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Everything posted by BillsNYC

  1. Politico is saying that they just interviewed the head of the Democratic Party for South Carolina and dhe said that the only qualification Palin has for VP is never having an abortion: http://www.politico.com/blogs/jonathanmart...n_.html?showall "South Carolina Democratic chairwoman Carol Fowler sharply attacked Sarah Palin today, saying John McCain had chosen a running mate " whose primary qualification seems to be that she hasn’t had an abortion.” "
  2. If he was a community organizer he's a lock to win.
  3. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! That is the funniest thing I've ever seen. I feel bad for Biden on that one.
  4. Looks like Obama and Biden could have used the Bridge to Nowhere funding towards rebuilding a bridge hit by Katrina, and voted it down. Article also defends Palin for shooting it down in the end. This was a f-up all around.... http://article.nationalreview.com/?q=Yzk1M...TIzMTk0MjVhZWQ=
  5. Watching it, it almost looks like he knew he shouldn't be saying it as he looks uncomfortable bringing his hand up over his face. Even if he wasn't intentionally saying it to make fun of Palin, it was a stupid mistake, and I think he realized it the second it came out of his mouth.
  6. So? I'm sure all of that was a hell of a lot cheaper than what the Mansion Chef was making before she fired him, and the costs to run that private jet before she sold it. You're supposed to get per diem for business trips. Have you never had a job with per diem? Man...the desperation to find something wrong with her. A gov who charges per diem, or a Senator that launches his career in the home of an admitted domestic terrorist. Please.
  7. So before the interview even happens, you say the GOP is going to manipulate Charles Gibson and ABC News to ensure Palin looks good? What the the inappropriate questions that she has to be asked?
  8. Totally agree, but they need to get away from saying "Bush-McCain" policy all the time. They've been saying it for several months now and I think its getting drowned out. They need to get more specific. In regards to national media and Palin, check out the new thread I just opened, Gibson is getting a ton of access to her.
  9. Wow, I thought they would have gotten 30 min like O'Reilly got with Hillary/Obama. Two days of access, no questions off limits. They must have a lot of confidence in her. http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0908/13264.html
  10. Did OJ marry you and baptize your children, and serve as your mentor? ''I can no more disown [Wright] than I can disown my white grandmother,''
  11. Her church is def fair game, but the Obama camp needs to be careful how they attack, as all it will do is relight the Wright controversy which they don't want. Plus, the NY Post published this morning that he was recently cheating with a married woman which lead to her divorce. Obama would be smart to stay away from the experience/church arguments, as those are 2 of his weakest and he has to remember that people vote for the top of the ticket, not the bottom. I'm starting to view Palin as a huge trap for Obama, the media already fell into it.
  12. That reminds me of Hillary saying her dad taught her to shoot a gun: “You know, my dad took me out behind the cottage that my grandfather built on a little lake called Lake Winola outside of Scranton and taught me how to shoot when I was a little girl,” she said.
  13. I feel like we could go back 4 years and find a post that says the same thing about Kerry.
  14. I sent a text to friends yesterday saying the same thing. Brother Timmy is watching the games with the big guy up there.
  15. Probably equals out considering the youth never turns out as much as expected.
  16. Just said on the news that state polls are usually a week or two behind national polls, and that has held true the last few months.
  17. I'm telling you, when Russert died that network started to fall apart.
  18. Problem is, those numbers don't mean sh--, what counts are electoral college numbers, and right now McCain is behind in those. McCain could be up by 20 points nationally, and still lose the election. Someone said those national numbers are fun for us to look at, but the campaigns don't focus on them much. Obama has built up a strong ground game, with Palin in tow McCain is rushing to catch up.
  19. Was on O'Reilly last night. Not saying she was telling the truth, but it is very possible.
  20. They got a lady on tape being busted for having a nametag that wasn't hers and she said it was given to her by the media.
  21. My wife and I were talking about this last night. She's pro choice but is voting for McCain/Palin. She's for first trimester abortion only, in cases of rape, for parents being present with a minor, and for medical treatment for a baby when an abortion fails. Basically, she's for it but with very strict guidelines. Although she's starting to now educate herself on Row vs Wade and abortion in general since she's pro choice but willing to vote for a pro-life ticket. Me, I don't know where the hell I stand. I think it's a woman's choice and me being a man can't give a fair opinion. I was probably leaning towards pro choice, but after unexpectedly having a kid, I know I would never want my wife to have an abortion unless there was a major life threatening health risk. I can understand the crazy right in wanting pro life, as I personally feel life begins at conception. Although I can see many cases where its just not a good situation for the mother or baby (rape, young age, health risks, etc) and understand the pro choice folks. What really bothers me about the crazy left are a couple things 1) Going to the extremes, like not wanting a law where the parents would have to be notified in the case of a minor, partial birth abortions, not treating a baby who survives an abortion, being against the 24 hour waiting period, etc. I am against making it being a simple procedure to have an abortion. Which brings me to 2) Liberals take the humanity out of it. I hate how they remove the human element from the fetus and the seriousness of the choice of an abortion. They want to remove all human elements of the entire procedure. My wife asked me to look up the abortion rate while we were talking last night and I checked out prolife.com and the pictures on there made me sick. I think if mothers were educated on what abortion really is, some may not go through with it. Liberals are against that and want to make abortion as easy as possible and make it out to be like going to the dentist. I think that's morally wrong. In the end, this issue is way too complicated and neither side is totally right or wrong, I just think the human element of it needs to be kept in the conversation.
  22. They said the media gave them credentials to get in.
  23. Yeah...I know prob half that watched did it cuz they hate her....same with Obama and McCain. But the CNN folks were nothing but negative about the speech and were giving it no credit. Hell, even Olberman gave a slight compliment and even as you say, folks here did as well. Like or hate the speech, it gave one hell of impact, and the CNN folks made it out to be a waste of everybody's time.
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