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Everything posted by BillsNYC

  1. Funniest thing was after the Palin speech, 5 of the 6 commentators spoke negatively about it. Next day almost all of the articles said it was a knock out and 37 million people tuned in to watch it.
  2. Exactly, attacking her for this will only make Dems look elitist.
  3. Still holding out hope that the Bills haven't formally put him on IR yet and are just bluffing. Never happen, but what the hell.
  4. It's a contract year, he probably was ticked that he didn't get an extension and decided to have surgery and "screw" the Bills for a couple weeks and show his worth. Bills played hardball and put him on IR, which probably cost him millions in FA next year. My question is, are agents testing Brandon, or do they just have no respect for him?
  5. PS....part of me thinks the Palin stuff is being driven by the media to drum up viewership/readers...ie: the Hillary/DNC story. If that's the case, all of us are getting screwed despite R or D (or I in my case)
  6. haha...I can't even quote one of you liberals, you all make me laugh, especially with 4 rusty nails in the system (check out drink.) Let's just be honest here, and take probable "scandals" by "exciting" new candidate. This was originally a post in the Palin vetting thread, but think its a bigger point than that. Palin 17 year old pregnant, keeping baby and marrying hockey dad despite abstinance mom Troopergate Failed car wash business For Bridge before killing it Husband DUI when he was 22 Having 5 kids and wanting VP (this is a scandal according to CNN, don't look at me) Smoked pot "but didn't like it"...pff, who doesn't like it? Fishing in the wrong place (I guess?) Obama Launched political career and was on a board (and friends) with domestic terrorist (to be fair, was acquitted due to illegal prosecution, but admitted to crimes so we can safely call him what he is) Member of controversial church for 20 years, married by and had kids baptized by Rev Wright who preached US deserved 9-11, some other crazy stuff, black value system, Buddy Father Pflegan (sp?) Used coke and other illegal drugs, rumors of dealing (hey, i say college stuff is off limits, we've been there with some of that stuff right?) "That's why they cling to their bibles, their guns, antipathy..." you know the speech Wife called USA a bitter country...and the proud comment. Bought cheap property next to buddy Rezco, convicted felon He's a muslim.... born in Kenya (hey...10% of america still thinks this) So....ignoring policy talk....let's say both candidates were vetted and all scandals came out within a 48 hour period knowing Obama was Presidential Candidate, Palin a VP. In a fair/balanced media. Do you really think Palin would be getting such bad press as opposed to Obama? Let's call a pig a pig...Obama has gotten off easy with his background, and what little of the scandals (Wright) has been discussed by the MSM, resulted in him barely winning the nomination and crawling across the Dem finish line. Many think he wouldn't be the nominee if all this came out and was vetted properly. Obama, not Palin, was vetted poorly. If this is all the "major" dirt the liberals can dig up on Palin, then they better heed the thoughts of Rove, Morris, and Newt. Liberals are terrified that Palin represents what they know will hurt them badly, and they are terrified and throwing everything they have at her (taking shots at her 17 year old daughter and son with DS, c'mon) knowing she could cost Obama the election. I guess we'll have to give her 2 weeks to stand up for herself, then we'll see. Sinking to attacking her daughter and infant son though....If she overcomes this it really could backfire... Go Bills!
  7. As a McCain/Palin supporter... (high five...think it was a hot blond teacher?)
  8. Hmm...a bad investment, or kicking of your political career at a terrorist's home? Wonder which one will concern the American people more in November.
  9. It's a free country, you can deal with facts, or make up your own.
  10. AP article from 30 min ago shooting down accusations of a rushed vetting process: http://ap.google.com/article/ALeqM5jrhFOsV...Vms8tgD92UR3JG0
  11. Did you even read the article in my original post which was just released, which is now being verified even by the liberal AP? It refutes some of the accusations in your article, which puts the rest of it in question.
  12. Interesting? Sure. True, not all of it. Read the article in my post above yours which discredits some of this article, which then puts most of it in question.
  13. This was proved as false by the McCain campaign, they released her records that shows she was never in the Independence Party, and has always been a Republican. See end of this article. Don't believe everything you read (you know, like Obama being born in Kenya, Obama being a muslim, Obama not pledging, etc) until you've checked the facts. http://www.cbsnews.com/blogs/2008/09/02/po...ry4408656.shtml
  14. I think we can now put to rest the rumor that she was not vetted properly per article below just released. John McCain knew about the pregnancy and everything else (I'm sure including anything else that pops up) and still chose her. Its up to you whether you agree with his decision or not on choosing her, but he clearly made a choice knowing all the facts. http://www.cbsnews.com/blogs/2008/09/02/po...ry4408656.shtml In my opinion, having a 17 year old who is pregnant, a husband who had a DUI when he was 22, and her having a fishing fine doesn't disqualify her for the VP spot. The McCain camp obviously feels the Troopergate situation is going to turn out in her favor. With that, I feel its a little risky but don't know the facts, and none of us do other than the McCain camp.
  15. I think the reaction would be the same, since they decided to keep the baby and get married. I think Biden would have gotten much easier treatment actually since dems are more free-spirited. The big news would have been if she chose not to keep the baby, then you would have seen a firestorm. But her keeping the baby and getting married actually downgrades the issue. Obama has said this is off limits as a campaign subject and if anybody on his campaign had anything to do with the rumors they will be fired.
  16. My favorite was that ESPN said Wright was the steal of the draft last year....
  17. Alright, I get the seriousness of the storm, but c'mon...24/7 coverage on all the news networkds? Is nothing else going on in the world? I was thinking of posting this last night but didn't. However, MSNBC just forced me to do it. They have a news crew driving around some empty neighborhood, and all of a sudden, they spotted a dog running around. They zoomed in and the guy was like "Wait stop....what is this? Its a dog...it's a dog.....we better stop and make sure he doesn't need our help!" I just burst out laughing.
  18. I also noticed she wasn't at any of the rallies after the first one, they prob knew it was going to come out.
  19. Agree with entire post. I feel terrible for Bristol as anybody who has dealt with a pregnant wife knows, women are VERY emotional during pregnancy. I'm sure the rumors/smearing were taking their effect on her and is prob why the news was released. This should be a none issue, UNLESS it turns out that McCain really didn't know. Then his judgment can be called into question and just might cost him the election.
  20. This quote by Obama might come into play: "Remember earlier that Barack Obama said he did not want his daughter's punished with a baby of they got pregnant."
  21. It shouldn't, but it will. Especially if it comes out that McCain really didn't know. I'm saying this as a Palin supporter. Liberals are going to have a field day with this.
  22. ABC also says McCain knew about it when he selected her, and is releasing the news due to the rumors about Trig.
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