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Everything posted by BillsNYC

  1. He's been more right about the Bills the last 10 years than the coaches have been.
  2. Footage will air on Starting 11 on NFL Network this Friday at 11am. They filmed for 3 quarters, was pretty cool. Will be tons of McFadden's shots in it.
  3. I was watching Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure last night and the part with Abe Lincoln came up. For some reason I tied that to "what if that really happened, and Lincoln had to keep it a secret"....and then thought about all the presidential secrets that there must be. I then became jealous that Obama would be able to learn all those secrets....and started thinking, if I was him what would I look into? I'd want to know who shot Kennedy, and if we've made contact with aliens. What would you want to know?
  4. That was a great article, think he will have to go to Blackberry rehab? I get the security risk, but the White House has to modernize. If not for work, the prez should be able to use email for personal use, I'm sure knowing the FBI and CIA is reading every email he sends would be enough of a deterrent to use it carefully.
  5. Anybody notice when they kept showing him in the 4th quarter he looked like he had no confidence the team could win?
  6. They're going to start shooting by 6:30 and need the bar packed by then, so I have a feeling you won't be able to get in after 6 (also when the special starts) Calico Jack's is right next door and has the same special with the game on all tvs, so you can always go there. If packed, wouldn't be surprised if they go over there and do some interviews as well.
  7. I'm sure...they usually get a good crowd, for Sabres games too.
  8. NFL Films is coming to film the New York City Buffalo Bills Backers tonight at McFadden's, they're going to have Michelle Beisner there reporting for the show "Starting 11" on NFL Network. Will post date/time it will air, but will be on sometime this week. If you're in the area, come on down! www.nycbbb.com
  9. Catfight between Hil and Condi...I'd put my money on Hil...she'd show up to a knife fight with a gun.
  10. Who cares? I think its a good idea, although not really needed. If President Obama wants to know this stuff about people, I'm sure he could get the info on his own. I do like the comment about him filling it out...he'll have to hold others to the standards he holds himself to.
  11. I can deal with Hillary, I can deal with Biden, I like Richardson......but Gore, no way.
  12. What an idiot....hey I'm a McCain guy but we lost, time to move on. Reminds me of all the aholes after the last election who said they would move to Canada when Bush won. I vowed then that I would never be a loser like that when a candidate I voted for lost. Nothing more lame than to trash your country over an election.
  13. They'll never keep Rice, I hope they at least keep Gates for a year and Obama doesn't cave into anti-war folks. If they had their way we'd pull all troops out of everywhere and disband the military. I'd be cool with Clinton for SOS cuz she showed she has balls by voting for the war and wouldn't be a pushover. I really like Richardson, although I don't know if he has the balls to be SOS. Although he did go against the Clintons by endorsing O, that took balls. You need somebody that can stand up against the Russians, Iranians etc when need be, I feel like Richardson is too likeable...he would have been a better VP nominee.
  14. I'm 6-7, I can't cross my legs, squishes my junk.
  15. Saw this picture yesterday and has bothered me since... http://www.nypost.com/seven/11122008/news/...ber__138256.htm Look at how the two presidents are sitting, how in the hell does Obama sit with his legs crossed like a woman? I know I (and most men) can't. I have gay friends who make the effort to sit like that on purpose, but can't be comfortable. Maybe sitting like that across from the world's dictators will terrify them into submission? Ahmadinejad: "Israel and the US must die and....and...wait...why are you sitting like that? Don't do that...you're freaking me out...no...NO....I'll do whatever you want, just uncross those legs!!! Please!!! Go Israel!!! I love Israel!!!" (note to all, this post is in jest and not to be taken seriously)
  16. Mostly angry about meat...nothing good has been on sale for months. Used to have London Broil on sale for $1.99/lb....hard to find it for even $2.99. My wife had to pay $4/lb for cubed stew chuck meat the other day, had no choice.
  17. SO weird, I had PF once with it being so bad I needed a wheelchair to get around the ER when I went to get it treated. Went away after a week and had no issues after that. I guess he must have had an extreme case.
  18. He became mine after the alcoholism episode a few years ago, he's hands down the best character on that show. PS - was just on the NYC subway and saw a Peruvian band....no guinea pigs thank god (unless you saw last week's episode, don't ask)
  19. I've started using cloth bags and they're great! I fit 4 half gallons of milk in one. Plus you get .05 off your bill for every one that you use at some stores. EDIT: although the plastic bags are better for meat and stuff that tends to leak...
  20. Indeed, as I said above they always attack the two extremes. In this episode the Obama supporters who think he will solve all of their problems, and the McCain supporters who think Obama is the end of the world. I thought it was weird that Mr./Mrs. Garrision was a McCain supporter, and they didn't include Jimbo?
  21. Parker and Stone have said they prefer doing episodes last minute, whenever they do one in advance they hate it and end up doing another one at the last second. I also love how they always attack both sides and attack everybody, nobody is safe. They attack people who think they have all the answers to problems, and use the cartoon to show how both sides of any topic are right and wrong. Unlike Family Guy who I had equal respect for until this season when they only attacked Bush/McCain and was revealed MacFarlane was an Obama supporter and using the show to push an agenda. The show lost some luster for me after that.
  22. "There will be 1,000 fewer cops, but the city will hire 200 more traffic agents to give out $60 million a year in new block-the-box tickets." Good, and add double/triple parkers to this as well, nothing infuriates me more.
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