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Everything posted by BillsNYC

  1. An affair is a hell of a lot easier to hide than coming up with a story of being pregnant....liberals are pulling at straws here, and the lie about when the picture of Bristol was taken proves it. The trooper-gate was well known. As already discussed, it looks like it will come out in her favor as another example of going against the good ol' boys.
  2. More pictures..can we now put this rumor to bed? http://hotair.com/archives/2008/09/01/a-pi...e-conspiracies/
  3. Anybody see Cokie Roberts on Stephanopolis this morning? Went out of her way to defend Palin. Stephanopolis said that she has no foreign policy experience. Robert's reply? Neither did Bill Clinton or Al Gore, they said it was a none issue.
  4. AND this.. "Last night, Republican supporters claimed the speculation was a vicious attempt to discredit John McCain's surprise choice as his running mate. Officials in the McCain camp said it was 'clearly absurd'. Aides said there were photographs of Mrs Palin looking visibly pregnant before she gave birth." http://www.thisislondon.co.uk/news/article...aign/article.do
  5. Whoops...looks like the Daily Kos "story" is starting to crumble "Specifically the reports focused on the 17 year olds stomach, with the rumor perpetuated by the Daily KoS website and others that reported on the rumors. The photo that KoS used and claimed was taken on March 9, 2008, was taken in Wasilla, Alaska in 2006. The photo was taken by Lester, from the Anchorage Daily News. (URL linked above to the Anchorage Daily News photo gallery) KoS then provided photos from 2008 which showed the same type of belly fat. "Sarah Palin at home with her family in Wasilla, Alaska in 2006. From left is Piper, 5, husband Todd, Willow, 12, and at right is Bristol, 16. Not pictured is Palin's son Track, 17. Trig Palin was born in 2008." Baby Trig Palin, a Downs Syndrome baby, was born on April 18, 2008. No matter how you do the math, there is no way a girl can be pregnant from 2006 to April of 2008." http://www.digitaljournal.com/article/259257
  6. The cable news networks are overdoing the coverage on this storm. I can understand tomorrow, but today its been non stop.
  7. Even the Huffington Post has two articles making fun of the Daily Kos and the "story".....now its showing up on lots of satire sites.
  8. ugh...again...do you know how intensive the vetting process is? No way is this true. This is going to backfire against liberals.
  9. Biden should go after her like she's a man, I think if she deserves the spot she should be able to take it and give it right back.
  10. I appreciate the tone of your email, thank you for having a discussion. Someone told my wife yesterday that she won't vote for McCain because he looks old and scary. She said to look at pictures from when he was young...he was a stud. My wife was for Hillary but was interested in Obama because she wasn't in agreement with everything Hillary stood for. But then she watched him make one speech (I wish I could remember which one) and just kept saying "this guy is promising the moon, nobody can deliver on all of this"...and as she heard more from him she felt like he was just telling people what they wanted to hear, and didn't like all the high rhetoric. The more she watched him, the more she felt that he was arrogant and had no substance, so she was leaning towards McCain because she felt he at least had integrity and was making realistic promises, and felt he would be strong on the Iraq War and national security, which is important to us living in NYC. She doesn't agree with Palin on abortion, but she respects the fact that she could have terminated her child after learning about the DS but chose to go through with it. She has respect for that and said many women will as well (I don't know if I buy that, but I'm not going to lie and pretend that I understand women) In the end, she feels McCain can be trusted more than Obama, and feels she can relate to Palin being a mom and that she will understand the common American better than any of the other 3. I can't say that Palin being a woman didn't have anything to do with it, but I can understand wanting to break the glass ceiling, just as blacks want to do . Simple reasons, but that's how most people vote.
  11. My wife is an independent who voted for Kerry last time and was going to vote for Hillary, and is now voting McCain, even though she is staunchly pro choice...exactly the kind of person McCain/Obama are targeting. I'd say her feedback carries more weight than most on this board in regards to the election, its the women like her who are deciding the fate of the election instead of "analysts" that are simply reporting it. Instead of ignoring her and those like her as you and the Dems have been doing, maybe you should listen to them instead of telling them how they'll vote. Also, if you've been reading about the investigation, you'd know that Palin and her team are fully cooperating and its likely to turn out in her favor as another example of her going after corruption. If that wasn't the case, I doubt McCain after seriously vetting her would have picked her, don't you think? Obama's team was completely unprepared for ANY woman VP candidate, when most knew it was a huge possibility with at least 4 women on the list that were discussed constantly in the media. That shows arrogance and laziness on Obama's part.
  12. And one step further, weren't even prepared for a woman....
  13. She was on every list, even I had read as much as I could about her the last 2 weeks. Obama's staff was lazy, they shouldn't have put all their eggs in 3 baskets and listened to the media that's in the tank for them.
  14. Hence why a Senator hasn't been elected president in almost 50 years (Kennedy) As Mike Huckabee pointed out yesterday, you do more as a governor in 30 days than you do as a Senator in 2 years. He went on to say at least McCain served as a commander in the military and had to make life and death decisions. Obama has only legislative experience, no executive experience or anything close. Here's the interview. http://www.foxnews.com/video2/video08.html...ww.foxnews.com/
  15. He even made one when he accepted the spot from Obama....something about his wife having a PhD.....
  16. And this "Mr. Obama’s advisers said that compared with the mountains of data they had gathered on Mr. Pawlenty and Mr. Romney, they had far less information on Ms. Palin. Their dossier consisted of a thin document based mainly on her run for governor and newspaper clips about an investigation into whether she was involved in pressing a top state law enforcement official to dismiss her sister’s former husband from the state police. And, they said, given her short time in high office, there is relatively little video of her readily available. Aides said the party was sending staff members and allies in Alaska to sort through public documents relating to Ms. Palin’s time in the governor’s mansion, her two terms as mayor of Wasilla, Alaska, and her two terms as a member of the Wasilla City Council. " As my wife just said "These were unprepared and can't even keep a secret, and they want to run the country?"
  17. Wow, Obama campaign was totally unprepared for Palin. Even the ad released today had to be altered to include her. http://www.nytimes.com/2008/08/31/us/polit...ml?ref=politics "The Obama campaign and the Democratic Party had prepared advertisements and lines of attacks directed at the two men who had been most prominently mentioned as vice-presidential possibilities for Mr. McCain, Mitt Romney and Gov. Tim Pawlenty of Minnesota, but had not considered Ms. Palin a likely enough choice to do the same for her. A new advertisement linking President Bush to Mr. McCain was quickly put together, but it contained only a fleeting mention of Ms. Palin."
  18. As O'Reilly pointed out, MSNBC did this during the day when they are supposed to be reporting news in a fair and balanced way, NOT at night when commentators are on and supposed to be giving opinions on the news. The link you gave is Hannity and Colmes, which they are paid to give their opinions.
  19. Great article by Kirsten Powers (booyah) who is always on Hannity and Colmes and is on the liberal side most of the time, although not stubborn like the two hosts. I always like when she's on, she gives a fair Democratic point of view. http://www.nypost.com/seven/08302008/news/...6765.htm?page=2
  20. Karl Rove was on yesterday when this was breaking and said its a lawyer who goes through all of your records and speeches, then meets with you and asks questions that you couldn't say on tv... I don't think its an enjoyable experience....
  21. Most of the "youth vote" don't actually care about the vote, they care more about being part of something and the "hippie party atmosphere"...I'll never forget the dolts in college for the 2000 election, most of them didn't even vote.
  22. Watching all these interviews, Dems keep accusing Palin of not having enough experience, and Republicans are firing back that she has more executive experience and it ends in a stalemate. I think when all is said and done, it hurts Obama more as they keep the experience topic in the news, as it highlights his inexperience and people historically vote for the top of the ticket, not the bottom. I know Obama supporters want revenge for all the "Is he ready" ads, but keeping the experience topic in the news can't be helping. I also think McCain camp is going to retire the "Is he ready" campaign as they got a good run out of it, and change tactics...I guess we'll see.
  23. Obama campaign/media is going to have to be very careful attacking her. They're already in deep water with the way Clinton was treated and won't get away with it twice. Women are going to play a key part in deciding this election, comments like the one above are going to enrage them. I use my wife as a barometer and she's already insulted at these questions that keep popping up. Now that McCain has the conservative base on board, they're going to start playing some major defense for Palin. I actually think the woman issue is going to become much more sensitive than the race issue now.
  24. Would you say the same thing if she was a man?
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