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Everything posted by BillsNYC

  1. Jackson has a well deserved payday with somebody this offseason....sad to say it but he deserves it and its the truth.
  2. Jon "Invincible Marky Mark" Corto......time to step up brotha...
  3. Jaguars are good Rams beat the almighty Cowboys Chargers destroyed the Patriots To all those who doubt the Bills are a good (GOOD) team.... F YOU, F YOU.....YOU're COOL...F YOU!!!! The 600 NYC Bills fans only heard half the game, but DANCED (danced I tell you) on every score!!! HEY AY HEY AY!!!!
  4. YEAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Always welcome at McFadden's, Calico's, or Turtle Bay. All will be showing the Bills game with sound and specials. www.nycbbb.com
  6. I read somewhere that Tommy Lee Jones would be the ugliest actor in hi-def.
  7. hahaha!! My wife has been saying she hopes Fox News doesn't go hi-def because of Alan Colmes.... ...Kirsten....Powers....High....Definition....4 words I am ecstatic about....
  8. Megan Kelly and Kirsten Powers in Hi Def..... Just flipped to MSNBC and Andrea Mitchell is still in Standard Def....phew.....
  9. Just turned on and is in HD! I wrote DirecTV a couple weeks ago and they said they had no plans for Fox News in HD....this is awesome!
  10. A member of NYCBBB sent this email, which puts the loss into perspective with the loss and the Bills of the 90's. Brilliant writeup and worth the read, brought back lots of memories: http://nycbbb.com/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=62
  11. HAHA...I hope it was Jerry Sullivan that said that, then you might actually get a fire under him.
  12. 6% of tailgaters in Buffalo spend less than an hour tailgating before the game, the only single digit % in that category. Which means 94% of Bills fans spend over an hour tailgating, the most in the NFL.
  13. I wrote a complaint once because every single Latest Local News headline (like 10 of them) was about rape, killing, or something else negative. And most of the times I had visited almost all had been negative. I know Buffalo has crime, but looking at that every day you think Western NY is the crime capital of the world. Of course they wrote back and just said that's the news.
  14. Amazing that people in Alaska can see the game and we in the STATE OF NY in NYC can't. Hey...c'mon down to McFaddens/Calicos and watch with us.
  15. I'd be happier if they had us back further, I'd rather not be talked about. Look at the crap the Giants are getting today.
  16. I love that the majority of our remaining games are in the northeast and will cut down on traveling. Denver will be a hike but then look at the Jets and Pats who have TWO more west coast games to play. This could be a huge advantage down the stretch. Of course our team needs to prove they can play in the cold.
  17. It's football, it's called a tackle. If this was Whitner and Brady, everybody on this board would be up in arms.
  18. Dumbest thing I've ever read. A helmet to helmet...fine...sure...he deserved it. But "landing with all of his weight" is the DUMBEST reason I've ever heard for a fine.
  19. I just hope Edwards isn't walking around OBD in a dress....
  20. Because it's the top of the ticket that matters, I'm tired of the heartbeat away stuff. If I did care, I'd rather have a radical fighting to keep things closer to the same as today than one who will change everything, ya know? I'm tired of the far right and far left hijacking the parties, I feel like a McCain win would balance it out more and show that a moderate can win and encourage others to run.
  21. Actually yes, as is Obama, hence why I like guys like McCain and Lieberman, who actually will go against their party to get work done. Radicals are stubborn.
  22. It was aired, they (the National Barrack Channel) just yanked it off the site under liberal pressure.
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