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Everything posted by BillsNYC

  1. Same boat here, but I still went with him. Exit polls showed people voted based on the economy and change. Palin had little effect on that. If McCain would have went with Lieberman you (and I) would have been happier, but then the base would have thrown their support behind Ron Paul or stayed home. The VP pick was a lose lose for McCain after the economy fell apart.
  2. Between Bush and the economic crisis, McCain was not going to win this election. The fact that he got 46% of the vote (more than HW or Dole) is a miracle in itself. Palin had nothing to do with it although I'm sure she will get most of the blame. It didn't matter who McCain picked, he could have picked Bloomberg which would have been good for the economy but all conservatives would have stayed home. Once the market collapsed it was over. Someone acknowledged that even Reagan wouldn't have been able to overcome that.
  3. As a McCain supporter, I say congrats to President Obama. One thing I pledge, is that unlike the immature anti-Bush crowd I will respect him as the President. I won't always agree with him, but I'm not going to waste the next few years being miserable like some the last 8 years. I'll applaud him when I feel he does something right, and protest when I don't. We live in the greatest country in the world and I am proud to live in a country with record breaking turnout and look forward to seeing "change" that obviously this country wants. So congrats Obama supporters, and stay positive for the next 4 years McCainiacs.
  4. Like they do in Ohio and Florida.... BUT...part of me is happy that I was able to walk in and vote in 10 min just now in Brooklyn, and not wait for 5 hours in a hot and humid parking lot in Virginia like they are showing on tv. Imagine? My wife used to vote in Staten Island where they had electronic machines. She went into the old school pull handle one and had no idea what to do, ha!
  5. The problem with the offense if that the line sucks which was hidden early on with fast developing plays that allowed Edwards to get the ball out quickly. Today, it felt like every other play the announcer had to keep saying "it took awhile for that play to develop" With a crappy line, Turk has to implement plays that will allow TE to unload the ball quickly. Shame on TE on a couple plays looking like Losman holding onto the ball, especially the drive at the end taking us out of field goal range. And shame on the well rested D (who was on the sideline the whole first half) who couldn't stop the Jets on their final drive.
  6. Who cares why....all they probably have him doing is trying to barrel through closed doors all day to simulate not having a hole to run through.
  7. Tim - your unbiased reporting is a breath of fresh air, thank you for that. I'm starting to feel nervous your "Bills will miss Crowell" column we all attacked you for may prove right.
  8. The most consistent player TD brought in was punter Brian Moorman. That tells you something.
  9. Why do I feel like the media is trying to put this "career threatening" news out there so that when everything does work out, they can make this another Teddy Bruschi story next year? Tom Brady overcomes a career and life threatening injury and returns to save the Patriots.
  10. From his email...hahaha: "Obviously I have left some other worthy games off of the list, but this is what the committee and I came up with, and if you don’t like it, well, feel free to start your own list. It’s Miami Week. Don’t push me. And as if you needed further rage, Jimmy Johnson once stomped on a box of Flutie Flakes after the Fish beat us in a playoff game. The same box of cereal that was being sold to raise money for autism awareness and a possible cure. Johnson thought this was something great. Class and character disagreed with him."
  11. Another great email from one of our members reliving the best 10 Bills/Phins Victories, makes my blood BOIL towards the Dolphins. Can't wait to break out my "F### MIAMI" Tshirt this weekend: http://nycbbb.com/board/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=64 My favs: 3. Bills 27, Dolphins 24- September 10th, 1989- Joe Robbie Stadium The season opener that year, and Bills fans remember Jim Kelly diving across the goal line on a quarterback sneak to win the game. An amazing game, and one Kelly's all-time greatest moments as a Bill. I just wish he would have remembered it as well as I did. You see, a few years ago, Jim came out to Cradle Beach to talk to the kids as he did every summer. Somehow, this game came up in conversation as we spoke. He told me it was 1991. I told him it was 1989. He laughed and said he was there, he should know. I laughed too and told him again that it was 1989. He disagreed, and then I rattled off the date, and how we won, and how I ran into 8th grade the next day screaming about him and how he was my hero. Then he looked scared. Then he left. 8. Bills 23, Dolphins 20- December 17th, 1995- Rich Stadium The next two entries on this list occurred less than two weeks apart. The Bills squished the Fish in a tight game, propelling the Bills to another division title. Remember Steve Tasker in this game? The guy looked liked Thurman’s step-brother, didn’t he? I mean, uh, in terms of talent? Tasker ran up the middle all day on Miami, and Dolphins Defensive Coordinator Tom Olivadotti and his hairy arms refused to adjust to what the Bills offense was doing. The best part of this game though took place towards the end, where all-time favorite Bill Carwell Gardner was ejected for fighting with the ever-classy Bryan Cox. As Cox walked off the field, he spat at Bills fans several times, and Bills fans responded in kind by tossing beer and garbage back at Cox. After both men were escorted off the field, Carwell attempted to get to the Miami locker room, looking to dust up Cox some more. He never found him, and Bryan Cox, I hope you thank God every day that Carwell never found you. His name was Carwell Gardner. Even if I had never seen the man, he just sounds like someone who could kill someone with his hands, am I right? Your name was Cox. I won’t even make the joke.
  12. Who cares, as long as he's playing well and staying out of trouble he can be in a Buster Keaton movie for all I care.
  13. Is it just me, or is the most post game media coverage after a Bills win we've ever seen? There's like 20+ articles on the homepage, even more on page 2. I guess when you're good everybody wants to write about you. There's enough to read to keep you busy all day!
  14. Speaking of Edwards' victory lap, picture of it in this article: http://www.nfl.com/news/story?campaign=ec0...9000d5d80bc533f
  15. Isn't that the pot calling the kettle black?
  16. Not me, I was there, JP provided the spark. I remember him being a little lucky on the bomb to Evans, but luck is half of the NFL. I think JP can go on to be good, just not here, the team has moved on and don't want to look back.
  17. I was at that game in person actually, and yes, I would say JP won that game for us. It's all about the impact a player has on the game's outcome. You sound like you're the fan that wants the Bills to lose every game so you can justify JP deserves to be the qb. I liked him too, but he's not the QB of the future here and is gone after this season. You can either accept that and move on and enjoy that we are 5-1 start for the first time in almost 15 years and root for Edwards, having a great time like the rest of us.... Or you can continue to sulk. Up to you, just sayin.... no skin off my back, I'm a happy fan screaming "WE'RE 5-1!!" walking through Manhattan tonight and enjoying every minute of it.
  18. Nope, 4-0...First Pats game last year wasn't JP's loss, the Cardinals game this year wasn't Edwards. Yes, I mean falls apart as in the entire team plays terrible. Edwards is not just an offense guy, he's a TEAM leader. He raised the play of all players on all sides of the ball.
  19. 4-0 with Edwards. Schobel says the biggest difference this year is one word, Edwards. That was 3 weeks ago. Edwards goes down 2 weeks ago and the team falls apart. Edwards returns and the team rebounds. In my opinion, as much as I like JP, the team doesn't want to rally around him, he may be a cancer. Great guy to have in the lineup, but may be hurting more than helping.
  20. Just showed Edwards giving an interview after the game, thanks the reporter twice and then sprints over to the stands and runs along giving high spirited high fives to the fans on the way back to the locker room. How can you not love this guy....he proved he's the heart and soul of the team after what happened after going down last week.
  21. What was that stat....every 5-1 Bills team has made the playoffs? Yeah...I said it....
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