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Everything posted by BillsNYC

  1. 1) Trent Edwards isn't a bust yet, we learned he is a much better QB than JP. He shouldn't be anointed yet, but good to see he still COULD be our future QB. 2) WE WON A F-ING COLD WEATHER GAME!!!!! Maybe some of these guys can play in the cold. Guess we'll see next week though.
  2. Then you're not a real Bills fan. I remember last year when everybody here in NYC was angry when the Giants started winning after a rough start because they wanted Coughlin fired. They wanted their team to lose. Look how that turned out. I don't think this changes anything, Brandon and Jauron should be gone, but if you weren't rooting for the Bills to win at the end, then you're not a true Bills fan. GO BILLS!!! Great Xmas present, playoffs would have been better, but I'll take this win for the week.
  3. Shortened Buffalo News article: "Shortly before 4 p. m., she arrived at the freshly plowed entrance of City Hall in a champagne-colored Toyota Sequoia SUV. Several reporters noted among themselves that driving up in a Toyota was a faux pas in a region so reliant on the struggling U. S. auto industry. As she was whisked up the stairs by a phalanx of political handlers and police officers, a reporter asked her how it felt to be in Buffalo. "It feels great," she said, then paused before adding, "to be back in Buffalo." In fact, she was here eight years ago to campaign for Clinton's first bid for the Senate with her uncle, Massachusetts Sen. Edward M. Kennedy." The questions were cut off, and she was led out of City Hall as reporters kept trying to press her for questions. "You said you wanted to answer questions, ma'am," one reporter yelled out. She did not reply, and this time she stepped into a black Jeep Cherokee. All day, the Kennedy camp sent unusual signals to the media. They wanted publicity for her upstate travels but declined to provide any details about whom she was to meet with or when. Kennedy gave a brief statement to the media after her meeting in Syracuse and took just a couple of questions in Rochester. Before she arrived in Buffalo, a story appeared on the Web site of the Times likening her insularity to that of Alaska Gov. and former Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin, perhaps prompting her to give more of her time to the Buffalo media. "I would hope she will return to Western New York soon to meet the real political leaders of this town," said Assemblyman Sam Hoyt, a Buffalo Democrat and no fan of Brown. He said she should have sit-downs with Lenihan and Rep. Brian Higgins. "It's going to require a lot more than one visit," Higgins said. Higgins added that he has not spoken with Paterson about the upcoming vacancy and would not say whether he is interested. He said his name is in the mix, in part, because insiders realize that upstate has no position of power in statewide or state legislative offices. http://www.buffalonews.com/home/story/526356.html
  4. Hey...Hillary's mother in law is a Bills fan. That practically made her a Buffalonian!
  5. I agree that her name will carry weight, at first glance I would love to have her as a Senator as I live in NYC. But when I think of Upstate, she's never shown an interest in the other 90% of the state, what has she ever done that would prove she will as a Senator?
  6. Newt is right, I'm tired of the lowball attacks on Obama. He's the president, get over it already and start working on making the Republican party strong again. That's coming from a McCain voter.
  7. PS - If I was her, I would have done a 2 day tour. I would have hit Syracuse in the morning and had lunch there, then hit Rochester and spend the night. Leave in the morning for Buffalo and spend the day there. While doing that, I would take a tour of the city and talk to some regular folks and show she cares. Not go Upstate and be secretive about where you're going and who you're meeting with and looking like you're trying to get the hell out of there as fast as possible. It comes off like a rich lady going to a soup kitchen and getting there late and leaving early in a limo.
  8. I was just reading this article on Caroline Kennedy coming to Buffalo today in The Buffalo News and thought it was good she was coming up there and realizing she's going to need Upstate support. Then I read that she is visiting Syracuse, Rochester, and Buffalo all today, and had already visited 2/3 and was on her way to Buffalo for her final visit. So her listening tour consists of her stopping for an hour or so in each city. What the hell is she going to learn by doing that, especially when her staff won't discuss if she's ever been Upstate before. To me this is a lame attempt at trying to learn about Upstate. I honestly think she has no idea what she is getting into, I almost feel she's got a chance for power and is jumping in blindfolded. The tabloids are going to destroy her. I think it would be great to have a Kennedy name to represent NY, but I also don't think she's the right person for the job considering she's a Park Avenue elite who possibly knows nothing of New York other than NYC. Upstaters need somebody that will go to bat for them.
  9. If DJ stays, going after a player like Haynesworth might not be as far fetched as it was before, Brandon is going to need to fill the seats somehow.
  10. Of course it does, that's why Brandon's going to "market" the team instead of building a true football program. I was just thinking, when Sullivan asked Wilson if Jauron had a 3 year contract and he replied about the fumble, I think he was actually saying that was the player's (JP) fault, not Jauron's like many are saying.
  11. I've thought there was a deal since it was first announced weeks ago. I just think what I outlined is how a marketing guy as GM with a cheap owner will handle the situation.
  12. Adam Shefter is reporting it, I'd take that to the bank.
  13. Adam Shefter is saying he has a 3 year deal, DJ ain't going anywhere.
  14. Since we now know (Adam Shefter reporting) Jauron signed the 3 year deal, we know he's not going anywhere. We also know Wilson loves Brandon, so he's not going anywhere either. So no new head coach, no new GM, ain't gonna happen so stop dreaming now. The fan base is as ticked off as it was in Donahoe's last year, and season tickets are going to plummet. You're now playing 9 away games, 10 if the NFL turns a pre-season game into a 17th regular season game. Brandon can't bring in a new coach, so what does he do? 1) Fire Turk and bring in a "name" coordinator...perhaps a fired HC from this year or a past name. 2) Sign 1-2 big name free agents or trade for a falling star that will rile up the fan base. 3) Bring in a name talent guy into the front office (ie, another Modrak or Guy) 4) Install a PR spin machine that would make Donahoe's look amateurish In the end with Brandon in charge, this is going to be a marketing effort, not a football effort the way it SHOULD be done. So basically look forward to a smokes and mirrors strategy instead of building a true football program. That's all we're going to get until the team is out of Wilson's hands and a serious buyer takes over the team or it moves elsewhere. Basically, we're going to root for the Buffalo "Band-aids and Duct Tape" Bills until the team is sold. I for one love the Bills so will root for them even if they lose every game, but I'm not going to have any grand illusions of this team being a contender any time soon, Wilson has already demonstrated he doesn't want to invest in the team, and that's his decision. It's your decision whether or not to stay on or jump off.
  15. Bush avoiding that shoe makes him look more athletic that anybody on the Bills.
  16. PS: McFadden's and Calicos have generously donated beer for us to enjoy at the tailgate and Pete, the bartender from McFadden's has offered to make a couple batches of his famous Bloody Mary mix. Get there early for the best selection! As in the past we will be asking for a donation of $5 for the beer as a fundraiser for the expenses of the clubs website and email server.
  17. This map is BS...I think we all know how corrupt NY is and its not even dark blue. Some of the things I heard about Jimmy Griffin alone should have us a dark blue!
  18. Exactly what I said in the Maddow thread, she did the same thing on her radio show when Spitzer got busted by avoiding talk of him and spending her time talking about past Republican scandals and bashing Bush. I wonder what she and the other nuts are going to do when they don't have Bush to bash anymore.
  19. I think Obama outed the story to get revenge on Jackson Sr. for his "cut his ***s off" comment.
  20. I used to listen to her some on Air America here in NYC while Hannity was on a commercial, she's the same as Hannity but on the left. She and Hannity are similar in that theyre both nuts, but I think both are nice people in real life...whereas O'Reilly and Olberman are similar in that they're nuts, and I think jerks in real life. When the Spitzer story broke, she refused to discuss it and decided to spend the time discussing past Republican sex scandals saying they were much worse cases. Also avoided discussing McGreevey. She's def more likeable than Olberman, but she's a left wing nut from the same tree as the right wing nuts. Nothing new or special.
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