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Everything posted by BillsNYC

  1. I am an independent who voted for McCain and also Bush. That said... Watching the speech today and the 2 million people packed into The Mall, I realized that for good or bad, Obama is what the country needs in the presidency right now. I think after Bush's 8 years of doing what he felt was right and not defending his decisions or communicating with the American people, Americans are starved for a communicator in the White House. The country is down, and needs a comforting voice, someone to tell them everything will be ok. The country needs hope, something they can latch onto. Bush just went ahead and did what he had to do regardless of what the public thought of him (which I admired) which destroyed morale like it would in any office with a boss like that, not to mention the media making every effort to ruin him. Americans also need a good story, which Obama certainly is, anybody that didn't feel proud to be an American today with the whole process and the historic moment (even if you don't agree with Obama) has real issues. I'm willing to give Obama a chance, I think every President deserves at least that. Besides, in these times do you really want him to fail? Country First.
  2. Back to the point, I agree, its been 3 weeks and I just don't care about the Bills chances next season as much as I always have.
  3. Obama screwed up before that part, sent the whole thing spiraling down.
  4. Anybody else just see Juan Williams choke up just now on Fox News? Much better coverage than MSNBC. Tried watching MSNBC for 10 min, couldn't take them falling over each other taking every shot at Bush possible, totally missing the gravity of the day in history.
  5. He should have practiced the swearing in part a bit more...huh?
  6. I'm actually agreeing with you...Reed pulled some of this stuff, just not on the sidelines on the game winning drive. Of course Reed being on the sideline during a game winning drive wouldn't happen.
  7. Anybody think Andre Reed would have been doing the same thing if he was off the field in the playoffs?
  8. So what the hell is Kara if Tigh's wife is the last one?
  9. What was it called? Want to check it out. Love GW, but I still think Adams got screwed in our nation's history.
  10. Can he do it, and are these really the top 10 pledges? http://news.aol.com/main/inauguration/arti...-deliver/309503 Lots of this are doable, but I don't see the millions of jobs he's promised on this?
  11. The greatest offseason for head coaches....ever......and we have... Dick.....and Turk.....
  12. Good article, won't see this covered by the MSM http://townhall.com/columnists/CharlesKrau..._imminent_rehab
  13. Man...was just over near there an hour ago, that defines a NY Minute.
  14. He's not going to be obscure....he presided over 9-11, how he will be judged is still up on the air (some will want him remembered how he took the fight overseas, some will want him remembered that it was all his fault) but either way he'll be remembered. I agree on the Obama point though, what he does has a lot of impact on Bush's legacy.
  15. Gas prices at $4 a gallon - media is hyping blame that its all Bush's fault and needs to fix it. Gas prices under $2 a gallon a few months later - not a word in the media That sums up the media coverage of Bush the last 8 years, which is why I don't think he'll be even close to as hated as he is now 50 years from now.
  16. Correction - GM is a marketing guy, not a numbers cruncher. Big difference, a number cruncher would be much worse. Even a marketing guy at least knows you need good players to sell seats. Did I just defend Brandon....ugh....
  17. I was reading that article and thinking the same thing. Uh Chris....you are a starting DE that can't get to the QB...the Bills need to upgrade you out of the starting lineup.
  18. PS - anybody look at the picture of al-Zawahiri at that link and think of the South Park "Cartoon Wars - Family Guy" episode? BTW - just read this on Wiki: "In the DVD commentary, Trey Parker and Matt Stone state for the record their opinions on Family Guy. They say that although they respect it for its fans and making people laugh, and having some smart humor, they ultimately hate the show itself and have no respect for its writing, especially for its overuse of "gag-humor" I like South Park better.
  19. I love how they just insert Obama's name for Bush in these rants. Poor W, fading into non-existence. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,477069,00.html
  20. NYC is Israel West, its the largest Jewish population outside of Israel. Jews have a ton of power and money here in NYC, you need to be on their best side.
  21. A friend on the field for the final game said after Kelly got the concussion, he started to walk into the visitor locker room and the trainers had to say "no Jim, this way".....he was done.
  22. I don't think he should be traded, he needs to be resigned. But if he wants Walter Jones $ and the Bills can't afford it (or he doesn't want to be a Bill) and he's just going to be a cancer on this team, then you might have to trade him.
  23. Indeed, a buddy from college that's a big Fin fan came over to watch last week's game, I told him for the only time ever I was rooting for the Dolphins as Pennington deserved to come back to NJ and spit in the Jets face. Of course I also wanted he Jets/Pats knocked out.
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