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Everything posted by BillsNYC

  1. I can deal with intelligence in the White House....I just can't deal with radicalism on either end in there.
  2. Just tried the map and didn't come up?
  3. On Fox this morning they showed 10 registrations of the same person in Nevada that ACORN signed up.
  4. That's his job, he's paid to be a cynic.
  5. It's only Tuesday...this thread won't work til tomorrow...Thursday for sure. People are still drowning themselves in their excessive tears.
  6. Wonder if they'll shut it down if it keeps dropping.
  7. Between this, the Obama Youth choir, the Communist/Castro looking Obama posters, the Obama "O" hand signal.....the cult aspect is getting a little scary.
  8. C'mon....anybody who has posted here for some time knows the trend after a loss. Monday/Tuesday - despair, sky is falling Wednesday - acceptance, less sky is falling, some positive outlook Thursday, Friday, Saturday - back to confidence, pro Bills, some points of sky is falling. You just need to avoid the board on Mon/Tuesdays.
  9. It looked to me that the Edwards hit was helmet to helmet, think Adrian Wilson gets a fine? I was waiting for the announcers to discuss it but never did. Of course they were quick to say it when Mitchell clobbered Warner and that he might get a fine. I thought this was one of the worst announced games ever, almost shut the sound off.
  10. 1) "Evans caught the 30th touchdown pass of his career in last week's come-from-behind victory against the hapless St. Louis Rams. He also moved into seventh place on the Bills charts for career yardage (4,059), and if he maintains this pace through the next 12 games, he'll climb to fourth in career receptions, trailing only Reed, Eric Moulds, Thurman Thomas and Pete Metzelaars." http://www.democratandchronicle.com/articl...3/810050383/tbd 2) "During the course of covering this story, I had a conversation with a source close to negotiations, who compared Evans to Andre Reed in terms of numbers at the start of his career. For what it's worth, it's interesting. Through the first four years, Andre Reed caught 229 passes for 3,096 yards and 22 TD's. Evans numbers are better slightly better through that same time frame - 233 receptions for 3,727 yards and 29 touchdowns." http://www.wgrz.com/sports/story.aspx?storyid=61192 1) Metzelaars is number 4 in receptions on the team? Didn't realize the red head had that many catches. 2) Very interesting that Evan's numbers are a touch better than Reed's over first 4 years considering how terrible this offense has been through his career.
  11. McCain camp won't touch that with a 10 ft pole, and rightly shouldn't. It's one of those political "chalk up as a loss" and let it be. If they attack him, it should be on the helicopter story.
  12. In the end, the political impact is that Dems lose the "hey, she's a woman, so you can't call her sexist" argument and Reps gain the "Hey, she wrote an Obama book" argument. With it being out there now, I think it just forces her to be more careful, even a strange look towards Palin will get blown out of proportion. As a result, I think she'll stay out of it much like Leher (sp?) did, who I think was excellent. I bet tomorrow it will have been a none issue due to the coverage on it. Should be entertaining!
  13. Gotta give Obama due praise for this, bet it starts a new trend. Hope it doesn't as the last thing we need is to pay for more channels of crap on cable, but gotta hand it to the campaign. http://www.politico.com/blogs/bensmith/100...ma_channel.html I guess NBC wasn't doing enough?
  14. Looks like it was known the book was going to come out when she was selected. Shame on McCain's camp for not looking into it, they shouldn't be able to criticize it now. On the same token, shame on the committee for not informing both campaigns about it. I don't think she should have to step down, but do think its fair if she mentions the book (why wouldn't she want to, millions will be watching) before the debate starts. Still surprised its not in the MSM...even AP hasn't picked it up.
  15. Good. I said in my original post that they may be talking about it on there, but it's almost nowhere on the web and the story was out as early as 10pm last night.
  16. It's the title of the book...she is making money off of Obama's name. She has a financial stake in Obama being successful. The book comes out in January.
  17. The Breakthrough: Politics and Race in the Age of Obama "In THE BREAKTHROUGH, veteran journalist Gwen Ifill surveys the American political landscape, shedding new light on the impact of Barack Obama’s stunning presidential campaign and introducing the emerging young African American politicians forging a bold new path to political power. Ifill argues that the Black political structure formed during the Civil Rights movement is giving way to a generation of men and women who are the direct beneficiaries of the struggles of the 1960s. She offers incisive, detailed profiles of such prominent leaders as Newark Mayor Cory Booker, Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick, and U.S. Congressman Artur Davis of Alabama, and also covers up-and-coming figures from across the nation. Drawing on interviews with power brokers like Senator Obama, former Secretary of State Colin Powell, Vernon Jordan, the Reverend Jesse Jackson, and many others, as well as her own razor-sharp observations and analysis of such issues as generational conflict and the "black enough" conundrum, Ifill shows why this is a pivotal moment in American history. THE BREAKTHROUGH is a remarkable look at contemporary politics and an essential foundation for understanding the future of American democracy." http://www.amazon.com/Breakthrough-Politic...0546&sr=8-1
  18. http://gretawire.foxnews.com/2008/10/01/oh-oh-6/ That's because the story has been out since at least midnight of last night, and nobody in the MSM is reporting it. I wanted to post a link from CNN or the NY Times or MSNBC....but they aren't reporting it yet. Take out the partisan...doesn't that strike you as odd?
  19. Aren't Daily Kos the ones who said Bristol Palin was the actual mother of Sarah Palin's baby Trigg with Down's Syndrome?
  20. Gwen Ifill, moderator of Thursday night's debate, has a pro-Obama book coming out in January and therefore has financial interest in Obama winning. I first saw this on Fox this morning, so tried to find another link on CNN or MSNBC or anywhere else. Funny thing is, not being reported ANYWHERE yet in the MSM. Maybe on the actual cable shows, but do a search for Gwen Ifill Debate Obama Book" right now and only 12 articles show up in the last day, many having to do with Ifill's broken ankle, not this story. Whenever news breaks there are a hundred articles within an hour as I've seen, strange.... http://www.nypost.com/seven/10012008/posto...laud_131515.htm http://www.kxmc.com/News/Nation/281188.asp Even the Democrats Fox News had on this morning said this isn't right or fair. So you've got bias in the debate, and bias at this minute in the media. If the moderator wrote a pro-McCain book, I'm sure this would be getting a lot more press. Politically this is obviously a win for McCain....they can now spin and say the debate is biased if Palin looks bad, or can say she overcame bias if she looks good. It's too bad...she was one of Russert's journalists at NBC....I really miss that he won't be doing a debate, he would have crushed both candidates.
  21. And communism....I'm becoming my father...haha
  22. Gallup said when Obama hit 50 last week they were expecting it to fall back down after the economy bump which you started to see today, you should expect the same in the state polls which carry a lot more weight. Not arguing that McCain has an uphill climb, but it is doable. I think any state where a candidate doesn't have a double digit lead isn't safe on either side, we've already seen this election season how off the polls can be. Then you always have the unfortunate Bradley Effect, and the youth vote.
  23. I'm chill as Vanilla Ice...in his later years...being paid $1,000 to show up to random bars.
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