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Everything posted by BillsNYC

  1. That could be true and I'm not saying you're wrong. In my opinion though, there are plenty of independents out there (and Hillary supporters) who are not sold on Obama and are looking for an excuse not to vote for him. Its why Rev Wright, the flag pin, and the pledge were such big stories. Let's be honest....the economy blows and Bush has done nothing to defend himself and never has. Obama should be killing McCain in the polls, this shouldn't even be a close race. But that's not what's happening, and if you listen to any of the pollsters its that Obama can't close the deal and people have doubts about him. Gallup said that they expect the race to tighten again after the economy bump Obama is in right now. All these issues I mentioned above do have an effect, even if we think they shouldn't. That's the drawback of Obama not being well known enough. Same goes for Palin. Again, you can disagree, it's just what I see happening.
  2. I think it will....O'Reilly or Hannity will jump on it, then MSM will respond...It went from being a blurb on Fox News to the featured story of the website, which means it must be getting a ton of readers/reaction for that to happen. I think as much as the kids issue...Jeff Zucker (head of NBC/MSNBC) having involvement is what's going to make this get coverage
  3. Haha...my wife just walked by and I had the video on....she's like what the hell is that...that's creepy. I think Village of the Damned comment was dead on.
  4. Not saying that, politically I think this will get lots of press and will hurt Obama's campaign image. Look what a flag pin did.
  5. It's highlighted on the front page of FoxNews.com, that's where I saw it. EDIT: 1,500 posts about the video in the last hour on FoxNews.com
  6. Ages 5 - 12. See other post above, one thing to use the election to teach kids about democracy, another to use them for political gain. Hollywood/News heavyweights were involved. IMO, this will backfire.
  7. Using the election to teach kids about Democracy at school is one thing, putting them in a professional video for propaganda purposes is another.
  8. My bad, anti-Bush art http://michellemalkin.com/2008/09/14/the-a...ore-hiring-her/
  9. Good point, cleaned it up prior to your post, feel free to edit further if you wish.
  10. Relax Francis, not saying he's Hitler in any sense. Just saying what I instantly thought when I saw it (and I'm sure voters will as well.) It's a big issue using kids for propoganda, much like the liberal photographer who forced kids to cry to make an anti Bush ad in 2004. IMO, sinking to pretty low depths. Even more interesting is that NBC helped with the ad, but obviously not surprising.
  11. Just me, or VERY Creepy? http://foxforum.blogs.foxnews.com/2008/09/30/youdecide_0930/ EDIT: Reduced "Hitler Youth and Communism" reference for those sensitive.
  12. You can either bounce down to the city www.nycbbb.com or you can go to Danbury CT. Bills fan there owns a bar and always has the game on with a couple fans.
  13. The video is now going to air on NFL Network's "Starting 11" this Thursday night at 9:30pm. In addition, Shredd and Ragan on 103.3 in Buffalo are having me on to talk about NYCBBB at 6:10pm today if anybody wants to listen. http://www.wedg.com/article.asp?id=552973
  14. funnier thing is there was no tv back then .
  15. Who (Bills Player) used to do the interviews last year that were always up on Youtube? THOSE were funny.
  16. Mostly Western NY transplants, but a lot of life long NYCers as well. Billsfanone, who started this with me, is from Yonkers and was a lifelong fan.
  17. We actually helped start that one as well. Someone who worked for Tim Russert knew me from Orchard Park and his family came to McFadden's in NYC. Russert heard about it and loved the idea of starting one in DC, so the guy who worked for him offered to start one with our help. Luckily, some folks down there were able to take it over and have done an awesome job with it, which we couldn't do from NYC.
  18. That's so awesome!!! I'm sending to everybody I know..ha!
  19. wow...and the Jaguars game http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K42QsW3sNq0 Keep in mind the bar next door, Calico Jack's, is about the same size and just as packed with Bills fans.
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