must read. Building up the city and its reputation is a way to keep the Bills there.
  7. Is Obama whitening his hair? My brother pointed it out back in the spring, but lately it looks like he was just out in a snow storm. Or its natural and he just stopped dying it black. Even my wife pointed it out while watching Saddleback the other night, and it looked REALLY white just now when he's in that coffee shop and reporters are asking about his VP choice. Regardless, I think he's doing it to look older/more experienced.
  8. Maybe now teams can play rookies less than proven veterans, and retired players can get some financial support. Go Joe D.
  9. http://deadspin.com/5038678/nfl-season-preview-buffalo-bills
  10. I wouldn't count your eggs, Obama didn't look so hot going up against Clinton this spring, most agreed that he lost those debates. Obama is an amazing speaker, not debater.
  11. Ahh..and here is a rebuttle article http://www.swamppolitics.com/news/politics...saddleback.html McCain is a seasoned politician of 25 years, he doesn't need a minute to think on every question, and has been doing town hall meetings where he's been asked almost every question before. I think this is Obama admitting that McCain outperformed him.
  12. Obama accusing McCain of cheating http://www.nytimes.com/2008/08/18/us/polit...back&st=cse
  13. I have to give credit to Obama for participating, it was like walking into the lion's den as a liberal and he also prob p!ssed off a bunch of liberal supporters (who will vote for him anyways) but in the end I don't think he prob helped himself much, if anything McCain prob strengthened his "base". In the end, although he can show his faith, Obama is a liberal that stands for issues that tick off evangelists. Then again, maybe folks turned the TV off after Obama and went to bed.... Biggest Gaffs: Obama - after being asked why he wants to be president...10 seconds of "uh...uh...uh" McCain - When talking about Russia, he kept screwing up the countries, making him look old and forgetful Obama - Saying Clarence Thomas didn't have the qualifications to be a Supreme Court Justice...uh...folks say the same about you... McCain - Pandering faith...he was a little too over the top and you could tell he was trying to push faith, where Obama was much more natural.
  14. They're showing Bills stuff now from there....
  15. Whites will still prob control most of the money/power, so not much will change in our lifetimes.
  16. FYI, I read the article. When I posted the link, it was a "News Alert" along the top of the home page and only a couple paragraphs long as it was just released seconds before I posted it here. By the time you read it, Powell had denied it and it had been updated with the following 4 paragraphs which I did not see until your post: "“This is not an absolute done deal, but these people are very confident that Powell will endorse Obama,” Kristol said, adding that he thinks Powell, a Republican, still has “a high respect” for John McCain, Obama’s Republican rival. Powell immediately denied the report. “I do not have time to waste on Bill Kristol’s musings,” Powell told ABC News. “I am not going to the convention. I have made this clear.” Roll Call executive editor Mort Kondracke, also a FOX News contributor, said he personally has spoken with Powell, who denied the report and said he has made no endorsement decisions, according to Kondracke."
  17. http://elections.foxnews.com/2008/08/13/kr...e-barack-obama/
  18. Greatest post I've ever read. 2nd best drinking city?
  19. The game is being listed as on one of the FSN channels at 7:30 on Thursday. What are the odds of it actually being televised? Or is it going to be blacked out?
  20. I have Wii, and haven't played the franchise in 3 years as all I read is that it hasn't changed much, especially franchise mode. I was thinking of spending $10 and buying Madden 07, as all I'd miss is the latest players, however I spend most time in Franchise so doesn't make much of a difference. Thoughts?
  21. I'd love to see Obama supporters doing that hand signal at the convention, all the Republicans have to do is put a picture of that next to a picture of a crowd of Nazis doing the Heil Hitler salute. Still can't get over the arrogance of thinking he should speak at the Brandenburg Gate...
  22. She's refusing paternity test, so we'll never know. Gotta respect her privacy, as well as the poor kid's, but that just leaves unanswered questions and most will assume it's his kid and he's lying. Why else would he visit the kid in a hotel room in the middle of the night. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,400962,00.html
  23. I was going to buy it for Wii but then read IGN's review today that just came out and they said they didn't change one thing in Franchise Mode...which is my fav part so prob won't buy it.
  24. The National Enquirer broke the story, and Fox News carried it for the last few weeks when the other major media sources did not. Edwards admitted the affair to ABC because of the pressure from the Enquirer and Fox News. Not many people take the NE very seriously, so you have to give credit to FN for backing them up and keeping the story in the headlines over the last few weeks. This article kills me from MSNBC/AP, saying the mainstream media didn't report it earlier because they couldn't prove it. Oh yeah? Then why wasn't the same standard held when it came to the NY Times publishing the story on McCain's non existing affair? http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/26099046/
  25. And that has to do with the Presidential and VP candidate banging a reporter while his wife is dying of cancer how? LOVE IT! Hannity and Colmes has the Editor of National Enquirer on who just said (and I'm paraphrasing) "The NY Times published that story on McCain having an affair that had no backup and I would have been fired for trying to publish, yet they gave Edwards a pass on this story and ignored it." Even Colmes isn't arguing for Edwards, saying there's probably more to the story (ie: the kid.) Thank god for Fox News.
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