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Everything posted by BillsNYC

  1. Maybe, but he's right. This wasn't during Olberman, this was during the actual breaking news.
  2. O'Reilly lost his mind about it last night http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AGUJPkqyIS4
  3. Here's the stage http://www.minnpost.com/stories/2008/08/29..._gop_convention Let's see....we've got - Hurricane Gustav and Hannah (how will this affect the convention?) - Exciting pick of Gov Palin - 50,000 protesters expected - Bush/Cheney speaking Monday (bet McCain wishes he could un-invite) This should be a wild ride.... This is the place to talk all about the 2008 Republican Convention!
  4. http://www.clusterstock.com/2008/8/mccain-...s-intrade-oops-
  5. wow...dems need to be careful on attacking her experience, lots of these could be used right back against Obama. For example, just heard heard this about her: "I don't think the American people are ready to gamble on somebody with so little foreign policy experience considering how important it is in this year" uhhhh....
  6. I guess they needed to do that after referring to her as a small town mayor and completely ignoring that she's a Governor.
  7. walking in to van halen....hahaha
  8. No...she just can't stand Obama and think's he's a phony, so was leaning towards McCain. She likes Palin because she's down to earth blue collar who's not a Bush cronie and my wife can relate to her. My wife prob would have went with McCain anyways. I'd be careful about calling women sexists...they're likely going to decide this election, and any guy knows calling a woman a sexist doesn't lead anywhere good.
  9. She's got 2 years of executive experience. Obama has 2 years of legislative experience, but actually a lot less than that since he's been running for president the entire time. So she's actually got more high level experience.
  10. My wife is a Hilltard as you call it, and was undecided but leaning towards McCain. This solidified it. My wife is pro choice (and passionate about it), but the fact that Palin knew she was having a child with Down Syndrome and went through with the pregnancy hit home with her and said will with other woman as well, even if she is pro-life. Whole different ball game when a woman is pro-life as opposed to a man.
  11. Ha..they just added half the stuff on there in the last hour.
  12. wow http://www.clusterstock.com/2008/8/mccain-...s-intrade-oops-
  13. Fox News just reported that the Ohio event is saying all signs point to her as VP. I always thought she'd be the best choice...keeping fingers crossed.
  14. Appeals to conservatives...and women (24% undecided)....and has no ties to Washington or Bush. Bob Beckel is shrinking in his seat amazed at this potential news....that'll tell you something.
  15. They're saying Sarah Palin! Just who I wanted!
  16. The USA isn't perfect, but in my opinion is the best and strongest nation in the world and has more opportunity and freedom to be what you want to be than anywhere else. Do we need 100% change like Obama said in his speech? I don't see why. I could live with 10% change.
  17. speech is over.....leak could happen any time now.
  18. What was that...45 min speech...nothing new...and doesn't get any closer to why he is qualified for the most important job in the world. Anybody could get up there and say what he did...does that mean they are qualified to be president?
  19. I just read that several of the potential VP picks including Romney, Pawlenty, and Liebeman are going to be at the announcement which could explain this.
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