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Everything posted by BillsNYC

  1. Just saw this on youtube, game winning kick with NYCBBB at McFadden's in Manhattan yesterday.
  2. I think the Crowell situation was - part key learning from last year, you need healthy guys on your roster - part new GM, I think agents are testing the green Brandon, and he is making it clear he's not a bender - part Ralph Wilson, I think he's fed up with the egos of this decade, encouraged by ESPN - part selfishness, Crowell shouldn't have kept this quiet and made this decision without the team involved. Overall, if any one of us went into our jobs and told them we were taking off 4-6 weeks the day before a major project without discussing it with them first, we'd be fired. That's what this comes down to. I'm sure if Crowell would have consulted with the team first, he might not be on IR. Problem is, NFL players today think teams revolve around them, which ESPN has been encouraging lately (TO coverage for example.) The Bills in one swoop made it clear, team first, not player. In the end, Crowell was likely not going to be here next year, and this isn't a one season playoff run. The Bills might still have 2-3 years until they peak, so why not bring in younger talent now that can grow during this "ramp up" period. I'd obviously like to have Crowell, but this may be a better long term move.
  3. If you get to Calicos by 11am you MIGHT get a bar seat there. McFadden's you won't get a seat unless you're there by prob 9:30-10. The first game there was a line of 40-50 Bills fans when the bar opened its doors at 10:30. If you want to get into McFadden's and not sit, still try to be there before noon, otherwise you might not get in. I know they had to stop letting folks into McFadden's both weeks because it was so packed, and its only going to get worse, we're looking into expanding into a 3rd bar nearby since we're getting crowds of 600+.
  4. The big difference here is expectations. The Bills were a possible playoff contender with most saying we would not make it this year. When the Favre trade happened, all the talk show hosts here said anything less than a Super Bowl would be unacceptable for this team, they could have made the playoffs with Pennington. There's prob too much praise being heaped on the Bills, and too much crap on the Jets right now. Season is way too early.
  5. Maybe our Right Tackle should be president "It’s no surprise that switching back and forth from right to left tackle in Sunday’s game at Jacksonville was more challenging from a physical standpoint than a mental one for Buffalo Bills lineman Langston Walker. After all, this is a guy who graduated from the University of California with a degree in economics. This is a guy who informed a handful of reporters after practice Wednesday that AIG’s stock had dropped below $2.50 a share. " http://www.buffalonews.com/452/story/442020.html
  6. Watching all politicians spin their wheels, I'm convinced that the market is its own monster that can't be controlled. It can only be fine tuned in small increments, but we're all along for the ride of high's and low's in the long run.
  7. That's because Clinton turned a blind eye to terrorists as they attacked the WTC and the Cole and built up strength under him, resulting in the 9-11 attacks which Bush had to deal with. I love when folks try to compare the 8 years of Clinton to Bush as apples to apples.
  8. Dick Morris was on last night and said Bill and Hillary don't know how to email either, their assistants do everything, and that shouldn't disqualify somebody from being president.
  9. Apparently Palin dressed as Fey for halloween.
  10. http://blogs.abcnews.com/politicalpunch/20...oesnt-mcca.html Its been reported several times in the past that typing causes soreness for him, he prefers to have his wife do it. For a guy that probably had his fingers/wrists/arms broken several times and can't lift his arms above his head, I'm not going to question that. Someone from Newsweek was on before and said that many of the blue collar Clinton voters along the rust belt don't know how to use email, not to mention the elderly (who unlike the youth, will 100% turn out and vote) so this ad probably did nothing for him in picking up votes. She went on to say this could backfire for Obama.
  11. How many times last year did we see a 3rd and short and whoever caught the ball would be hit behind the marker but would push through the Bills tackler and get the extra yard needed? Youboty needed help on his tackles, but making that initial stop behind the first down and not letting the ball carrier gain an inch was impressive and needed.
  12. Something tells me the heat/humidity had something to do with the grips the players were getting on tackles. Not that its an excuse, but sweaty arms and hands can't have a great grip.
  13. PS, have tried calling DirecTV for the last hour to order the ticket, nothing but busy signals.
  14. Article in the Washington Post today says there are 7. So basically, either Charles Gibson didn't know what the Bush Doctrine was, or he should have been specific when asking the question initially. Again, demonstrates media elitism that whatever they think, everybody should think and know. In the end, the question is getting as much press as Gibson distorting the God comment, and it isn't hurting her, so I'd say its a wash.
  15. "The term “Bush Doctrine” was first coined by columnist Charles Krauthammer three months before the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001 and has undergone profound changes as the war against terror has evolved. “There is no single meaning of the Bush Doctrine,” Krauthammer noted in a forthcoming column. “In fact, there have been four distinct meanings, each one succeeding another over the eight years of this administration — and the one Charlie Gibson cited is not the one in common usage today. It is utterly different.”" http://elections.foxnews.com/2008/09/12/pa...he-gibson-mark/
  16. I don't think she did well, and the Bush Doctrine questions casted some doubts for me. She looked over rehearsed and like a college kid BS-ing her professor. BUT, I am willing to give her more opportunities. This was her first big national interview which was tougher than any candidate has had to go through (other than Obama/O'Reilly this week) the entire season as Gibson was clearly going for the sound bite. She sent her son off to war that morning and most questions were geared towards foreign policy, obviously her weak point. However, her strengths are energy and domestic policy and on those she looked strong. Americans will give her a pass on this one, she prob has 2-3 more opportunities to win them over. If Obama had this interview 19 months ago under the same pressure, he may not be where he is today, which is why she will have more chances.
  17. Least they're not stealing lines from cartoons: http://www.editorandpublisher.com/eandp/de...t_id=1003847928 And do you really want to bring up stealing without permission in regards to Biden and his plagiarism?
  18. Just got off the bus in Brooklyn and could see 2 lights shining into the sky from Ground Zero...pretty cool.
  19. At like 8:35 all the networks were showing the ceremony in NYC and I was flipping through and all (CNN, Fox, local channels) either had sound from the ceremony or were discussing it or that day. Except for MSNBC of course, who had some guy talking about how America's image is damaged in Europe and Russia and the next president must fix that image and Obama would be the best for that. This while showing images of the ceremony starting. Surprise.
  20. Substitute Obama for Palin in the above statement, and you've got what the dems have been pushing for the last several months.
  21. I thought the lipstick attack would backfire on republicans, and then this gem came along. Now you got a Tenn Democrat Congressman comparing Obama to Jesus and Palin to Pilate. All they need now is Olbermann to fly off the handle tonight for a triple play.
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