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Everything posted by BillsNYC

  1. Me too, too bad it took them 3 days to get to that point. Can't wait to see the McCain "Obama Temple Ad" that is sure to come out. I'm sure Obama will give a historic speech, but the columns outside may be a "greek tragedy" as some are calling it, much like the German speech that started the downfall.
  2. Bill Clinton was very good, got to give it to him....of course now he'll get back to throwing grenades at Obama....
  3. Obamopolis http://elections.foxnews.com/2008/08/27/in...eptance-speech/
  4. In addition to the Temple...a Clinton supporter/friend just sent me this, I told her to make a shirt: Now I'm not conspiracy theorist or anything and I know this is cheesy, but when put together, don't these two names seem a lot alike? Are the gods giving us a sign? Obama-Biden Osama Bin Laden
  5. Obama is giving his convention speech in front of a temple!!!! http://hotair.com/archives/2008/08/27/obam...of-personality/
  6. HAHAHA! Hillary is just about to go on and they had a close up of Bill on MSNBC...somebody handed him a "Unity" sign and he looked at it then put it on the ground and went about talking to the lady next to him. Chris Matthews was saying "And there's Bill Clinton holding a Unity sign! And..uh...he just put it down....." then went to something else.
  7. Dick Morris just said Hillary is going to give a knockout speech in order to undermine the fact that Obama selected Biden over her.
  8. Ha.... This race is so tight I wouldn't be surprised if neither party got a bounce after their conventions.
  9. Saying this was taken prior to last night.
  10. Wow...Gallup numbers today: McCain 46% Obama 44% http://www.gallup.com/poll/election2008.aspx
  11. Did she ever really have a chance with sexist reporting? Not that I wanted her...but jeez. This is the first article that popped up on Google News. http://www.abcnews.go.com/GMA/story?id=5656295 "A Look Back at Hillary's Year in Pantsuits"
  12. Wow...any balance MSNBC had left is gone, they are going after McCain this morning. Already have insinuated that McCain has no chance, and said he's overusing his POW record. Joe Scarborough had the REAL awkward moment by saying the convention should have "started with pictures of Katrina! This is a blood sport!"...to which everybody kinda just stared at him and they moved onto McCain's line about the POW camp on Leno last night being awkward.
  13. I thought the speech was good, but then the obviously staged ending with the daughter talking into the microphone to "The One" totally ruined it.
  14. I almost nodded off during that Michelle Obama video....zzzzzzz.....
  15. Black Obama delegate calls black Hillary delegate an "Uncle Tom" http://elections.foxnews.com/2008/08/25/ch...d-me-uncle-tom/ And pfffff....yeah right: Initially, Jones denied calling Cobb an “Uncle Tom” and refused to elaborate. However, he is now telling reporters that he called her a “doubting Thomas” and that Cobb must have misheard the remar
  16. Looks like Obama campaign is trying to control this: DENVER (AP) — Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama are working on a deal to give her some votes in the presidential nomination roll call, but end the divided balloting quickly with a unanimous consent for Obama. Democratic officials involved in the negotiations say the idea is that at the start of the state-by-state roll call Wednesday night, delegates would cast their votes for Clinton or Obama. But the voting would be cut off after a couple states, perhaps ending with New York, when Clinton herself would call for a unanimous backing for Obama from the convention floor. http://ap.google.com/article/ALeqM5jzTpjgP...0pWGBQD92PF1CO0
  17. Reporters are saying Dems are stating publicly that the media is making the Clinton/Obama tension sound worse than it is, then when the cameras are off they come back and whisper that "yeah, it is that bad" McCain campaign is sponsoring a Happy Hour for Hillary party tonight for all Clinton supporters..haha.
  18. Fox News just reported that a Wisconsin delegate that was a Hilary suppporter has just endorsed John McCain.
  19. I love that even though she's "releasing" her delegates, its only symbolic, they can vote for whoever they want. Read a couple articles yesterday where many of her delegates are still going to vote for her. Whoops....news is just reporting new bad blood between clintons and obamas...apparently they won't let Bill give the speech he wants.
  20. "There are some things that may be beyond the control of the Obama campaign. Most pressingly, Democrats said they were worried that the tensions between supporters of Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Obama from the contest that just ended two months ago would spill into public view after her name is entered into nomination, particularly after Mr. Obama bypassed Mrs. Clinton in choosing Mr. Biden. “I have a lot of doubts that this convention is going to be as persuasive as it should be because they’ve got this damn thing with Hillary,” Mr. Fowler said. “I love Hillary. I was for her. But this is the worst political decision I could imagine. This is supposed to be an Obama celebration. You’re going to get the nomination of someone who came very close to winning and you’re going to get a lot of people in there cheering and hollering and some people booing.” "The Obama campaign is leaving little to chance. It has created a rapid response team — led by Craig Smith, a former top operative in the Clinton world — to head out to the convention floor at the first sign of any trouble from Clinton supporters. Mr. Obama’s campaign began sending out a one-page sheet of daily talking points to delegates, instructing them what to say and what to avoid in talking to reporters. (In one last week, according to a recipient, the central thrust was how to parry questions about Clinton-Obama strife and Mrs. Clinton’s speech by saying, “I can’t wait to hear Hillary Clinton talk about the future and am excited that her candidacy is unifying our party!”)" http://www.nytimes.com/2008/08/25/us/politics/25dems.html Well...as I said in my first post... This is gonna be fun to watch......the party divided, thousands of liberal protesters protesting their own party, bunch of wanna be hippies trying to recreate 68......
  21. Just saw this on TV, pretty useful if you missed any speeches. http://notready08.com/
  22. Hahaha! They never went back to him, hope he got out alive!
  23. That's McCain's dilemma. You know he wants Lieberman, but all the conservative wackos out there will vote for a 3rd party rather than vote for a McCain ticket with a pro-life VICE PRESIDENT. I'm a McCain supporter and would love to see Lieberman on the ticket as I'm a social democrat but republican on everything else.
  24. Anybody watching Fox News? 2 or 3 dems interviewed so far have already referred to the "McCain-Romney ticket" as if its a talking point they want to get across. Speaking of talking points, all the dems are giving almost identical answers (some close to word for word) so you know they're all giving scripted answers. They apparently have to say: 1) saying "McCain-Bush plan" OR "4 more years of Bush" at least twice (once isn't enough anymore) 2) "we are already united, you'll see" whenever a question about Hillary comes up 3) "Biden is not a DC Insider, he lives in Delaware" when asked how Biden represents "change" since he's been a Senator for over 35 years Gotta give credit to the one Fox News reporter who went into the crowd of anti-war protesters and asked 4-5 of them to explain their positions and they all ignored him and then started giving the camera the finger and going after the cameraman. They haven't gone back to him since so haven't changed the channel to see what the other stations are reporting yet. What's going on with MSNBC and CNN?
  25. I hope not Romney....I know it'll make conservatives happy but think it'll scare off independents, and independents are where the election will be won.
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