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Everything posted by BillsNYC

  1. Great article on replacing Hillary and the importance of Upstate: http://townhall.com/news/politics-election...tate_map?page=1
  2. I voted McCain, so far so good with Obama. But let's see him in office first.
  3. At least Hillary's mother in law is a Bills fan. Is Chelsea old enough?
  4. That's from the auto bailout. I don't care much about the market with that quote, it's the fact that while I was watching the Today show this morning, the quote ran across the bottom scroll. I was thinking about the millions of people who are about to go Xmas shopping and see that, then decide that they should spend less this holiday if times will get harder. That is what concerns me.
  5. In the losing locker room, Bills owner Ralph Wilson briefly spoke to reporters about his team's dreary defeat. For the second week in a row, they failed to score a touchdown. Wilson disagreed with half of Whitner's evaluation. Wilson suggested the coaching staff was fine, but the players were the problem. "We haven't got the talent," Wilson said. "We didn't play well. The coaches, they can't go out and kick the ball. They can't go out and tackle. What else is there to be involved? "We got three points. The way we're playing, it's tough to get three points." What a tease the Bills turned out to be. It's been an unfair joy ride for their forlorn fans that started careening back in October and finally rolled over in a ditch on Sunday. http://myespn.go.com/blogs/afceast/0-4-502...lls-choked.html
  6. "I know times are tough now and may be for awhile, but we'll get through this and things will get better" That's what he should have said, there's no upside to saying things will get worse first.
  7. Ha...did a search for Russert to see if posted and nothing came up so posted this. Just looked at the thread and Russert was only used once and spelled "Russart"....my bad, feel free to delete mods.
  8. Not what I said, he dropped a pass, all receivers do, but it wasn't a "game changer". It wasn't Ronnie Harmon dropping an easy touch pass...the whole team (with the exception of Lynch) sucked the entire game. Pinning it on just Lindell, or Parrish, or Edwards is foolish. This thread reminds me of a baby crying over spilled milk. The team sucks more than one dropped pass, or a missed field goal. Bigger problems exist, and whining about one play and a player who makes clutch plays time and again in a game where the Bills should have put up 30 points and a season of bad coaching and playing is just plain old whining. The play is minuscule in the scope of what's wrong here, it was a dropped pass, not a gamechanger.
  9. He's no Russert....but guess he'll do. Rather him that just about everybody else rumored. http://www.politico.com/news/stories/1208/16119.html
  10. That wasn't a turning point....they sucked before that pass, and they sucked after that pass.
  11. And the Bills had several other chances other than that play, and blew all of them. That's the bigger deal than a player who has been clutch dropping a pass which was well defended.
  12. How many key drops can you remember Parrish making in his career, or even this season? That's why nobody's making a big deal of it.
  13. Please...this is nothing. Paul Maguire said he got hit in the head with a full beer can walking out of the Rockpile once.
  14. On the longer miss, the ball appeared to blow right towards the center, then blow left into the goalpost. I think mother nature forced that kick to miss.
  15. Lot of this is just a hoax, plenty of articles on the internet.
  16. Looks like the Christmas TV season kicked off yesterday, found this awesome list of all our favorite specials/movies: http://forum.dvdtalk.com/tv-talk/543489-20...v-schedule.html "It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas......"
  17. If he goes with Rengel I'll lose my mind. Wouldn't mind Bloomberg.
  18. Now who gets the Senate seat? And will they join with Schumer in trying to keep the Bills in Buffalo?
  19. Here's the video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z-kjM1asH-8 I don't think that's a grinder, I assume its something that breaks the turkey's neck? My old man grew up on a farm (in Orchard Park) and used to talk about cutting chicken's heads off and watching them flop around...this is just part of the business.
  20. "Alaska Governor Sarah Palin officially pardoned a turkey for Thanksgiving at a farm in Wasilla, Alaska on Thursday, then conducted a television interview as another bird was clearly seen being slaughtered in the background. As the former Republican vice presidential nominee spoke with a KTUU-TV reporter about returning to work in Alaska, just a few feet behind her a Triple D Farms worker is seen feeding a turkey into a grinder, periodically turning around to watch the on-going interview. Palin, who called the pardoning experience "neat" was reportedly told by the station videographer what was going on behind her, but allowed the interview to continue. Pardoning a turkey is tradition for governors in the days leading up to Thanksgiving, following a White House custom that began in 1947." http://www.foxnews.com/politics/elections/...ey-slaughtered/ PETA is going to lose their minds!
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